"Who are you?"

A faint voice sounded between heaven and earth.

Along with it, Nuwa's eyes narrowed and she looked not far away.

There was a figure there.

Although he, like Taiyi, had an imperial pattern between his eyebrows..

Although he and Taiyi are both so domineering and scornful.

But Nuwa has a feeling that he is not Taiyi.

She and Donghuang Taiyi can be regarded as acquaintances.

It can even be said to be familiar.

After all, her brother Fuxi The Great Sage is a great sage of the Monster Clan, and she has a good friendship with Donghuang Taiyi.

And more importantly, she used to be a Great Sage of the Monster Clan.

So, she looked at the figure in front of her, The depths of her eyes were full of doubts and confusion.

However, it was more than that.

She turned her eyes and looked at another beautiful figure not far away.

That was the saint of the Wu clan.

It was the legendary Hou Tu

"How come you two are together?"

This made her even more confused.

After all, the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan are mortal enemies.

Not to mention, Donghuang Taiyi personally exchanged with the eleven ancestral witches of the Wu Clan.

To a certain extent, Donghuang Taiyi is the queen. Enemies of the soil.

This hatred cannot be shared.

"Not only did I stay with him, I saved him. Hou

Tu smiled, then looked at Nu Wa and reminded:

"This person, to a certain extent, is not Donghuang. He is Donghuang’s disciple and inheritor."

"I see."

With a chuckle, Nuwa also understood.

And the next moment,


With a sudden roar, she appeared in the Wa Palace.

What caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was an extremely huge figure.

The figure, although huge, is extremely slender.

A huge snake tail, wrapped in narrow scales, continues to extend.

One arm after another stretched out from behind.

This is Nuwa's true body. holy yet terrible

"However, this shouldn't be the case. Even if he is a disciple of Donghuang, you can't stand shoulder to shoulder with him."

The corners of Nuwa's mouth curled up in a subtle arc.

So what if she is just a disciple of Donghuang?

Donghuang has a blood feud with Houtu.

These two people are side by side, which makes Nuwa feel extremely strange.

"This is it..."

Hou Tu didn't say much, but looked at Yu Ziyu's clone - the body of Donghuang

"Don’t you want to come and see Nuwa? I brought you here"

"Thank you."

With a touch of gratitude, Yu Ziyu also looked at the figure in front of her.

Nuwa is the legendary mother of the human race. She is also known as the mother of the earth and the mother goddess of creation.

Although there are some problems with her character and style.

But her identity, And others, it is still respectable.


Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body is here.

With his eyes flashing, Yu Ziyu has thousands of words in his heart, but he doesn't know how to say them.

Just a pair of eyes, staring closely at the beautiful figure in front of him


While snorting slightly, Nuwa also glared at Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body.

Look at a saint like this.

It's really disrespectful.

That is, Hou Tu brought him here.

If it weren't for Hou Tu, she might have taken action directly to suppress it now.

"Isn’t Nuwa beautiful?"

Suddenly, Hou Tu's voice sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

It also interrupted Yu Ziyu's thousands of thoughts.


With a look of astonishment on his face, Yu Ziyu also knew that he had made a mistake.

He immediately explained:

"Returning to Saint Nuwa, I have heard the name of the goddess Nuwa for a long time, but I have never had the chance to meet him."

"This is rude."

Listening quietly, Nuwa didn't care.

She yawned and said lazily:

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"


After a pause, Yu Ziyu also asked:

"I wonder if Saint Nuwa will participate in today’s immeasurable catastrophe?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Nu Wa flatly refused.

I am not interested in these things.

"That's good."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu is also satisfied.

If Nuwa does not participate, then the situation will be temporarily balanced.

Although the two Buddhist saints and the original Tianzun are powerful, they are not enough to shake the ancestor of Styx.

And this is what Yu Ziyu wants to see most. situation.

If Nuwa joins the war, then Yu Ziyu must consider dragging Houtu into the water.

But although Houtu Empress is also a saint, she has the important responsibility of managing the six paths of reincarnation.

If she joins the war, it will polish the balance of heaven and earth.

Although this is It's what Yu Ziyu wants to see.

But it's definitely not what the Supreme Master wants to see.

0 Asking for flowers

At that time, he will definitely take action.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Yu Ziyu does not intend to pull the strings.

"If Hou Tu takes action, the six paths of reincarnation will be shaken, and the balance of heaven and earth will be broken."

"I, the Supreme Being, will never sit idly by."

Muttering in his heart, Yu Ziyu also thought of the first saint in the world.

This one is truly terrifying.

His cultivation has probably reached the top level of eternity.

It can even be said that he is close to half a step of transcendence.

Specifically, Yu Ziyu didn’t know.

But Yu Ziyu felt that he was terrifying.

Terrifying beyond imagination.

This was also a formidable enemy.

"I, the Supreme Being, must never take action."

"Once he takes action, the originally chaotic Honghuang will immediately return to normal."

Thinking of this, the eyes of Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body kept flashing.

Yu Ziyu and Empress Houtu did not visit Nuwa for a long time. They only sat for a while and then chose to leave.

Only after Yu Ziyu and others left, Nuwa's eyes couldn't stop twinkling

"These two actually walked together?"

Some doubts, more puzzlement.

However, she has a feeling that this time's immeasurable catastrophe is not simple.

It seems that Hou Tu is planning to take action.

And this time, she is trying to find out her movements.

"Is it possible..."

Suddenly, as if she thought of something, Nuwa also raised her eyebrows. but...

"Forget it, don’t think too much."

Nu Wa suppressed the thoughts in her heart.

Sure enough, it is good to ignore the world.

At least, she doesn't have to worry about these things.

After all, it has nothing to do with her.

She just needs to watch quietly.

At this time, the chaos is deep At the same time, Yu Ziyu also knew about the body of Donghuang and went to meet Nuwa.

This could be regarded as his arrangement.

As for why.

Naturally, he planned to observe Nuwa's true body.

Nuwa is the mother of the human race.

Yu Ziyu To a certain extent, it is also most of the human race.

Watching Nuwa's true body will be of great benefit to him.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu also plans to learn from Nuwa in the practice of her true body.

"Nuwa has the head of a human and the body of a snake..."

"Then, can I have the head of a human and the body of a dragon?".

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