There are thousands of laws, but time is the most mysterious.

Time is the measure of all things, measuring the life of all things.

Even if eternity jumps out of the long river of time, it is still within the frame of time.

To put it more directly, no living being can escape the concept of time and escape the cycle of time.

But now, there is actually a powerful force that attacks them across time and space.

In this unimaginable shock, the three ancestors of the Divine Blood World discovered that the world they guarded was once again broken.

It was an eternal blow.

And it's not just eternity.

Even if they join forces, it will be difficult to resist.

And at this moment, deep in the starry sky, Yu Ziyu and Chaos Zhong Zhenling looked at this scene quietly through Ling'er's sky mirror.

"Have you mastered the law of time?"

Somewhat unexpectedly, Chaos Bell Zhenling was also curious.

"Just barely."

With a slight nod, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly,"

I recently figured out a new way to play time.

"I keep hearing that there is a power that can kill a creature's past and then kill its present and future."

"With this idea in mind, I am constantly thinking about"

"Finally figured out this method."

Listening quietly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also expressed admiration.

"It is indeed a good method to go upstream along the long river of time and kill everything."

"The method is good, but it requires precise coordinates and..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked complicated.

This is a very troublesome method.

Now Yu Ziyu cannot use it directly.

Various calculations and deductions are also required.

You know, when you go upstream, you go back to the past.

The point in time you return to is important.

This requires accurate calculation.

And after going back to the past, if you take action again, it will definitely be against the will of heaven.

This requires enduring the backlash.

After the combination of many, it will be a test for Yu Ziyu.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu lamented that this was an extremely troublesome method.

Still, it works pretty well.

At least this time, these Eternal Lords of the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth didn’t even see anyone....Yu Ziyu is already a corner of the world.

And this is what Yu Ziyu likes.

What he likes is this kind of secret attack.

Weird again.

It’s hard to guard against again.

Next, it’s up to the Beyonders and others.

As Yu Ziyu spoke softly, his eyes also fell on the picture presented by the sky mirror.

The Transcendents and others took advantage of the situation and took action one after another.

Just to give the Starry Sky Legion a chance.

Seeing this, the three supreme beings of the Divine Blood World were helpless and could only bite the bullet and fight against the Transcendents and others.

However, they all seemed to have concerns, and they were all pulled into the distant chaos.

Thinking about it, it’s understandable.

This world is the world of divine blood civilization.

If the Eternal Lord fights with all his strength, the world may be broken before the battle is over.

The Transcendents and others are also concerned about their own legion.

Therefore, with an extremely tacit understanding, they rushed to other places.

As for the rest, let's leave it to the legions.

And now...

It also means that another all-out war between the Divine Blood World and the Starry Sky World has begun.

This is real war.

Countless starry sky warriors came one after another, just to spread the war to every corner of the Divine Blood World.

At the same time, the top forces such as the Starry Sky Demon Court, the Dragon Clan, and the Void Empire began to operate at full strength.

Especially the Demon Court. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They are like a huge war machine.

Countless mechas are constantly coming out of the military factory.

These mechas had powerful combat power just after they were born.

Then cooperate with some professional control.

It can quickly erupt with destructive power that even demigods can't match.

They will be the masters of the battlefield.

The divine blood world consumes living power.

But because of the existence of these mechas, Demon Court's combat power is constantly flowing.

As long as there are enough resources, there will be unlimited vitality.

And this is the horror of technological civilization.

They rely on resources.

With sufficient resources, the combat power they can unleash is beyond imagination.

Compared to this, extraordinary civilization is completely different.

Even ordinary fifth-level life forms take decades to gestate.... so...

There is no comparison between the two in this regard.

The longer the war lasts, the greater the technological advantage will be.

But the premise is that the top combat power on the technological side can withstand the impact of the ancient emperor of the extraordinary civilization and the supreme emperor.

This is the biggest weakness on the technology side.

Their top-end combat power is ultimately insufficient.

However, Demon Court has no concerns in this regard.

After all, they are not a purely technological civilization.

Behind them, there is the Void Empire, the endless sea of ​​blood, and all races.

They are just a unique force on the technological side among extraordinary civilizations.

Of course, it is different from ordinary forces.

They have eternal full cultivation.

Both the ancestor of the mutant civilization and Yu Ziyu attach great importance to technology.

Yu Ziyu even walked through the long river of time to seize some civilized knowledge on the technological side for Yaoting.

This also made Demon Court as powerful as it is today.

Even the seventh-level mechas have quite a few.

One can imagine what this means.

And at this moment,

"..Is it time to send out the knights~?"


With a slight nod, the mechanical pioneers of the Demon Court also showed (Qian Nuo's) blazing eyes.

The Knights, the ultimate combat power of the Demon Court.

There are currently seventy-two mechas.

All of them have mid-level masters or even The combat power of high-ranking rulers cannot be doubted.

It cannot be provoked.

They are the core combat power of Demon Court.

They have devoted most of their resources.

And now...

"Swish, swish, swish..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."Xian" suddenly broke through the sky, and seventy-two rays of light flashed away, disappearing into the starry sky in an instant.

"Space jump, start..."

There was a sudden electronic synthesis sound, and a huge wormhole appeared in front of these lights.

Immediately afterwards, all these lights disappeared into the starry sky.

They are the final knights of Demon Court.

It is the strongest and even more sharp.

They will tear apart a corner of the war for the Demon Court and even the starry sky and the earth..

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