Destroyer laser.

It's a heavy weapon.

It looks like a huge fortress.

There is a giant cannon sticking out from the middle.

In terms of size alone, it is as big as an ordinary planet.

Looking from a distance, it is scary and scary.

However, at this moment,

"Give this thing a soul?"

The soul mother standing high in the sky, her eyes twitching slightly.

She felt a little headache.

She knew that time and space were going to trick her.

But she didn't expect it to be this trick.

The larger the body of a soul creation, the higher the requirements for the soul.

After all, Only a strong soul can control the body more perfectly.

Such a huge body can be said to be a high-level master. Moreover

, the key is that this is still a product of technology.


"Are you sure you want to give it a soul?"

The Soul Mother asked again and again


Nodding, Yu Yu said bluntly:

"Do you have a good soul? Do you need me to prepare it for you?"

"If you have one, that's naturally the best."

The corners of Soul Mother's mouth slightly curled up in a subtle arc.


After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu felt that he shouldn't ask this question.

But forget it.

Speaking of soul, he seems to have plenty of it.

Don't forget, he has mastered the most inherited treasure of the angel clan - the Reincarnation Pond.

007 The essence of the reincarnation pool is the soul.

And in the reincarnation pool of the angel clan, there is a good guy who has been sleeping.

That's Angel.

It is a kind of angel that does not grow up, just like a child.

Extremely cute.

But this Angel is an alternative to the angel family.

She advocates fighting and desires to fight.

A small body with infinite power.

Then, he fell and became a member of the fallen angels.

The jet-black wings, the delicate cheeks, and the petite and slender figure like a doll.

It's just a pity.

Angel has never had a suitable reincarnation partner.

Therefore, he has not been reincarnated for a long time.

And her predecessor's strength was not bad.

The seventh level of Tianmen.

Now, thinking about it, Yu Ziyu can completely reincarnate this fallen angel.

Then, let the Soul Mother extract her soul and give it to this nice toy.

According to the Soul Mother, soul creations can be undone.

Simply put, after fusing objects, they can also be recycled.

At most, it means losing some soul power.

However, the impact itself. so...


Slowly raising his hand, holy light suddenly bloomed in the sky.

Looking up, he saw countless angels rising into the sky.

They are singing, they are playing music...

For a moment, the entire world was enveloped in a holy and holy light.

But at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely be able to see a stone pool suddenly emerging between heaven and earth.

And this is the secret treasure inherited by the angel clan - the Reincarnation Pond

"Come out, Angel."

Yu Ziyu called softly


With a childlike voice, a hazy shadow slowly rose from the stone pool.

She squeezed her eyes shut.

Seems to be in deep sleep.

But her eyelashes kept trembling, as if she was about to wake up next moment.

It's just that it's not important.

What's important is that the wings behind her turned into pitch black bit by bit....

The black feather, the symbol of the fallen angels

"Your soul seems to be very good and pure."

The soul mother said with admiration. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She carries the soul on her back.

Naturally, we can see how pure Angel's soul is.

Such a soul is extremely precious.

"Angel is an angel who serves the Lord and is an angel who guides children."

"Even if he is depraved, he just cannot bear the suffering of children in the world."

Yu Ziyu explained briefly and also revealed the origin of Angel.

At this time, Yu Ziyu changed the topic and said:

"Now, let her fuse with the Destroyer Laser"

"good"(adac) nodded, and Soul Mother did not hesitate.

She raised her hand.

His slender fingers held Angel's entire body in the palm of his hand.

Immediately, he pressed the laser directly towards the Destroyer.

Her movements were smooth and flowing.

Done in one go.

Nothing superfluous.

Then... finished?

Yu Ziyu was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.


Soul Mother responded


Silence, complete silence.

The air seemed to have ushered in deathly silence.

Even if the mechanical pioneers and future guardian warriors were not far away, they were still stunned.

Is this the Lord of Time and Space, the creation of time and space?

But, just at this moment,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With the sudden roar, the entire huge body of the Destroyer Laser began to tremble.

What’s more, the bright light keeps blooming


Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, a terrifying aura was rising.

Visible to the naked eye, a pair of vast black wings spread out from the huge cannon body of this fort.

At the same time, a vague face also appeared on the huge cannon body.

"Is this my new body?"

With a hint of curiosity, Angel's voice suddenly sounded across the world.

"how do you feel?"

Yu Ziyu asked

"It's very interesting. This body is very complex. It is thousands of times more refined than the flesh and blood body, and it has infinite energy flowing through it."

As he spoke, Angel tried to control the energy in his body.

Visible to the naked eye, the huge fort, which was originally controlled by no one, suddenly bloomed with ghostly light.

A terrifying suction force came from around him.

It was absorbing energy.

Constantly. Absorbing all the energy in the air.



There was an extremely terrifying roar, and the whole world was shaken, and a dark beam of light spurted out from this fort.

And at that moment, an aura that destroyed everything spurted out.

Watching quietly, the mechanical pioneer was stunned.

The future guardian warrior was also stunned.

Destroyer laser, started like this? this...

You know, it is not easy to control a huge turret like the Destroyer Laser.

It takes tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of people to control it.

A strong person is also needed to take charge and control the overall situation.

But now, such a complicated and huge fort can actually control itself.

"Is this the so-called soul creation?"

"Let the soul of a strong person possess the possessed body and then give life to the object?".

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