The moment when the Holy Tower of Wizards takes root in Chaos, it means that another war of Wizard Civilization has arrived.

Hundreds of millions of figures gathered into a torrent.

And these, the torrent, turned into tributaries one after another, sweeping in all directions.

And at the same time, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth seemed to notice something, and they also let out blood for the first time.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, countless powerful men from the Divine Blood World also rushed out.

"Fight for the blood of heaven and earth..."

"Fight for the blood of heaven and earth..."

They shouted in unison, and countless people had blazing eyes.

Most of these people are from the divine blood clan.

The minority is the mutant civilization.

Unlike the mutant civilization, the divine blood race is a foreign race after all.

For things like this, it is better to rely more on foreigners.

The Divine Blood Clan is also well aware of this.

However, they had no chance to refuse.

As a world of losers, this is what they must accept.

And at this moment, the element-eating beast that had been lurking in the depths of chaos suddenly spoke:

"The advance troops of wizard civilization are approaching"


Nodding, the Life Tribunal also ordered:

"Establish eighteen lines of defense as soon as possible"

"Fight every line of defense and hold off for a while."847

Hearing this, the Yuan Devouring Beast also understood.

It is his job to delay.

As long as he can delay.

Whether it is millions of years or tens of millions of years, they are making meritorious deeds.

But if they cannot delay, then they He is a sinner through the ages.

He must bear the blame for all deaths.


"Must hold on."

A flash of determination flashed deep in his eyes, and the Yuan Devouring Beast and the Life Tribunal also looked at each other, and each disappeared into the chaos.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, decades had passed.

And at this moment, the distance between the gods In an extremely distant place in the Blood World, countless figures are building silently like worker ants.

This is a line of defense in the Blood World. It is called the Blood Defense Line.

It is a barrier (baeg) made of flesh and blood by countless creatures in the Blood World.

Far away. It looks like a huge city wall built in chaos.

In fact, it is a destroyer city wall carrying countless mutant civilization forts.

Once the advance troops of the wizard civilization approach, this city wall will wake up from its slumber.

Countless The exhausted forts will shine brightly.

At that time, what awaits the advance troops of the entire wizard civilization will be a bombardment like a meteor shower, enough to drown the entire chaos.

Of course, the bombardment is terrible.

But what is even more terrifying is the one stationed on the city wall. The figures above.

They are all extremely terrifying strong men.

The last are fifth-level extraordinary ones.

Some are even seventh-level masters.

They all guard the city wall.

Even the vanguard of the wizard civilization can hardly cross the thunder pool.

However, This is just a line of defense.

Similar lines of defense, the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth are constantly forging.

Inside, the so-called seventeenth line of defense, is the divine spear refined by Yu Ziyu.

There are ten divine spears.

It is like hanging in the world. The Sword of Damocles on his head is always waiting to judge everything.

Even if the Eternal Lord comes in person, he will be frightened.

And this line of defense is specially prepared for the Eternal Lord of the wizard civilization.

Once the Eternal Lord of the wizard civilization If the Venerable takes action, then this line of defense will be activated.

One after another, the magic guns will wake up from their slumber. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then, launch a devastating blow

"These ten magic guns have the power of our heyday, right?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the city wall.

Looking for the voice, it turned out to be a woman wearing a cheongsam with an extremely voluptuous figure.

This is the Imperial Soldier Envoy.

When they attacked the Divine Blood World, each Imperial Soldier Envoy's name moved the stars.

Now. , they also joined the Divine Blood World and fought to protect the entire Divine Blood World.

This is terrifying.

Because the Imperial Soldiers are the Imperial Soldiers walking in the world.

Although they do not have the power of their heyday, eternity cannot be underestimated..

Especially the death blow of the Imperial Soldiers at all costs, even ordinary eternity cannot withstand it.

And now, the seven Imperial Soldiers are each sitting in a corner of the ancient city wall, waiting for the arrival of the advance troops of the wizard civilization.

"It does have the power of our heyday, but it's a one-time thing."

With a sigh, another imperial soldier also showed admiration.

"He is worthy of being the legendary Lord of Time and Space, and he has such power even when he refines it."

"This is normal."

In response, the enchanting Imperial Soldier also continued:

"The Lord of Time and Space is the top eternity. In fact, with his own power, he can destroy the vanguard of the wizard civilization."

"His random attacks are enough to make ordinary people despair forever."

"Such beings, if they don't care about the starry sky and the divine blood world, why would they hide their heads and show their tails?"

Listening quietly, many imperial soldiers also agreed.

And it is not surprising that such a powerful Lord of Time and Space has such power in the divine spear that he can easily refine.

"So, can the Lord of Time and Space be able to refine thousands of divine spears?"

One of the imperial soldiers was a little curious.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but considering that this magic gun has such power, it must consume some of the original power of the Lord of Time and Space."

"If it continues to be refined, even the Lord of Time and Space would find it unbearable."

Hearing this, many Imperial Soldiers also agreed.

This is true.

If the Lord of Time and Space can refine infinitely, then he must have already taken that step.

And about this, Yu Ziyu didn't know what many Imperial Soldiers thought..

Now he is practicing and recuperating.

Just because refining ten divine spears has indeed consumed a lot of money on him. It is estimated that it will be difficult for him to recover even if it does not take a thousand years.

No, more than a thousand years..

The superficial fatigue can be recovered in thousands of years.

But if you want to repair the lost origin, it will not take thousands of years.


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also thinking, when did he sacrifice himself for the world so much.

And at this moment, a voice also sounded in Yu Ziyu’s ears.

"Why, are you worried about wizard civilization?"


After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu also said frankly:

"The vanguard of wizard civilization alone is not worth worrying about"

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