A born king.

This is the best description of Yu Ziyu.

He just has such charisma that he can bring together heroes and rule the world.

This should be the so-called personality charm.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu was still very happy

"Soul Mother..."

With a grin, Yu Ziyu's eyes showed anticipation.

He was planning how to cooperate with the Soul Mother and open up a new path for the starry sky.

The Soul Legion is just the beginning. and more ideas

"I hope that Soul Mother can help me take a further step."

I don't know why, Yu Ziyu has a wonderful idea in his mind.

That is the soul mother, which is very likely to be related to the breakthrough of his clones.

Many of his current clones have stopped.

There is no possibility of going further.

The reason is very simple.

After all, the clones are Clone.

Not the body.

They are all the differentiation of Yu Ziyu's soul.

And the differentiation of the soul is destined to be their incomplete.

Master, you can still think about it.

After all, Yu Ziyu is eternal.

If you want to improve your clone It is very simple to reach the dominance level of 640 strength.

Even half a step into eternity, Yu Ziyu worked hard and achieved it.

But if he wants to go one step further and step into eternity, then I'm sorry.


Completely impossible.

Even if his clones are more inverse than the other. God.

It's impossible to do it.

But to be honest, Yu Ziyu's clones are really more terrifying than the last.

The legendary creatures of heaven...Tiandao Qinglong hides in Tiandao and steals the power of Tiandao.

The boundless sea of ​​blood carries countless mighty forces.

And the purple dragon who carries the infinite laws...

Looking at the starry sky, these clones are all terrifying beings that can be ranked in the top ten.

To exaggerate a little more, it can even be ranked in the top five.

And such terrifying existences are actually the clones of Yu Ziyu.

You can imagine how terrifying Yu Ziyu is

"If these are not my clones, I am afraid they are all expected to set foot in eternity."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's face showed a complex look.

He felt that the reason why there is no second Eternal Lord in the starry sky and earth.

The big reason is that his clone (biad) has gathered too many clocks. Tian Lingxiu.

Some people say that in an era or even dozens of eras, only one eternity can come out.

This is related to luck and luck.

And his clone has gathered too much luck and luck.

However, luck, Things like creation are limited.

If the clone takes more, other living beings will take less.

But the problem is that his clone cannot realize eternity.

So, there is no second Eternal Lord in the starry sky. The one who walked out.

This is a typical example of occupying the latrine and not taking a shit.

That is to say, the other people don't know.

If they knew, they would be afraid of killing Yu Ziyu.

But now, Yu Ziyu feels that his clone has the hope of stepping into eternity..

Very promising.

So, with a grin, Yu Ziyu showed a look of expectation on his face

"If my three clones all set foot in eternity..."

"I'm afraid he really has the fighting power to fight against the Transcendents."

It has the combat power to fight the Transcendent.

This is terrifying.

You must know that the Transcendent is the top eternity. It is the existence second only to the Ancestor of the Ancient World.

Although Yu Ziyu was able to tangle with the Transcendent before, but that relied more on reliance. The weirdness of the laws of time and space, as well as his many methods.

If he really fights hard, he probably won't be able to hold on for a few rounds, and he will be defeated.

From this aspect, there is still a big gap between Yu Ziyu's hard power and the transcendent..

But now, Yu Ziyu saw hope.

With a grin, Yu Ziyu also stepped forward.

He wanted to talk to the leader of Tongtian.

But, at this moment, the 18th line of defense in the divine blood world, the war was ushered in Variable.

The fusion legion marched straight in.

It actually broke through a corner of the city wall. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There, a hole like a giant claw appeared.

It was one of the fusion legions. A hidden wizard suddenly took action.

No one expected his action.

Even the high master of the starry sky did not expect it.

However, it was precisely because of his sudden action that the battle situation suddenly changed.

"Roar, roar..."

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

Continuous roars resounded through the chaos.

Countless huge monsters poured into the city wall like a flood.

They were roaring.

They were cheering.

It seems to be celebrating something.

However, what no one knows is that some strong men in the Divine Blood World are smiling.

"It’s finally here."

As the words fell, there was light flashing inside the city wall.

One formation after another kept rising.

These formations were all five-pointed star formations.

There were even six-pointed stars, seven-pointed stars, and even eight-pointed stars.

This is The ancient magic array of the extraordinary system.

The five-pointed star represents the fifth-level formation.

It is the fifth-level extraordinary level.

The seven-pointed star represents the seventh-level extraordinary level, the domination level.

But now, thousands of formations are flashing, terrifying The magic power is also constantly gathering.



There was a sudden roar, and pillars of fire shot up into the sky, incinerating thousands of giant beasts.


"what happened?"

"The inside of this city wall is actually filled with formations"

"A trap, a proper trap."

Exclaiming again and again, countless wizards realized the key.

But everything was too late.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of thousands of formations, countless giant beasts did not even leave their bodies.

They were easily shattered. not only that...

In order to prevent the wizard civilization from recycling these corpses, they turned them into crushed corpses and used the transfer magic circle to transfer them immediately.

"The corpses of these giant beasts must be studied carefully;"

"Try to find a solution."

The higher-ups of Divine Blood Heaven and Earth ordered

"yes." responded in unison, and countless strong men also acted immediately.

However, this is just the beginning.

They know...

Just a moment of victory is not enough to win the battle

"Order them to go ahead and counterattack in full force, trying to make them lose more."


In the chorus of responses, the first counterattack of the Divine Blood World began..

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