The Divine Blood World, currently, has two major eternities as its combat power.

As for the Life Tribunal, it is currently in the rear.

But, not bad.

The Speed ​​Eternal and the Yuan Devouring Beast are not easily defeated.

One by one, they penetrated the top speed.

One, originally a broken world, has extremely tenacious vitality.

None of it is easy.

Therefore, with them in front, holding back shouldn't be a problem.

Moreover, the most important thing is that behind the divine blood world is the starry sky world.

It’s Yu Ziyu and the transcendent.

As the top eternity, they have extremely strong combat power.

One of them alone is enough to destroy the vanguard of the wizard civilization.

Not to mention, both of them came together.

Just, as said before.

Yu Ziyu and the Transcendents are not pursuing the destruction of the vanguard of wizard civilization.

But to show weakness to the enemy.

Then buy time for development

"Judging from the current situation, we need to delay it for tens of millions of years."

With a sigh, there was a look of helplessness on the face of the Life Tribunal.

Tens of millions of years seems short.

It may be the time for the Eternal Lord to retreat.

But for the battlefield, it is extremely long....

During this period, death is not a concern.

Moreover, the long-term war also consumes a lot of money in the Divine Blood World.

"I don’t know, what will be left after this war of civilizations?"

"I am not sure as well."

Smiling, the Yuan Devouring Beast said frankly:

"However, I believe that with the Transcendent and the Lord of Time and Space, we will not be defeated."

"That's true."

Nodded, the Life Tribunal also agreed.

They still highly recognized the strength of the Transcendent and the Lord of Time and Space.

It was no longer as simple as being scary.

They even suspected that if they were not dragging them down, the Lord of Time and Space would The Lord and the Beyonder may have the strength to challenge the wizard civilization.

This is very possible.

After all, these are the two top eternities.

No matter what civilization they are placed in, they will always be afraid of existence.

For example, the current wizard civilization.

It seems that the bright side There are only two top eternities in the world.

But at this moment, in the chaos

"Reporting back to Lord Xingyu, the unknown civilization is not far away...."

"We have discovered many traces of unknown civilization and life."

Sitting high in the holy tower, the star singer listened to the reports of her subordinates.

Although the vanguard of the wizard civilization has several eternal sages.

But now, she is in charge.

This is inevitable.

The wizard civilization is said to be open to all rivers.

But Outside, most of them are dominated by the strong men of the wizard clan.

Like this time, the star singer is commanding the army on the surface.

In the dark, it is the mysterious wizard who is commanding everything.

One is bright and the other is dark, they are all from the wizard clan.

As for The alien Eternity, who carries the law of water, and another alien Eternity can only assist.

And this is normal.

People who are not from my race must have different hearts.

It is still very difficult to win the complete trust of the wizard family.

Now that we are close, then get ready.

When the star singer spoke softly, the entire holy tower was shaken.

Visible to the naked eye, countless pink notes came out of the holy tower like rivers.

They continued to spread..

Like the galaxy, it turned into a pink nebula vortex in the chaos.


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, magnificent music sounded.

The sound was like a war song.

It can actually touch people's hearts.

And just when the war song sounded, countless figures walked out of the pink nebula vortex.

One after another.

The auras of each one were like gods and demons, extremely terrifying.

And this is the battle group under the Star Singer.

But, this is just the beginning.

Looking carefully, there seems to be a world looming behind the vast nebula.

Countless figures are waiting...

Waiting for the call of the star singer.

And this is the true vanguard of wizard civilization. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Take the world as a unit.

Countless creatures gathered into an army.

Extremely scary

"Report back to Lord Xingyu...The first legion is already in place"

"Report back to Lord Xingyu...The Warrior Legion is already in place"

"Report back to Lord Xingyu...The Whisper of the Wind Legion is already in place."

Said one after another, several figures walked out one after another.

They are the top combat forces under the Star Language Singer....

All are half-steps of eternity.

A full six.

They commanded six legions respectively.

But now, all the commanders of the six armies have walked out

".Traces of an unknown civilization have been discovered. You each command an army and march forward."

"Yes, Lord Star Whisperer."

Responded in unison, countless figures showed excitement on their faces.

Yes, they showed excitement.

For them, fighting is the greatest pleasure.

No, more accurately, it should be victory.

They will only Sound the horn of victory and be invincible in the chaos

"kill...Fight for wizard civilization"

"kill...Fight for wizard civilization"

"kill...Fight for wizard civilization."

Roaring continuously, countless figures were like shooting stars, shooting away in all directions.

At the same time, the holy tower where the Star Language Singer was sitting also shone brightly....

It was like a white holy sword, falling slowly. (Li's) until inserted into the chaos


With an earth-shaking loud noise, the entire holy tower seemed to be embedded in chaos.

At the same time, the figure of this white holy tower is also growing....

The Holy Tower has extremely extraordinary significance in the wizarding civilization.

It is the most top-notch witchcraft weapon.

Its existence is like the imperial soldiers in the starry sky and heaven and earth.

But unlike the imperial soldiers,...Every holy tower has the power to suppress chaos.

The so-called suppression of chaos means that they can create a world in chaos.

Furthermore, like heaven and earth, it has the power to suppress everything.

And in this way, the entire chaos fell under their control.

Even if the Digital Eternals came in person, it would be difficult to hurt them under the protection of the Holy Tower.

And this is how terrifying the wizard clan and the Holy Tower are..

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