
It is the law of reverse seed bearing.

Extremely scary.

Let it itself become the source of disaster and distort everything.

Now, Yu Ziyu resorted to various means, but could not get close to this guy.

Around it, lingers the realm of chaos.

All forces of order will turn into disorder when approached.

To put it more directly, Yu Ziyu lost control.

To deal with this guy, we can only fight hand to hand

"Melee is king."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also noticed that the reverse species pounced on him again.

I don't know if he noticed Yu Ziyu's fear of its power of chaos.

This guy actually completely opened the realm of chaos.

There seemed to be a dark and dark world around him. A terrifying aperture.

As the aperture kept flashing, everything fell into chaos.

Even the space and the power of time controlled by Yu Ziyu began to distort and become chaotic.

At this time, Yu Ziyu's best choice should be to retreat.

This reverse species still has some restraint on him.

The laws of time and space that he is most proud of are somewhat restrained in front of this guy.

But that was the Yu Ziyu of the past.

Now he is responsible for the rise and fall of a civilization.

The life and death of all races..

He can retreat.

But the civilization behind him and all the races cannot retreat.

Moreover, this is not a certain death situation.

He is just a little afraid.

It is not fear.

With a grin, the power in Yu Ziyu's body continues to surge with golden streaks one after another. The wicker branches kept pouring out, and they were woven one after another.

In just a moment, a golden battle armor appeared on Yu Ziyu's body.

This was a battle armor woven from wicker.


It was just Yu Ziyu's impromptu idea.

However, It should be enough to cope with the situation in front of him.

With a grin, Yu Ziyu looked at the figure not far away and took a step forward.

Ripples rippled.

Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared into the chaos in the blink of an eye.

But at this time, Yu Ziyu appeared again. His eyes narrowed.

He used space to teleport, but it turned out that he was not where he wanted to appear.

"Because of the influence of the chaotic field, there has been a deviation."

Yu Ziyu had no choice but to see a dark figure approaching him very quickly.

It was a reverse species.

It rushed towards Yu Ziyu repeatedly. It was fast and terrifying.

It made people shudder.

Bang, bang...

There were continuous roars, and the two figures intertwined with each other.

The speed was so fast that he could no longer see his figure clearly.

Everything around him was even more chaotic. space, time, various elements...

Everything, just as the reverse species had imagined, fell into complete chaos.

Like chaos.

But, just at this moment,


There was a sudden roar, and Ni Zhong's whole body flew out like a heavy injury. what happened?

I don’t know about reverse seeding.

From his perspective, he only felt that Yu Ziyu suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, his whole body was blown away

"Is it an illusion?"

Nizhong murmured.

But he saved it again.

When he raised his right hand, the power of chaos gathered in his hand and turned into an energy ball like a black hole.

It pulled everything.

However, the next moment, Nizhong's body It was a violent shock.

When the terrifying roar exploded, he flew out again

"what happened?"

The reverse species finally realized the problem.

"It really works."

Yu Ziyu smiled.

He didn't expect that the one that best restrained the Law of Chaos was the Law of Time in his hands.

To be more precise, time stopped.

The Law of Chaos turns order into disorder.

But this also requires a process. (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And Yu Ziyu’s time stood still.

The moment of stillness solidified everything.

Even the elements and molecules stopped flowing.

Even the laws of chaos were still.

And in At this moment, Yu Ziyu took advantage of the situation and charged out.

He hit the flying reverse species in succession.

"You are strong, but you are still not strong enough."

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu also fought against Ni Zhong again.

However, in front of Yu Ziyu's time, Ni Zhong looked extremely embarrassed. He even bled multiple times.

It seemed that he was seriously injured.

The battle continued.

But it didn't last forever. Continuing.

Blade Eternal arrived, and even prevented this deadly battle.

Although the reverse species did not like Blade Eternal, or even the Queen, the situation was stronger than others.

He clearly felt the gap between him and Yu Ziyu, so he also took a step back.

"I am empty, your civilized ally."

Yu Ziyu introduced himself.

But the only response he received was a cold look from his side.

"..This is already a good attitude. It seems that he recognizes you."

Blade Eternal explained on the side.

Then, he directly invited the reverse species and Yu Ziyu, and rushed towards the hunter civilization base camp.

Soon after, a certain nest of the hunting civilization.

It should be deep in the nest.

Four figures were all sitting on the throne. Above.

Below, subordinates reported the battle situation one by one.

"The wizarding civilization is on the front line and continues to advance"

"Wizard civilization, a new type of legion appears"

"The wizard civilization seems to have noticed something, and there is a tendency to gather troops."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also said curiously:

I'm still not sure about the eternal wizard sent by the wizard civilization?

"There are five of them."

Blade Eternity continued. We have all fought against these five. One of them is the eternal wizard of the ninth ring of wizard civilization, named the Lord of Mechanical Gears.

"He is also the commander-in-chief of the entire wizarding civilization this time."

"Secondly, a female eternal wizard who assists the Lord of Mechanical Gears"

"He seems to be an elemental wizard and I don’t have much contact with him."...Yan. listened quietly, his eyes twinkling slightly.

Wizard civilization is a little different from other civilizations.

Each of their eternal wizards must be a being who promotes the progress of civilization.

To put it more directly, it is a great existence that has influenced the entire civilization and made indelible contributions.

Only in this way can they set foot in eternity.

For example, the emergence of this master of mechanical gears has greatly developed the mechanical technology of wizard civilization and promoted various mechanical processes.

Another example is Star Language Diva.

Her emergence greatly developed the sound of wizard civilization and created the wizard of sound....

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