The element-devouring beast is a life transformed from a broken world.

There is no specific form.

However, it observed the Transcendent and noticed the existence of the little black man inside the Transcendent.

It was even more of an epiphany.

And this epiphany also allowed him to successfully realize his true posture.

That is a towering black giant.

No flesh and blood, nothing else.

There are just countless black tentacles, constantly entangled, intertwined like muscle fibers.

Finally, a black humanoid life-is born.

It lay quietly in the broken world, and every breath it took seemed to be exerting all its strength.

But now, this extremely huge black life finally stood up.

He also stretched out his hands

"Boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roars, two big black hands crossed time and even space, grabbing the alien Eternity and the Star Language Singer.

However, these two people obviously realized the terrifying nature of this big hand. mobilizing strength one after another

"The sound of everything..."

The star singer gave a sweet shout, and in an instant, countless voices spread throughout the chaos.

Listen carefully, the sound is not chaotic.

On the contrary, it is uniform.

That is the sound of everything.

It is all things that are singing and praising everything.

And as soon as this voice came out, the whole chaos suddenly turned into the sound of nature.

Along with this, countless notes swept out and collided with the big black hand.

Soft music has the power to soothe everything.

The big black hand was stunned.

And on the other side,

"Endless stacking..."

The alien eternity holds something like a scepter high.

Blue waves keep rolling up.

One after another, the seemingly endless waves blocked the black tentacles.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Countless waves were broken by the giant black hands, but more waves rose.

There really is no end.

Just, at this very moment,


The element-devouring beast murmured in its heart, and the big black hand began to exude a desolate, dilapidated, and dead atmosphere....

Visible to the naked eye, thousands of musical notes and heavy waves have all turned into pitch black....

It seems to be infected.

This is the erosion power of the Yuan Devouring Beast, which comes from the erosion of a piece of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, he also had some understanding after killing Corrosion Eternity.

Understand that the erosion of heaven and earth cannot be underestimated.

Now, he uses his own great power to erode others and assimilate their power.

As time went on, the black power that belonged to him actually began to suppress the two eternities.

This is the counterattack of the element-devouring beast. very scary.

Even the two eternities from the wizarding civilization were slightly startled and seemed surprised. but...This counterattack is ultimately temporary.

Because, at this time, the Star Language Diva sang again.

Her voice was the same as always.

But when it falls on the ears of the Yuan Devouring Beast, it is like a curse.

Although I don’t know what this eternity is singing.

But the Yuan Devouring Beast already had an ominous premonition in its heart.

"Run away quickly."

Muttering in my heart, the element-devouring beast has already activated the willow leaves of time and space.


There was an inexplicable roar and an invisible force spread.

In an instant, everything was quiet.

As if solidified.

Even the alien's eternal face, the star singer, was completely frozen.

This is the power of time.

Time stands still at this moment.

And this time is frozen, just to open a channel


There was another roar, and a gray vortex opened in front of the element-devouring beast.

There was no hesitation, let alone no hesitation.

The element-devouring beast plunged into this gray vortex.

And the very next moment,


Chaos is back again.

However, (if you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the eyes of the starry singer and the alien race’s eternal astonishment, the vigorous Yuan Devouring Beast suddenly lost its aura.

"What's wrong?"

The alien Eternal was a little stunned.

But for a moment, he seemed to have noticed something, and his expression changed drastically.


"When did he run away."

Listening quietly, Xingyu Diva also shook her head:

"have no idea."

Speaking of this, the Xingyu singer raised her eyebrows:

0Please give me flowers.

"However, just now, I felt an indescribable force"

"Can't explain clearly? What is that power?"

The alien Eternal was a little puzzled.

Immediately, he raised his scepter, as if he was sensing something.

Ripples appeared in the space.

It was like the surface of a lake....

It also reflects everything in the alien’s eternal heart.

But the more I sensed it, the more frightened the alien race was.

"This is..."

With his eyes widened, Alien Eternal could not believe it.

"space...There is actually an endless master among them who relies on space to achieve enlightenment....Just now, he seemed to have opened a space channel to lead this person away"

"The endless master of space?"

The star singer frowned slightly.

She also noticed the fluctuations in the space.

But she felt that it shouldn't be that simple.

If it was really just carrying space, it shouldn't make them unable to react.

At least, the breath, traces, It shouldn't be just that.

But there are more, it's hard for her to judge

"Perhaps it is an endless master who relies on space to achieve enlightenment, with other powers as a minor?"

The star singer is thoughtful.

The law of space is very powerful.

She knows it clearly.

In the battles between civilizations, their wizard civilization also encountered one or two endless masters who relied on space to prove their way.

For example Said, that guy, who is called the Chaos Walker. He lifted his steps and reached the end of the world.

Wherever he passed, the space was shattered like a mirror.

On the civilized battlefield, he even arrived in his true form.

At that moment, The sky over the civilized battlefield seemed to be shattered. Countless space fragments fell like raindrops, submerging most of the civilized battlefield.

If several powerful endless masters hadn't taken action simultaneously, he alone would have been able to subvert some of the civilized battlefield.

Not just that. , several powerful Endless Masters took action, but they still couldn't keep him.

This is the real horror.

And now, they seem to have encountered another Endless Master who carries space on his back?

"Very troublesome guy..."

The star singer knows this clearly..

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