The eternal corpse is still extremely precious.

Whether it is used for refining to improve strength, or for dissection, it is very good to take out the materials and use them to build imperial weapons.

And Yu Ziyu has already made a clear decision on how to deal with this eternal corpse.

Xiaobanfen went out to improve the strength of his subordinates.

Then take out a few bones and give them to the iron-eating beast to build an imperial weapon.

Keep the rest to yourself.

It can be used to refine the formation eyes, or it can be absorbed by tree roots.

To a certain extent, he is the one who can maximize the use of the body of the Eternal Lord.

Just because his body is a sacred tree.

Even the roots of any tree can absorb all things and turn them into nutrients.

Not to mention someone like him.

Absolutely perfect absorption.

Able to take advantage of everything.

Such is the terror of his roots.

At this time, the Chaos Giant Ape didn't know what Yu Ziyu was thinking.

If he knew, he would probably have the heart to eat Yu Ziyu alive.

After all, he is not dead yet.

Yu Ziyu is already calculating how to maximize his value.

At the same time, the Transcendent also received news from Yu Ziyu

"Attack with all your strength and be sure to capture the Divine Blood World within a thousand years."

The Valkyrie of Vengeance raised her bloody spear.

The shining red light was like the most brilliant star, illuminating the entire chaos.

"Yes, Lord Valkyrie"

"Yes, Valkyrie."

Shouting in unison, countless creatures rushed towards the divine blood world.

There were also battleships crossing the chaos one after another.

However, the most shocking thing among them was that those Mechas.

They have different shapes, but they all exude an extremely terrifying aura, which is like gods and demons. All of them are terrifying to the extreme.

And that is the Knights of the Demon Court.

Seventy-two mechas.

They all have the destructive power of a mid-level master.

Some even have the destructive power of a high-level master.

Everything they pass by is shattered.

"Dragon King Sniper Star Cannon."

With a sudden roar, a mecha that looked like a giant dragon walking upright suddenly had huge gun barrels rising from its shoulders.

"Boom, boom..."

Amidst the sudden roar, two extremely bright rays of light drowned everything.

Go straight to the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth.

This is the Dragon King Sniper Star Cannon.

This one, the Dragon King mecha, is the most terrifying weapon.

It is said that this Dragon King sniper star cannon carries anti-matter power and can destroy everything.

At the same time, another mecha carrying eighteen pairs of wings also took off.

This is the Archangel.

A mecha named after an angel.

It carries extreme speed and destruction


Suddenly breaking through the air, this mecha rushed towards the distance at an incredible speed.

Before the enemy could react, the wings on his back were like blades, tearing everything apart.

When the other mechas caught up, there was nothing but a mess.

One after another at extremely high speed, tearing apart the chaos and heading straight for the battlefield.

They are the harvesting machines of the battlefield.

It is even more of a nightmare for the Divine Blood World.

This final weapon that had been hidden in the Demon Court for countless years finally showed its fangs.

It's not just them...

In the Divine Blood World, in a corner of the continent, countless bones slowly rise from the ground.

The seeds of the undead in the past are finally sprouting today. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The flowers and fruits till now

"crunch, crunch..."

There were crisp sounds one after another, and countless bones rushed in all directions.

This is a natural disaster of the undead.

They eventually overflowed in the divine blood world.

This was also the layout of the starry sky and the earth in the past.

And next, these undead will continue to expand in number.

They will even prepare the altar to welcome the large army.

If they succeed.

The immeasurable army of undead will come to this world at an extremely terrifying speed.

Natural disasters of the undead, the most terrifying legions bred in the starry sky.

At its peak, it almost destroyed an era.

Top ten undead monarchs.

The three masters of the undead.

And the final Lord of the Dead.

Countless strong men formed the most terrifying legion in the starry sky and the earth.

Moreover, this legion becomes stronger as it fights.

The most terrifying.

Ordinary civilizations may not be able to withstand the natural disasters of the undead.

Just like the current Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, without the Eternal Lord taking action, the white sea of ​​bones is already spreading.

And at this moment, the deepest part of the chaos, the most mysterious corner.

There is a black city, floating quietly.

This is the legendary city of angels.

Dark as ink.

There was even a hint of coldness.

There is an indescribable coldness.

And just above this city, countless figures with dark wings on their backs were either sitting high or with their legs crossed, all landing on the city wall.

They were densely packed, overlooking the entire battlefield.

And this is the Fallen Angel Legion.

A legion that even Yu Ziyu praised.

It is also the only Forbidden Legion that has reached its peak.

They are powerful and terrifying.

All of them have stepped through time and been reincarnated.

Moreover, because of the relationship between the Three Lives Divine Stone, Yu Ziyu helped them recover everything in the past.

So, they all reached their peak.

Until now, they are the masters of the ninth level of Tianmen, and there are seven or eight of them.

There are more than twenty masters of the eighth level of Tianmen. this is scary

(Nuoqian) bluntly said that this legion is enough to defeat any force in the starry sky.

Even the Demon Court and the Void Empire are like this.

And this is the first legion under Yu Ziyu.

However, now, they have not taken action.

Watching plays is what they do best.

They don't know how many times they have experienced wars like this.

In their continuous reincarnations, they fought again and again. collision

".I have to say that the Lord of Time and Space is really terrifying. This is only the beginning of the era, and he has already started hunting civilization with the starry sky and the earth."

"Hum hum, this is the Lord of Time and Space"

"The Lord of Time and Space is the most powerful and weird Eternal Supreme I have ever seen."

"Civilization still needs existences like the Lord of Time and Space to lead its rise"

"Indeed," they discussed again and again, and they all admired the Lord of Time and Space.

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