Demon mirror.

The legendary killer weapon.

At least on the battlefield, it is a truly lethal weapon. very scary.

If you really borrow the demon mirror, you may be able to suppress the wizard civilization.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the constant battles, the Divine Blood World and the Wizarding Civilization will show their trump cards one after another.

This is a battle of trump cards.

It's a different kind of game.

On the other side, there is a vast world.

A battle between demons, Buddhas and demons has also completely begun.

Led by the Demonic Sage—Ancestor Styx, all demons and monsters gathered together.

On the other side, Taoism and Buddhism unite, and Heaven and Lingshan join hands again after countless years.

Two extremely terrifying forces are constantly colliding.

They even divided up the ancient world.

Even the various countries in the world are being divided.

However, they adhere to a tacit principle, which is not to harm the common people.

The common people are all ants.

But it is the foundation of all major forces.

This is not only true for Buddhism.

Even the demon is like this.

Most human beings are ordinary.

Those animals that have not yet opened their minds are mostly mundane.

These are the foundations.

It is the key to a steady stream of strong people emerging.

Therefore, they reached a tacit understanding with each other.

Of course, the strong do not harm the common people.

It does not mean that the common people will not compete with each other.

Those cultivators from the human race who have just embarked on the path of cultivation can fight extremely hard with the little demons and little devils from the demon race.

Meeting is a life and death fight.

It's so cruel that some gods and goddesses feel their scalps go numb after watching it.

"Alas, another immeasurable catastrophe has begun"

"In the sky and on the earth, everyone is competing"

"A real fight, a scalp-numbing fight"

"An unimaginable war is about to break out"

"Oh My God..."

With the continuous discussion, countless people also sensed the imminent war.

Depressed to the extreme.

At this time, in the chaos near the prehistoric world, the ancestor of Styx was already sitting cross-legged. he is waiting...

It's more about checks and balances.

Checks and balances the two sages of Buddhism and the original Heavenly Lord.

As for Taishang Laozi, the number one person in the Taoist sect, he will not participate in this kind of thing.

At least not openly.

He holds heaven and earth on his behalf.

Follow God’s will.

Unless Patriarch Styx goes against heaven, he (cafc) will take action to stop it.

But the problem is that the initiation of the immeasurable catastrophe is in compliance with God’s will.

Today's prehistoric world has entered a strange circle.

In order to seek stability, Honghuang has always stuck to the past, neither developing nor changing.

Just like in the beginning.

But this made Honghuang accumulate more and more resentment, hatred and other things.

Only with the help of immeasurable catastrophes can it be released.

Therefore, countless catastrophes would occur every once in a while in the ancient world.

It’s just that there were countless catastrophes before.

For example, the Great Tribulation of the Gods and the Great Tribulation of Journey to the West were planned, calculated, and then launched by many saints.

But this time it was different.

The initiation of this immeasurable catastrophe was beyond their expectations.

"Time is also fate."

Far away, beyond the chaos, in the depths of a Taoist palace, an old man wearing a Taoist robe sighed.

They controlled immeasurable catastrophes. They will eventually bite themselves.

Now, immeasurable catastrophes have finally fallen on them. On. In fact, it is deplorable.

But he can't stop it. He even wants to promote this immeasurable catastrophe.

Just because it will help the world.

In these years, the number of strong men in the prehistoric era has been increasing.

But because of the relationship between immortal matter, Not many people died.

The spiritual energy could only enter and exit, and all things began to wither.

To this day, the spiritual energy of the prehistoric world has been reduced by less than half. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If this continues, the prehistoric world will He is afraid that the Age of Ending Dharma will usher in.

This is not what he wants to see.

Therefore, he needs to accelerate the immeasurable catastrophe.

Then, let the souls of countless strong men return to heaven and earth, and their spiritual energy escape.

From this point of view, he is the greatest Demon.

But helpless, God’s will is like this.

He just follows God’s will

"Hope everything goes as expected."

He looked at Chaos in a daze.

In a daze, he looked into a pair of blood-colored eyes.

That was the ancestor of Styx.

This guy has been waiting for his response.

However, I am very strange.

Why can this person be able to Set foot in eternity?

"Is that wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi from my junior brother really in you?"

The Taishang's eyes flickered, and he was also confused.

He knew that his third brother went to another world.

Then he seemed to have died.

But thinking about it this way, the junior brother's Hongmeng Purple Qi should not have appeared in the prehistoric world. Is it possible


When thinking about this, the Supreme Master's eyes narrowed slightly.

"If that's the case, don't blame me."

With a cold snort, it was rare for him to have murderous intent.

But compared to him, the most calm saint in the ancient world was Nuwa.

This was a perfect homebody.

She couldn't hear what was going on outside the window. She was even more unique. Not going out.

The turmoil in the ancient world has nothing to do with her.

The Sainty River Ancestor became a saint, and she only got a word: Congratulations, fellow Taoist.

People who don't know, think that this person is deeply hidden.

But in fact, This one is a perfect homebody.

And then, she is a little shy of strangers.

She doesn’t like to meet people. She would rather stay at home and do things.

She doesn’t want to mess around.

However, if you think about it, you can understand it.

Since her brother’s reincarnation, she No more worries.

She has become a saint and an ancestor.

I dare not say that she is invincible.

But she has no worries about life and death.

For Nuwa now, everything is boring.

The kind of boredom that is so boring.

Sometimes Nuwa doesn’t understand. , what are the prehistoric saints fighting for?

One by one, they are planning this and that.

Especially the two Buddhist saints.

They are thinking about these all day long.

"I just don’t know how to calm down a little bit."

While sighing in her heart, Nuwa noticed two more figures at the door of Wa Palace.

One man and one woman. The woman was very familiar to her.

This is Houtu.

Another female saint among the saints.

She is related to her. Not bad.

But the other one, Nuwa, was a little surprised


There was some uncertainty in the voice, and Nuwa's eyes couldn't stop flickering when she looked at this figure.

No, this is not Taiyi.

To be more precise, it is the reincarnation of Taiyi.

It has his flavor.

But it is not him...

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