"Long time no see, Flathead."

Yu Ziyu greeted

"Well, Master."

Nodding slightly, Brother Pingtou also said bluntly:

"I felt your gaze and came here specifically...I also ask the master to tell me that my subordinates will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Have you specially practiced your speaking style over the years? You are much better than before."

Yu Ziyu had a playful look on his face.

"Sister Ling'er said, if I could speak, my master would think more of me...."

Brother Flathead didn't hide it, he said openly


Holding his forehead and sighing, Ling'er walked out of nowhere and decisively turned around.

Why can't this guy teach me?

Obviously he really wants to win his master's approval.

He clearly wanted his master to look at him.

But he was so clumsy that he didn’t know how to express it.

Even if I try my best to teach.



With a sigh, Ling'er also stepped forward and said:

"Master, Brother Flathead has been working very hard, and..."

"I know 28."

Nodding, Yu Yu smiled;

"You girl, do you usually teach Pingtou and the others these things?"


Curling his lips, Ling Ye said bluntly:

"Who said that the master is planning these and other things all day long and neglecting the people around him? We can only work hard to do something to attract your attention."

"What about you?"

Yu Ziyu looked amused.


He nodded fiercely, and Ling'er admitted generously.


Seeing this scene, Yu Ziyu was also speechless.

This girl...It's really direct.

However, now, the focus of attention is Brother Pingtou

"Flathead, your growth rate is somewhat beyond my expectation."

Yu Ziyu is not too surprised that Brother Pingtou has set foot on the eighth level of Tianmen.

However, he has achieved a small level of success in the way of fighting, and is even closer to Dacheng.

This has attracted Yu Ziyu's attention.

This is terrifying.

Because only by carrying the complete law can it be possible to set foot in the sky. Eternity.

Although Brother Flathead is only carrying the initial burden, it is enough for this little guy’s potential.

"It's all because of the master's teachings."

Pingtou brother said

"You'd better return to your original appearance, don't worry too much...Deliberately."

Yu Ziyu thought for a while and said bluntly.


After a moment of silence, Brother Flathead seemed to have made up his mind. His reserved posture suddenly softened.

Then he bared his teeth and said:

"Sure enough, Master, I still don't get used to it, hehe..."

"Then I'll be more direct..."

"By the way, Master, you see you won’t let me stay in the starry sky and earth....And in the Nine Realms, there is nothing fun..."

"Now, I plan to find some opponents and compare notes....See if you can arrange one for me."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu finally understood why this little guy was so respectful before.

It turned out that he was asking for something.

But, that's right.

He is a madman who carries the way of war. He is extremely warlike.

Don't let him fight. It will be extremely uncomfortable.

The whole body is itching unbearably.

Therefore, we must fight.

He, Brother Pingtou, must blow the horn of battle.

Go forward bravely and feed the war with war.


After thinking for a while, Yu Ziyu also felt that Brother Pingtou could not be trapped in the Nine Realms.

He is indeed different from the rest.

Militancy was his only thing.

It is his nature to seek death.

If he is not allowed to fight and looks for people to spar and fight with each other, then this guy will probably go crazy.

That being the case...

After thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"Now, the Divine Blood World has been taken, but there are still many remnants of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth....You can go to the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth and kill them all..."


In response to the sudden response, Brother Flathead was also excited.

The whole person started dancing.

"Master, I'll go right away...I'll go right away."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

With a smile, the flat-headed brother looked at Yu Ziyu with a pitiful look.

It was desire.

Yu Ziyu knew what he was longing for.

With a wave of his right hand, , a vortex has opened.

This is the time and space portal.

Through this portal, Brother Flathead can quickly rush to the divine blood world.

However, at this moment,



One cry after another resounded through the chaos.

Looking for the sound, there were actually twelve extremely handsome birds, rushing out of the cracks like lightning.

They all have golden feathers and red mouths...

A light like electric light lingered on it.

The whole body has a cold metallic texture.

At a glance, a chill filled the air.

This is a peregrine falcon.

The Peregrine Falcon that initially followed Yu Ziyu.

Plus some later ones, there are twelve in total.

They all set foot on the Lord.

The most inferior ones all dominate the fifth heaven, and many of them dominate the sixth heaven.

There is even one who rules the seventh heaven.

It's scary.

You know, the Peregrine Falcon family is not strong at all.

It cannot be compared with the legendary Phoenix, Blue Bird, and Dapeng.

It can be regarded as an inferior race 733.

However, these peregrine falcons all set foot on the Lord, and all of them exuded an extremely terrifying aura. this...

It can only be said that Yu Ziyu’s training is very good.

And they did not live up to Yu Ziyu's expectations.

And here, Yu Ziyu must thank Lightning Eternal.

He is burdened with the Law of Speed.

At the beginning, his body and soul were destroyed, and the Law of Speed ​​turned into countless fragments and scattered in the chaos.

Yu Ziyu also collected some for research.

Then, Yu Ziyu thought for a while and bestowed these laws of speed on these peregrine falcons.

They followed Yu Ziyu for a long time, made great contributions, and were even more loyal.

But because of the weakness of the race, it has been difficult to break through.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu helped them.

It has pushed them all to the current state

"After integrating the Law of Speed, you are like a chaotic alien species, terrifying to the extreme."

"Especially in terms of speed, even if I see your speed even half a step away, I will be frightened...."

When Yu Ziyu saw the twelve peregrine falcons that suddenly appeared, a smile appeared on his face.

It was him who had just summoned these twelve peregrine falcons.

He planned to arrange for Peregrine Falcon and Pingtou Brother to go to the Divine Blood World to practice together.

Planning is planning.

Don't ignore these little guys..

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