The current Yuan Devouring Beast is in a very embarrassed state.

In the pursuit of the two eternal masters, it has no image.

But not bad.

The current element-devouring beast is very confident

"In the past, I would have been a bit vain, but now, hum."

The element-devouring beast looked at a willow leaf between its paws, and a smile appeared on the corner of its mouth. The space-time willow leaf is a treasure that belongs exclusively to the Lord of Time and Space.

It can activate the space-time formation in an instant, and then use it to escape from a distance of hundreds of millions. Thousands of miles away.

With such a divine leaf, even the Yuan Devouring Beast has some confidence

"However, I didn't expect that I would be forced into such a situation the first time I acted."

With a sigh, the Yuan-Eating Beast suddenly felt his body tighten.

At some point, the azure seawater enveloped his body. It was cold and suffocating.

There was even more terrifying pressure, suddenly coming.

At this moment, the Yuan-Eating Beast It felt like I was in a boundless sea, and it was difficult to even breathe.

However, at this moment,


With a sudden roar, the element-devouring beast let out an earth-shattering neigh.

His eyes were red.

Like a beast in dire straits

"Roar, roar."

During the roar, countless black tentacles spurted out.

The black tentacles collided with the waves.

In an instant, the blue water turned into pitch black.

However, this was just the beginning.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Amidst the continuous piercing of the sky, more black tentacles attacked like giant pythons.

"Is it crazy?..."

The star singer was a little stunned.

She looked at the seemingly furious Yuan Devouring Beast with a look of confusion on her face.

This is just the beginning, why are you working so hard?

You know, the eternal war is always a protracted war.

It's rare to be so decisive at the beginning.

On the other side, the alien Eternal who came over said disdainfully:

"It is estimated that a remote civilization like this has not even fought a few wars of civilizations, let alone fought with other eternal wars."

"They are obviously extremely immature in this regard."

Listening quietly, the star singer also nodded, agreeing with this point.

They (abba) have seen too many remote civilizations and too many beings who sit in and watch the sky.

Like this Civilization thought that it was invincible to Chaos.

However, when they encountered the wizard civilization, they knew what despair was.

What terror was!

And now!...It seems that they have encountered such a civilization again...

"ignorant person...The most terrifying."

The star singer sighed and immediately opened her lips.

As her lips opened slightly, a melodious and melodious singing voice sounded.

This singing voice...The element-devouring beast couldn't understand.

But it can feel the soothing power of the song.

Soft and warm.

It actually caused its power to gradually subside.

Not only that, this song seems to have a strange magic power.

With the blessing of this song, the surging waves kept rolling back....

Wave after wave.

More and more terrifying.

And this is the very famous song of the wizard civilization - the hymn of the sea.

Praise the sea, praise nature.

But this seemingly ordinary song, under the performance of the Star Language Singer, turned into the most terrifying blessing power. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"She is worthy of being a star singer. One song actually increased my strength by more than 30%."

The foreigner grinned forever, raised his steps, and stepped on the boundless waves.


There was a sudden loud noise, and a tornado turned into sea water spurted out from the vast ocean.

This is a seaspout.

I don’t know how big it is.

But it seemed that the whole chaos was swept away.

However, what is even more terrifying is that such seaspouts are rising one after another from the blue water.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With continuous roars, one seaspout after another has swallowed up the element-devouring beast.

An extreme sense of tearing poured into my heart

"Roar, roar..."

Amidst the bursts of screams, more black tentacles emerged from the seaspout.

"Be careful, don't get close to this black tentacle"

"They gave me an extremely ominous feeling."

Alien Eternal reminded


Nodding, the star singer also agreed.

However, at this moment, what they didn't know was that the element-devouring beast was thinking about one thing.

That is, should he go crazy?

Because with the leaves of time and space, he No worries.

Now, I want to try my extreme combat power

"Try it..."

Grinning, the element-devouring beast in the seaspout no longer concealed

"Open it for me..."

The sudden violent shouting shook the Yuan Devouring Beast's entire body.

Immediately afterwards, his body was torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It turned into darkness one after another.

At the same time, a black crack slowly opened from the deepest part of the seaspout.

That is the door to the inner world of the Yuan Devouring Beast.

It is the door leading directly to a world of death.

And at the moment this door opens,....The whole chaos was shaken.

An ominous and obscure feeling filled the entire chaos.

Even the alien Eternal and the Star Language Diva were startled.

Immediately, it went crazy backwards.

For some reason, they also sensed a slight sense of something bad.

"Buried in the ground, lost in the ground..."

The hoarse voice sounded like a human voice in the chaos.

But with a touch of determination


Amidst the roar again, the seaspouts roaring in the chaos shrank one after another until they disappeared.

Looking carefully, they all poured into the black crack.

As if being swallowed.

Not only that, there was an even more terrifying suction explosion.


That terrible suction seemed to swallow everything.

Even the countless gray mist in the chaos is swallowed up.

But, this is not scary yet.

What was really terrifying was that from the deepest part of the black crack, there were actually two huge hands that were as black as ink and turned into something unknown.

That big hand, covering the sky and the sun, fiercely grabbed the two eternities that were retreating in the chaos.

At this time, if the Transcendent and Yu Ziyu were present, they would definitely be able to recognize this dark hand.

This is clearly the arm extended by the real body of the Yuan Devouring Beast..

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