Hearing the sound of the colorful divine flowers, Yu Ziyu was slightly startled?

Soul Mother is willing to form an alliance with Xingkong? real?


Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu looked at the beautiful figure not far away.

She glanced at Yu Ziyu, then turned around and came to Chaos Zhong Zhenling:

"I only agreed to form an alliance because I looked at the face of Sister Chaos Zhenling."

"If it makes me unhappy, I may leave at any time."

Soul Mother made this very clear.

The Starry Sky World is not the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

She attained enlightenment in the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth can influence her and even suppress her.

But the Starry Sky Heaven and Earth do not have this ability for her. Constraint.

Therefore, if she wants to leave, she can leave at any time.

This is also the biggest reason why she is willing to form an alliance.

As for why she agreed to form an alliance with Xingkong, there is another big reason.

That is, the Chaos Bell True Spirit is a half-step detachment.Although her body is just a weapon.

But her own realm cannot be doubted.

And for her, such an existence can only be seen from a distance.

But now, by forming an alliance with the stars, heaven and earth, she can get up close and personal.

More It’s thanks to the guidance of such beings.

Just thinking about it, the soul mother is a little bit looking forward to it

"No wonder the Lord of Time and Space has reached such a realm in such a short time!"

"It turns out that there is a giant figure who is half-detached behind him."

The Soul Mother sighed in her heart.

However, what she didn't know was that the Chaos Bell True Spirit was at most Yu Ziyu's protector.

He was able to get to where he is today, relying more on his own efforts, talent and talents.

Of course, and Several of his treasures are also inseparable.

But one thing is certain.

That is, the Chaos Bell True Spirit has never helped Yu Ziyu too much in his cultivation. The current Soul Mother still doesn't know about this.

What she knows about Yu Ziyu , limited to the Evolutionary God Tree.

As for the Evolutionary God Tree, because of Yu Ziyu's own limitations, it is impossible to expose too many of his secrets.

It can even be said that the Evolution God Tree itself does not know much.

And this is the horror of Yu Ziyu.

Until now , few people really understand him.

Even his clones have extremely limited understanding of him.

For example, they know that he carries the laws of space and time.

But they don’t know what skills he has developed through the laws of space and time.

I know. He has practiced the great supernatural power to transform the three pure things with one breath.

But he doesn’t know where his three clones are and what state of cultivation they have reached.

The Soul Mother and the Starry Sky Heaven and Earth have finally formed an alliance.

It can be regarded as the end of Yu Ziyu’s life. It's a matter on his mind.

However, Yu Ziyu doesn't have much say in this regard.

How should I put it?

He didn't even have a chance to talk about serious matters with the Soul Mother.

Now the Soul Mother has followed the Five Colorful Divine Flower and the Chaos Bell Zhenling to come to the court. They walked towards the starry sky and heaven and earth.

These women planned to travel around and exchange feelings.

As for Yu Ziyu...He watched them leave silently.

Nothing can interfere

"I also plan to discuss the Soul Legion with this woman."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu saw a beautiful figure coming from a distance.

It was the Valkyrie of Vengeance.

She was wearing formal clothes and had a serious look on her face.

"I heard that the Soul Mother is here?"

The Vengeful Valkyrie asked.

"You are late."

Yu Ziyu smiled, and then explained the situation to the Vengeful Valkyrie.

"That's it."

Listening quietly, the Vengeful Valkyrie was also a little surprised.

Just formed an alliance with the Soul Mother like this?

It seems a bit simple.

In just a few words, she will gain an eternal level of combat power.


To be honest, I was surprised too

"But no matter what, it is so."

Yu Ziyu smiled, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

This time, he was very satisfied.

Even though Soul Mother was reluctant to pay attention to him, he was also very happy.

This is a real eternal level of combat power.

And it's not just.

Unlike most Eternal Venerables.

The Soul Mother is an existence that is burdened with the Supreme Law of the Soul. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Such an existence is even more noble.

"The value of a soul mother is equivalent to several eternities."

"Especially her attainments in the soul are extremely important to us."

Sighing softly, Yu Ziyu also reminded the Vengeful Valkyrie:

"Soul Mother, you'd better get in touch with her more. Now that you have lost your body and have your true spirit free, if you can find some secret techniques from the Soul Mother, you might be able to..."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Vengeful Valkyrie couldn't stop flashing.

This is a fact.

She lost her body under Yu Ziyu's plan.

Now, only the soul remains.

Although, there is still an eternal level of combat power.

But to be honest, only 70% of the original remains.

This is also unacceptable to the Vengeful Valkyrie.


I see.

With a chuckle, the Vengeful Valkyrie also stepped up and rushed towards the direction of the starry sky and heaven and earth.

She planned to visit Soul Mother.

Back then, she had fought against the Soul Mother.

The two of them could be considered acquaintances.

However, I didn't expect that they are now on the same front.

This is a bit unbelievable

".Is this the Lord of Time and Space?"

"He really has a way of winning over people."

While sighing in her heart, the Vengeful Valkyrie turned back and glanced at the sacred tree rooted in the depths of chaos behind her. This

Lord of Time and Space was much more terrifying than she had imagined.

No, it was no longer terrifying.

And here, (Made Zhao) is not talking about combat power.

It is about other aspects.

Just like before, in just tens of thousands of years, he gathered five eternal-level combat powers for the starry sky.

The Transcendent, she The Vengeful Valkyrie, the Tribunal of Life, the Eternal Speed, and the Yuan Devouring Beast.

And now, he has recruited an eternity-level fighting force for Xingkong.

If it continues to develop at this rate, maybe by the heyday of the era, Xingkong will have ten more people. Several, or even dozens of eternities.

At that time, the starry sky and the earth will also usher in the most terrifying and terrifying era.

This is the Lord of Time and Space, terrifying in another aspect.

He seems to have a strange The magic power makes people unable to help but get closer and gather together until it becomes the existence behind him

"Is this the born ruler?"

"Rule the whole world, rule the whole civilization..."

"He is a born king!! price!".

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