Suppressing the Chaos Giant Ape is just the beginning.

The real difficulty lies in refining.

This is an Eternal Lord, a real Eternal Lord.

If he wants to completely kill him, even Yu Ziyu finds it a bit difficult.

But now,

Yu Ziyu and the Chaos Bell Zhenling have all entered the inner world of the Chaos Bell.

They have opened up a corner of this world.

There is no end in sight.

But there is a demon ape incarnate, here, looking up to the sky and roaring.

The black hair is extremely thick.

The burly figure is hundreds of millions of feet tall.

The so-called stars are extremely insignificant in front of him

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The roars came one after another, as if they were going to shatter the whole world.


Even more frightening.

But now, what no one knows is how panicked this devil ape is.

A feeling that I had never felt before filled my heart.

That's fear.

It's shocking.

In a trance, I was trapped in an extremely strange world.

Moreover, this world is still so solid.

Even if he explodes with all his strength, it will be difficult to shatter.

What's even more frightening is that there is an eternity in the dark that seems to be carrying time, Peeping.

Now he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, huddled in a corner, waiting to be slaughtered

"No, never..."

As he roared repeatedly, he opened his mouth, revealing his fierce fangs.

Immediately, the power in the body burst out again


Along with the earth-shattering roar, with him as the center, endless blood rose into the sky.

That blood color corrodes everything.

In just a moment, the whole corner of the world was dyed scarlet.

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu looked at the world gradually turning scarlet and was surprised:

"This guy is eroding this world, trying to turn him into his own domain"

"Do you need to take action?"

Chaos Bell Zhenling said curiously.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also raised his fingers to the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom...."

The continuous roar shook the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, endless dark clouds gather above the heads of the black apes.

"This is the thunder tribulation of Jiuxiao."

A soft shout.

Countless thunders opened their teeth and claws and struck hard at the black ape.

"Click, click..."

One loud noise after another, as strong as a black ape, all screamed.

This thunder is the calamity thunder deduced by Yu Ziyu after understanding the calamity clouds in the starry sky.

Pointing directly at the soul, it is extremely terrifying.

But this is not the end.

Just because, at this time, Yu Ziyu had already begun to form seals


Amidst the sudden roar, countless mysterious handprints were continuously punched out.

Along with it, a huge millstone appeared above Yu Ziyu's head.

This millstone looks ancient and mysterious.

There was an indescribable aura.

That breath is ancient.

It's desolate.

It is the aura of destruction that grinds everything.

At this time, if there are practitioners who are proficient in the Five Elements here, they will definitely be extremely shocked.

Just because this turned out to be the legendary great magical power and the Five Elements Technique.

Also known as the Five Elements Rotation.

The power of the five elements is mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other.

This is going down, the other is going up, this is going up, the other is going away.

However, this also means that the power of the millstone can continue to grow.

Simply because it can continuously gather energy.

Turn it into your own strength

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous roar, this millstone continues to grow.

In just a moment, the sky was covered with darkness.

At the same time, ripples in space continue to set off


With a sudden roar, the millstone disappeared before Yu Ziyu's eyes. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When it appeared again, it suddenly appeared in the sky above the Chaos Giant Ape.

"What's this?"

The Chaos Giant Ape was puzzled. He raised his fist and slammed it against the millstone.

But the next moment, in his stunned eyes, the huge millstone that withstood his punch did not break.

Instead, it sped up.


Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, an extremely terrifying oppression came.

"This is the rotation of the five elements of the great supernatural power. Energy attacks will turn into nutrients for its own growth, strengthening its energy again. Violent bombardment will speed up its rotation, thereby increasing its oppression."

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu saw this huge ancient millstone completely covering the black ape.

"Click, click..."

One crisp sound after another, like the sound of bones colliding, kept ringing.


With a soft hum, Yu Ziyu sacrificed ten more extremely slender golden willow sticks.

These willow sticks are different from other willow sticks.

They are extremely bright and dazzling.

Golden, as if drawn from the bright golden glow.

And this is The wicker that Yu Ziyu polished again and again.

Each wicker carries its laws of time and space.


"Swish, swish..."

Suddenly breaking through the air, these ten wickers seemed to span space and even time.

In an instant, it landed on the Chaos Ape.

Extract again


These wickers opened and shrank, plundering everything from the Chaos Giant Ape.

The Chaos Giant Ape wanted to repeat his old tricks.

Once again relying on his own blood to erode the wicker sticks, what made his face slightly change was that it My blood can't touch these wickers.

They seem to not exist.

They present a sense of illusion.

This is the power of space.

Since you can use blood as a medium to erode, then you can't touch it..

No, it’s not just the power of space.

There’s also the power of time, wrapped around it. It

’s obviously just a breath drawn.

But for the black giant ape, it seems as long as centuries.

And this is Yu Ziyu’s refining.

There is a calamity thunder across the sky, destroying his spirit.

There is a five-element millstone in the middle, consuming his power.

Finally, Liu Shenfa plunders everything.

And Yu Ziyu puts it surrounded by the long river of time.

A few breaths from the outside world.

Inside. , but half a month has passed.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, before the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth is captured, this person will be completely plundered and devoured by him.

In the end, it will become his most proud trophy.

An eternal body The thought of His Holiness’s body makes me happy.

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