Even Yu Ziyu highly recognized the five major areas of civilization on the science and technology side.

But alas.

In the current era, the most powerful technological civilization has reached the fourth level.

He is able to skillfully use various spatial means, and even has the ability to manipulate dimensions and create laws.

And that civilization,

Yu Ziyu knows.

It's called: Kamigawa Civilization.

It is the strongest technological civilization in the history of the times.

It can transcend distant chaos and have a very intuitive grasp of the entire galaxy tree of the universe. It can easily travel between chaos and the universe through the highest technology.

It also has the highest eternal energy system, many such as antimatter energy, dark matter, dark energy, etc., and has opened an eternal era of life.

Obviously, the simple universe, heaven and earth, can no longer bind such a civilization. Their way of life and existence are beyond imagination.

And how strong is such a civilization?

To be honest.

Today's starry sky civilization and mutant civilization may not be enough for him to defeat.

They are definitely a terrifying civilization that rivals the wizard civilization and the Asura civilization.

Especially when it comes to war.

They are probably extremely powerful.

Just because their army is beyond imagination.

Claimed: Infinite resources, endless legions!

With the support of heaven, earth and chaos, and continuous collection of resources, they will have a steady stream of fighting power.

Until all enemies are submerged.

And this is the divine text.

It is a civilization that even Yu Ziyu admires.

It's just a pity that this civilization eventually destroyed itself.

Not even a chance to touch the wild world

"Reproductive to the extreme, but it touches the taboo without authorization, so that it backfires on itself."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was helpless.

However, he could understand.

Who allowed this civilization to touch the fifth-level technological field.

The fifth-level technological field is indescribable.

It is a collective ascension.

It is the realization of all avenues. Control.

In that kind of technological field, they are all gods.

This is understandable when you think about it.

In today's Demon Court, any mortal who controls various technological weapons has the power to destroy the master.

And this is only the first The third level of technological civilization.

When it reaches the fifth level of technological civilization, there will be no so-called mortals in this civilization.

All their knowledge can be stored and directly implanted into the brain and even soul of any tribesman.

In other words, their people Everyone knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.

As for other things, they can let super intelligence help them deal with it.

And this is just what Yu Ziyu imagined.

It may be even more terrifying to truly set foot in the field of fifth-level technological civilization.

So Said, step into the fifth level of technological civilization.

Everyone in the world is a god.

And that is also the end of technology.

It is the ultimate civilization that can surpass wizards and Asuras.

Of course, such a civilization only exists in theory.

Until now, no technological civilization has set foot in

"The fifth level of scientific and technological civilization should not exist ~"

"if it really exists..."

Yu Ziyu's eyes flickered, and there was a deep look of fear on his face.

What if there really is a civilization that sets foot in the fifth-level technological civilization field?

How to deal with it?

Presumably the so-called Eternal Venerables are all their experimental specimens, right?

This is not a person's detachment.

It is the collective ascension and transcendence of a civilization.

Extremely terrifying.

At this time, Yu Ziyu turned his eyes and looked at the mechanical pioneers and others.

"I summoned you here because I want to know, what is the most destructive weapon in your Demon Court now?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I want to let Soul Mother give him life and see what the actual effect is?"

Listening to Yu Ziyu's words, the mechanical pioneers and future guardian warriors looked at each other.

The most destructive weapon?

This is really hard to say.

Their demon court is famous for its space-based cannon.

It is said to be able to penetrate the world with one blow.

It is terrifying The power is enough to suffocate the master.

But that was before.

Now, they, Demon Court, have developed the latest weapons.

For example, the anti-matter annihilation cannon.

This is a terrifying giant that can annihilate all matter. Cannon.

Even spiritual power and soul can be easily erased without leaving any trace.

Another example is the two-way foil involving the space level....

This is the idea given by Yu Ziyu.

It also provided a lot of help and developed a dimensionality reduction weapon.

Three-dimensional space can be compressed into two dimensions.

Implement the so-called dimensionality reduction strike.

But at present, two-way foil is still in the experimental stage.

Did not engage in actual combat.

Moreover, this weapon is a disposable weapon.

Simply put, use it once and it's gone.

It's definitely not suitable for giving life.

Time passed slowly, and more than half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

The mechanical pioneers and future guardian warriors have been thinking.

They now have many recommendations.

But when the words came to their lips, they all took them back.

Just because it's not suitable...

"`Would you recommend it to the Lord of Time and Space?..."

Suddenly, the mechanical pioneer's eyes lit up and he thought of a very interesting weapon.

"Lord of time and space, how about you try this weapon."

With that said, the mechanical pioneer also introduced a new type of weapon to Yu Ziyu.

It is called:"Destroyer Laser". It is a weapon of destruction that uses all quantum, electrons, plasma, negative ions, and electromagnetism to fuse together and shoot out.

It uses magnetic vibration. reaction to achieve a chain reaction.

Its power can penetrate a black hole (Li Hao) and cause the black holes to rotate in the opposite direction.

And, what is even more frightening is that as long as there is energy, this weapon can continue to be fired.

Looking from a distance , like a laser penetrating everything.

And this is the Destroyer Laser.

Hearing the introduction of the mechanical pioneer, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyebrows.

He felt that this weapon was good.

Its principle is somewhat like the great magical power and the five elements.

It can absorb the external world The power continues to grow.

The only difference is that the practice of the Great Divine Power and the Five Elements is extremely difficult.

But this Destroyer Laser can be mass-produced as long as the resources are sufficient.

And this is also the most terrifying thing about the technology side.

They can Continuously imitate and then mass-produce

"Then try it Mai."

Yu Ziyu smiled and accepted the mechanical pioneer's proposal.

Then give life to the weapon Destroyer Laser.

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