Yu Ziyu knows many great magical powers.

After he unified the world, the Demon Court, the Void Empire, and the Blood Sea all served him alone.

All the inheritances of the major forces fell into his hands.

There is also a Chaos Clock to guide you from the side.

To put it bluntly, Yu Ziyu owns 50% of the inheritance of Starry Sky and World.

Even if he is eternal, it is extremely difficult to digest so many inheritances.

That is to say, he has the fragment of the jade butterfly of creation.

Only then can we use the power of boundless deduction to continuously deduce, and then completely incorporate each inheritance.

And this one:"The Art of Creation of Heaven and Earth" is one of them.

Tell a terrible truth.

This great magical power comes from the Starry Sky Witch Clan.

Moreover, it comes from the Starry Sky Witch Clan, the only Witch God who has set foot in eternity.

After he set foot in eternity, he traced the origin of his bloodline.

It seems that I saw the scene of Pangu opening the sky.

It is imprinted deep in the soul.

And at the end of his life, he imitated the great god Pangu to open the sky.

Although, he failed.

But this great magical power - the Art of Creation of Heaven and Earth, remained in the Wu Clan.

When Yu Ziyu got this great magical power, he wanted to practice it.

He has the tenth realm, and his body is a sacred tree, a sacred tree that can accommodate the entire world.

It is good to practice this great magical power.

But it's a pity.

Yu Ziyu studied it for a long time, but still couldn't get started.

Finally, Yu Ziyu discovered the key to the Heaven Seal.

However, Yu Ziyu did not expect that he would one day hand over this great magical power to Hou Tuzu Wu of the Wu clan.

If the shaman god in the starry sky knew about it, he would probably laugh.

He regards the Twelve Ancestral Witches as the source of his bloodline.

He also respects his father and mother!.

Now, it can be said that fate is intertwined.

At this time, there was a mysterious place in the wild.

Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body suddenly said:

"I'll teach you a great magical power, and you can see if you can practice it."

As he said that, Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body slowly raised his fingertips


There was a sudden roar, and Yu Ziyu's Donghuang body shook violently.

At this moment, Hou Tu's beautiful eyes shrank.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she actually felt that Donghuang at this time was extremely strange.

It's like a different person.

That kind of hidden momentum.

That shuddering feeling that makes all the hair on your body stand on end? what's going on?

Hou Tu doesn’t understand. (bhda) However, at this moment, she had no time to think about anything. because,


In the sudden roar, countless messages poured into her mind one after another.

Those pieces of information interweave one scene after another.

In the picture, familiar yet unfamiliar figures one after another caught Hou Tu's eyes.

That seems to be the witch clan.

But Empress Houtu felt very unfamiliar with this.

She had never seen them.

She is in charge of the prehistoric reincarnation, and she will personally witness the birth of every witch clan in the prehistoric world.

But now, she doesn't even know these witch clans.

However, she was certain that this was the Witch Clan.

Moreover, it is still an extremely pure witch clan.

However, at this time, a figure suddenly appeared in Hou Tu's eyes.

That figure sat cross-legged between heaven and earth.

Holding a scepter and wearing an animal robe.

There are countless ancient totems all around.

Every totem is lifelike.

Looking carefully, these totems actually have a sense of absurdity, moving from illusion to reality.

Not only that, an extremely terrifying aura also came from this body.

That was clearly the aura of a saint.

No, it seems to be more terrifying than an ordinary saint.

"I am...Witch God, God of Witch Clan..."

"Today, I will pass on your method of opening up the world, hoping that you will open up the world and reshape the glory of our witch clan."

As soon as the words fell,...Another very familiar picture appeared in Hou Tu's mind.

Houtu is no stranger to this scene.

This is exactly the picture of her father god Pangu Kaitian.

Countless Chaos Demon Gods attack, and an ancient giant holds a giant ax and cuts everything off.

Lifting the axe, a demon god fell.

A loud shout shook the chaos. last of the last...He raised a giant ax high and slashed at Chaos. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The whole chaos is divided into two.

But this is not the end. Father God Pangu stepped out in one step, with his head in the sky and his feet on the ground....

Flesh and blood turned into mountains and rivers...Eyes turn into sun and moon...

More hair, turning into all things...

That extremely familiar scene made the corners of Houtu's eyes blurry.

"What's this?"

Houtu seemed a little confused.

"The Seal of Kaitian, this is the most ancient mark that spreads deep in the blood of our Witch Clan."

"Our witch clan is a clan of destiny and a clan of Kaitian...."

"It is the only one in heaven and earth, and it is eternal."

The words of the Witch God are domineering and firm.

They seem to be stating a fact.

But Hou Tu knows better than anyone else that this is true.

This is the pride of the Wu clan.

The inheritance continues.

The Witch God appears in Hou Tu's mind.

However, not long after that, the Witch God was shocked.

In a trance, he became more spiritual.

"I see."

Suddenly sighing, the way the Witch God looked at Hou Tu changed.

"Please forgive me for being disrespectful"


Hou Tu was even more stunned.

However, at this time, the Witch God didn't say much.

He created the Great Divine Power to Create

Heaven and Earth. Although he had already died, his eternal traces remained in the world.

Among them, the great The magical power of Opening Heaven and Earth carries a trace of him.

To put it simply, it is a ray of consciousness.

Now the consciousness is constantly awakening in the inheritance.

It also makes this witch god gradually understand everything.

This is Hou Tu's mind,

It is where Hou Tu’s memory lies.

Hou Tu did not hide it intentionally, but also let the Witch God know everything.

He knew Hou Tu’s identity, so he respectfully called her Ya Mu.

"I didn’t expect that the ground-breaking creation created by my ancestors would one day return to the hands of my parents."

"It's really mysterious."

With a sigh, the figure of the Witch God gradually blurred.

However, at the end, the Witch God's eyes condensed, and a flash of determination flashed across his eyes.

"Yamu, remember, we, the witch clan, do not respect heaven or earth. We practice the art of creating heaven and earth, and we also need to dominate the world....."

"Heaven and earth should be at our feet..."

As the words fell, a bright light burst out from the body of the Witch God. It actually turned into a stream of light and penetrated into the deepest part of Hou Tu's mind..

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