"Ancestor Styx still needs to investigate for some time."

Yu Ziyu said.

He immediately turned around and chose to leave.

Left alone, the Chaos Bell Zhenling quietly looked at each of the pictures.

There are hundreds of pictures here.

Most of them are from the perspective of reincarnations from the prehistoric times.

Through Through these perspectives, Chaos Zhong Zhenling saw the prehistoric world again.

It was still the familiar mountains and rivers.

It was still the familiar world.

"As expected, it remains unchanged."

With a sigh, Chaos Bell Zhenling also looked helpless.

Unchanging is the theme of the prehistoric era.

It is the perseverance of the prehistoric era.

Those beings who stand at the top hope that they will not change.

Their positions will not change, and their long lifespan will not change..

And in the prehistoric era, there is also a word that is hated by many powerful people.

That is the so-called variable.


The number of changes.

It is difficult to deduce and grasp.

This is a variable.

But what no one knows is that in the prehistoric era, Only variables can break through all shackles.

And in the starry sky, there are also 10 variables.

Yu Yu pays special attention to these variables.

AndDidn't bother.

He hoped that among these changes, an eternal sage could emerge.

Although this hope is slim.

But it's better than nothing.

It is possible after all.

However, at this moment, good news came from the front line

"Report, the Lord of Time and Space, the Beyonder, took action with anger and shattered a corner of the Divine Blood World."

"Several legions swarmed forward, finally tearing a corner of the gap and pouring into the divine blood world."

"At this time, the heaven and earth were filled with divine blood, the rivers and mountains were stained with blood, and the heaven and earth were shattered...."

Quietly listening to the report of the Girl of Destiny, Yu Ziyu also smiled.

Finally a corner was torn.

It seems like it's time for them to take action.

And in fact, it is the same.

Outside the Divine Blood Heaven and Earth, several figures have been standing for some time.

One of them is a black cat.

At least it looks like a black cat.

It yawned.

It looks like some of them have just woken up.

But now, its eyes were slightly focused, looking towards the distant world of divine blood.

There, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the world was stained with blood.


Grinning, the black cat suddenly roared

"Meow meow..."

Suddenly, its size continued to increase.

There are countless tentacles spurting out.

One after another, across the boundless chaos, fiercely slapped towards the divine blood world.

"you dare?"

A loud shout came from afar, and another ancestral tentacle appeared in the Divine Blood World.

It was a black ape.

He held a stick in both hands and hit thousands of tentacles fiercely.

However, it was not just the Yuan Devouring Beast.

"What a headache."

With a sigh, the Vengeful Valkyrie stepped forward.

She tightened the bloody spear in her hand.

It seemed that she felt the Vengeful Valkyrie's thoughts,

"Yin, Yin..."

As the spear vibrated, infinite red light spurted out.

Immediately afterwards,


Suddenly breaking through the sky, a red comet shattered the chaos and shot towards the vast sky and earth. The red comet was very fast.

It is even more powerful.

As it continues to break through the air, its speed becomes faster and faster, and its power becomes stronger and stronger.

However, if you look carefully, you can definitely see that this red comet is pointing directly at the black ape.

And this is the bloody spear of the Vengeful Valkyrie.

Revenge Valkyrie, why is she named Revenge.

That's because she was burdened with the Law of Revenge.

Anyone who hurt her will be remembered by her. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It will be doubled.

And let her remember the black ape.

Now, the bloody spear is sacrificed.

With the vengeful will of the Valkyrie


The astonishing sound of breaking through the air seemed to tear everything apart.

Even the black ape in the distance changed its expression.

He felt it.

I felt a huge crisis.

But at this moment,

"I come."

In the sudden opening, a figure walked out step by step.

It seemed to be a woman.

She was holding something like a staff.

The whole body was silvery gray.

This was the ancestor of the heroic clan.

"Shine, radiance."

As the staff was raised high, a bright light burst out.

It was like a bright sun, until it reached a bloody comet.


Along with the earth-shattering roar, the divine blood world was shaken.

The already widening gap has widened again.

More legions are pouring in continuously.

The founder of the Divine Blood World wanted to suppress it.

But what awaited them was attacks one after another.

That is the interference from the Transcendent and others far away from the world.

Three eternities, peeping outside heaven and earth.

There is no room for the strong men of the Divine Blood World to be careless.

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that a tree root spread over the long river of time.

"Whoop, whoop, whoosh..."

The sound of flowing water kept ringing, and a gray-black tree root looked like a real dragon, swimming upstream in the long river.

Why countercurrent?

That's because someone wanted to fight the enemy in the past.

This is Yu Ziyu.

He was finally ready to take action.

However, his actions are definitely not as direct and clear as those of Transcendent and others.

His moves were extremely weird.


Just like now, his roots are swimming against the current.

It turned out to be a few years ago.

At that time, 700, the war between the Divine Blood World and the Starry Sky World had just begun.

At that time, eternity has not yet ended.

At that time...

But the next moment,


Amidst the sudden roar, a huge gray-black shadow suddenly crushed the layers of space and landed heavily on the shell of the Divine Blood World.


"what happened?"


Amidst the continuous exclamations, countless people had no time to react.

Even the ancestors of the Divine Blood World did not react.

And that attack disappeared in a flash.

Many people have not noticed what this huge shadow looks like.

However, at the same time, outside the Divine Blood World, there was a sudden click in a corner, and a crack appeared.

Immediately afterwards,

"Click, click..."

One crisp sound after another, in the astonished eyes of the ancestors of the Divine Blood World, a corner of their world was constantly shattered.

Vaguely, I saw an illusory figure flashing away.

"what is that?"

They were a little stunned.

But the next moment, countless memories emerged.

A few years ago, the huge shadow came.

A fleeting attack.

Wait, this is, this.

With their eyes widened, these ancestors also faintly realized something

"This is an attack across time! How can it be?".

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