The Witch God, he dispersed the last trace of his brand and merged into Hou Tu's body.

Just to fulfill this one.

Since the Twelve Ancestral Witches are the source of their witch clan’s bloodline.

So now, he also repays them.

This is cause and effect


After being slightly startled, Houtu fell silent.

Just because at this time, there was endless information integrated into her mind.

It was about the spiritual enlightenment of great supernatural powers that created the world.

There is also the development and polishing of talents by the Wu clan.

Hou Tu never knew these things.

To a certain extent, the Witch Clan led by the Witch God can be considered a different lineage.

It is also the witch clan of later generations.

Each of them may awaken some of the powers and talents of the twelve ancestral witches.

Although it was not strong at first.

But with their efforts to develop, their talents have become more and more terrifying.

If we say that the prehistoric witch clan is innately powerful and invincible in the world.

Then the Witch Clan in the Starry Sky was born weak, but acquired to be extremely powerful.

Their use of various talents is beyond imagination.

Just like Hou Tu now, he noticed a magical power.

That is the use of the earth.

In the form of shock waves, the invisible power of the earth is transformed into something tangible.

As soon as the kick landed, the heaven and earth shook, and there were endless ripples.

Is this still Houtu’s talent?

Is she so talented? Is she so domineering?

Houtu has a soft temperament, and tends to protect and defend in order to develop talents.

But this later generation of the witch clan was extremely domineering in the development of the earth.

However, this is still part of the Witch God's memory.

There are other memories in there.

It's like the witch god's understanding of heaven and earth, and his understanding of Taoism.

One after another, boom...

Houtu's body shook violently amid the sudden roar.

He actually fell into the realm of enlightenment

"Is this enlightenment?"

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body also had complicated eyes.

He naturally noticed the short-lived appearance of the Witch God. He also knew what choice the Witch God made.

This one was actually the ancestor of the prehistoric era, Wu Houtu.

Forget it.

Houtu He can be regarded as his friend. He deserves to be fulfilled.

At the same time, in the depths of chaos near the starry sky and heaven and earth, Yu Ziyu also knew everything.

"These Eternal Venerables are really terrifying"

"They have obviously been dead for hundreds of millions of years, but there are still traces of them left in the world."

"It can even manifest itself in the world at critical moments."

Listening quietly to Yu Ziyu's voice, the true spirit of Chaos Bell also smiled.

"it's natural"

"These eternal laws carry infinite power"

"Some of them even integrated themselves into the law. If the law is immortal, they are immortal."

"It's just a pity that as eras pass, the world is shattered, and the laws are reshaped, they cannot escape and perish....."

"However, their traces will remain in the world forever."

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also looked complicated.

"I wonder if the laws of time and space in the future will leave traces unique to me."

Look up...

The left eye is time and the right eye is empty.

Each materializes.

It seems very mysterious.

It seems to reflect the whole chaos

"You are the first person in time and space..."

"Through the ages, the world will remember you."

Chaos Zhong Zhenling looked at Yu Ziyu with extremely complicated eyes.

She knew very well that the junior who needed her care at the beginning had completely grown up.

Although he is only in the early stage of Eternity now, his strength is no less than that of Eternity. In the later stage.

Coupled with other means, its combat power may be able to compete with the top eternity.

What is the top eternity?

Those are all, famous throughout the ages.

In recent times, the transcendent can be regarded as one.

Breaking all limits, there is no limit. The breakthrough of the limit.

It is said to be beyond everything!

He has indeed transcended the limit.

Even beyond the level of life. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

More and more indifferent, colder.

As if the way of heaven is above.

Except for fighting. , can awaken his long-lost passion, and nothing else can make his emotions fluctuate.

If he can transcend one day, I am afraid he will turn into a human form, heaven, or even a great road.

Of course, this is just Yu Ziyu's guess.

His path , it is difficult to go.

If you reach the end, you will inevitably lose yourself. If you cannot reach the end, you will naturally die.

No matter what the ending is, he will disappear.

So, he chose that path.

After seeing the prehistoric At that moment, he fought to the death until the last shackles of his body were released.

Not to mention severely injuring Dao Ancestor Honghuang, he also wanted Dao Ancestor Honghuang to remember him forever.

Remember that he, the little Eternal One, was defeated and fled in embarrassment in front of him. The dog eventually grew up and could even bite him back.

This is the determination that the Transcendent has never shown.

However, the Transcendent is just one of them.

As the era goes by, countless powerful eternities have emerged.

The first immortal of the human race, also He can be regarded as a top eternity.

This one, let alone mention it.

Being able to survive the catastrophe of the era and live to the second era is the greatest proof.

Even because of him, he sealed the talent of the entire human race.

This is also terrifying. Extremely.

The human race is the most powerful race. As the ages go by, the human race is immortal and will last forever.

But because of the number one immortal in the human race, one person almost wiped the human race from the dust.

This is a hundred times more ruthless than the legendary evil heretics.

Apart from this, all Yu Ziyu can think of is the Savage Emperor who dominated the world in the Savage Era. He dominated an era.

He was dictatorial for eternity, and only one person fought against the demons from outside the territory for thousands of years.

Regarding him, Yu Ziyu now also understands him. There are more.

The so-called dictatorship is that he stepped out alone and blocked an invading foreign civilization.

And the name of that civilization is unknown.

It can be called an extraterrestrial demon, or it can be called an unknown world.

That foreign civilization , very terrifying.

And at that time, the Savage Era had not yet ushered in its heyday, and there were only a few strong men in the sky. It was destined to fall.

But the rise of one person broke this destiny.

That was the Savage Emperor.

He is just one person, sitting outside the chaos, guarding the entire world for hundreds of millions of years.

He has become the first person in all eternity!! Factory!.

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