In the starry sky and the earth, a kind of bird has been born in these years.

It's called the Speedbird.

They are the fastest in the world.

In terms of speed alone, it is no less than Kunpeng.

However, the problem is that Kunpeng is a giant beast of chaos. Each of them is a variant of chaos, extremely powerful.

But these speed birds actually have speeds that are no less than theirs.

Even more terrifying.

And this is really suffocating.

The predecessor of these speed birds is the peregrine falcon.

They are the Peregrine Falcon family that has followed Yu Ziyu to this day.

The little peregrine falcon can only be considered an upper-lower race at best.

Not even a median race.

But now, they are able to compete with the most powerful races.

It can be imagined how great their progress has been.

Of course, the speed bird is also an outlier among the peregrine falcons.

Only a peregrine falcon that integrates the law of speed can be called a speed bird.

There are only twelve speed birds among billions of peregrine falcons.

It can be seen that it is rare

"The Law of Speed ​​has been integrated into the bloodline of the Peregrine Falcon family."

"If their descendants are gifted, they may awaken to the Law of Speed....Then transformed into a speed bird"

"The biggest characteristic of the speed birds is..."

Slowly raising his eyes, Yu Ziyu looked at the twelve speed birds.

They were surrounded by things that looked like lightning.

They looked extremely strange. This is the characteristic of the speed birds.

This It is the power of divine speed.

If surrounded by the power of divine speed, their speed will be increased by at least ten times.

If they further develop the power of divine speed, they may even be like lightning eternity, possessing the fastest speed in the world.

The world is so big that it can be gone with just one thought.

Very fast. horrible...

Even Yu Ziyu was extremely impressed

"I don’t know if the speed bird I cultivated can rival the Phoenix and Kunpeng clan in the future...`."

Yu Ziyu was a little curious.

Hundreds of millions of years later, the world has changed.

Some races will disappear.

Some races will rise.

Regardless of how powerful the Dragon and Phoenix clans are now, they may fall in any era.

Such dishes as dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder were born when the dragon and phoenix clans declined.

Countless strong men take pride in hunting dragons and phoenixes.

But in today's era, do you want to hunt dragons and phoenixes?

Fighting for grudges, becoming a king and losing a bandit, the Dragon and Phoenix clans will not care.

But if you feed on dragons and phoenixes, then I'm sorry, you will see the whole family chasing you.

At that time, not an ordinary master could withstand it.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether a race rises or falls.

Yu Ziyu, on the other hand, is looking forward to the day when the bird of speed will resound throughout the starry sky and earth.

However, what Yu Ziyu didn’t know at this time was that one day in the future...The Speed ​​Bird has truly become a legendary bird.

Known as the King of Birds.

Even if Phoenix or Kunpeng encounters them, they must give in three points.

And all this is only because of the appearance of an alien among the speed birds.

A talented and talented genius...

Not only did it make the name of the Speed ​​Bird resound throughout the world, but it also pushed an era forward.

And that was also the beginning of the rise of the Speed ​​Bird.

But now, the Speed ​​Bird has just been born....Not yet famous in the starry sky.

Not many people even know the name of God's Speed

"I hope you have a safe journey to the Divine Blood World."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu watched them leave.

And at this moment, Ling'er's voice also sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

"Master," (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

As soon as he finished speaking, Ling'er had already walked in front of Yu Ziyu.

Her long black hair was flying like a waterfall.

The dragon and snake earrings made bursts of light from time to time. Yin.

People can't help but admire.

This is Ling'er.

The most extraordinary woman under Yu Ziyu's command. She is obviously just an ordinary human being.

Now, she has grown into a queen who dominates the world.

To put it bluntly, under Yu Ziyu's low profile In this era, Ling'er is the being who dominates the starry sky and heaven and earth.

Every word and deed can influence countless people.

"Are you tired of staying in the Nine Realms?"

Yu Ziyu was a little curious.

When he decided to withdraw from Starry Sky World, he also took away all the acquaintances in Starry Sky World, and even erased the traces of his own existence.

Therefore, Ling'er cannot stay in Starry Sky World.

"Tired, how is that possible?"


Speaking of this, Ling'er also asked curiously:

"Master, if you don’t have anything to do, why don’t you arrange it for me?"


Slightly stunned, Yu Ziyu also noticed Ling'er's thoughts.

This girl must be restless.

However, in this case...Yu Ziyu also thought about it for a while:

".Otherwise, why don't you also go to the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth?"

"Without my help, can you create another Demon Court?"

Yu Ziyu asked softly.

"Is this a test for me?"

Ling'er's eyes lit up.

"That's right."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly,"

I allow you to bring twenty people, no matter who they are.

Yu Ziyu knows very well that Linger also has his own power.

He has his own team.

Moreover, this The team is not weak.

Not to mention there are many, there are still dozens of masters.

Among them, there are even strong men who can rival the older generation.

This is Ling'er.

He works as if he was carved out of the same mold as Yu Ziyu.

He likes to train his subordinates and his team.

Do few people know what Ling'er's trump card is (King Zhao's)?

If Yu Ziyu doesn't do research, he probably doesn't even know Ling'er's trump card.


Nodding slightly, Ling'er was also happy.

What she was waiting for was the master's words.

To be honest, she also wanted to rest.

But she wanted to help her master do something more.

No matter what, she could do it.

Before, in the starry sky and earth, she She is still the person in charge of the Temple of Destiny, stabilizing the situation in the starry sky for her master.

Now that she has withdrawn, she is completely free.

And this is not what Ling'er wants.

No matter what she does for her master...As long as she can help her master, she is willing.

This is Linger

"Master, the great cause has not yet been accomplished..."

While murmuring in her heart, Ling'er also tightened the tail of her fist.

However, at this moment, a big hand fell on Ling'er's shoulder

"Don't put pressure on yourself, Ling'er..."

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