Ancestor Styx was a little confused.

Really confused.

He doesn't have to believe anything else.

Even similar flowers, he didn't believe it at all.

But why does this guy know Blood Drops better than he does?

Why do you know better than him:"The sea of ​​blood does not cry, the river of Styx does not die"?

This made Patriarch Styx completely confused.

It even made him doubt whether what he said before was true?

And at this moment, the figure in the picture spoke again

"I used your magical power to create my own great magical power, the Blood God Technique, which is known as the number one defensive magical power among the three thousand great supernatural powers.-"

"Just listen..."

As the words fell, obscure words came out one after another.

These words do not reach the outer ear.

Extremely mysterious.

But the ancestor of Styx is rare and understands it immediately.

Moreover, the more he listened, the more drastic his expression changed.

"How can this be?"

Is this the blood god's magic? Why is it the same as his magical power?

No... not the same. It is much more advanced than his magical power.

His magical power - the sea of ​​blood never dries up, the river of Styx never dies, compared to This Blood God's Dharma is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

To put it bluntly, if he were to cultivate for millions of years now, he might be able to go one step further.

And this is just that he has listened to part of the Blood God's Dharma..

More contents of the Blood God's Dafa are still being explained continuously. At this moment, the Styx Ancestor rarely made a sound.

Like a student, he chose to listen quietly. He even turned to the figure in the picture and said He gave a gift.

This represents respect.

At this time, deep in the starry sky, the Chaos Bell Zhenling looked at the scene. The ancestor of Styx, who had become extremely honest, also shook his head helplessly.

Another one was bewitched by Yu Ziyu Guy.

Ancestor Styx is very smart.

Moreover, he has lived a long time and is more cunning and calculating than most people.

But now, it is an Eternal Venerable who is plotting against him.

Moreover, this Eternal Venerable understands him very well.

He even learned the inheritance of the large Ancestor Styx.

Yes, a large one.

The ancient Ancestor Styx is already a small one in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

The starry sky, heaven and earth, and the blood river that dominates the Asura Era, are the real Not only has he perfected the magical power of Patriarch Styx

, but he has also turned it into the legendary No. 1 defense power, the Blood God Technique. He has also stepped into eternity.

In every aspect, he is much better than Patriarch Styx. Half a point.

And it is not easy for Yu Ziyu, who has the blood river heritage, to fool the ancestor of Styx.

Of course, this is the only way Yu Ziyu can think of. He actually plays the role of blood river to fool the ancestor of Styx.

He does not hesitate to do so. Hand over all the Blood God's Dharma to Ancestor Styx.

However, there is also a calculation by Yu Ziyu in this.

Because the Blood God's Dharma is a high-end version of Ancestor Styx's magical powers.

Without Ancestor Styx, there would be no way It is impossible to have the Blood God Dharma.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu still needs to remember the kindness of Patriarch Styx.

And now, giving the Patriarch Styx the Blood God Dharma without reservation can be regarded as repayment by Yu Ziyu.

With the prehistoric times The saying is called: the end of cause and effect.

But there is one thing.

That is, most of the great magical powers can only be acquired by one person. Now Yu Ziyu's body of the sea of ​​blood has fully understood the blood god's magic.

Can the ancestor of the Minghe still learn it? , It’s really hard to say.

However, there is another possibility.

That is, in the starry sky and earth, only one person can practice the great magical power. But the ancestor of Styx is from the prehistoric world.

The two are not in the same world. Maybe they can both practice the blood god method.

"Now it seems that Ancestor Styx is destined to fall into your hands."

Chaos Clock True Spirit sighed.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning, you still need to get along with him for a while"

"When the time is right, give him the Hongmeng Purple Qi to help him become a saint."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice, Chaos Zhong Zhenling knew that Kunpeng should have no chance.

There is no chance at all.

Now Yu Ziyu has been internally determined to be the ancestor of Styx.

However, it is true.

Regardless of emotional factors, Styx Ancestor becoming a saint is indeed a better choice.

Just because he is strong enough. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is enough to carry Yu Ziyu’s expectations

"Ancestor Styx is too outstanding in the parallel world"

"At first, when I saw the rise of Blood River, I couldn’t believe it"

"He is the most powerful Eternal Lord I have ever seen."

Chaos Bell Zhenling gave unabashed praise.

That blood-robed Taoist had his back to the starry sky.

He single-handedly fought against the five great chaos beasts. He even killed them one by one.

His horror was beyond imagination.

And it is worth mentioning. What's more, in his era, giant beasts were rampant in the chaos.

Many giant beasts had eternal fighting power.

And the five chaotic giant beasts he defeated were all Eternal Lords.

Moreover, they were not ordinary ones. Eternal Lord.

But even so, they all fell.

So you can imagine how terrifying Blood River was.

And that was also called the Rebellion of the Five Demons.

It was regarded as Blood River's most glorious achievement.

It's just that , at this moment, as if he thought of something, Chaos Bell Zhenling suddenly said:

"You seem to be gradually getting in touch with civilization now, right?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked expectant.

The Chaos Bell is really spiritual and has lived much longer than he thought.

He should have more knowledge about civilization.

"I have never heard of wizard civilization..."

"But I know an extremely terrifying civilization. If it existed, its threat would be several times more terrifying than that of wizards."

"And that is Starway Civilization..."

"In the star civilization, there are countless destiny paths, and there is a god at the end of each destiny path."

"They call them Star Gods, and they all have eternal fighting power."

"Fertility, destruction, aurora..."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also fell silent.



This destiny should be the law of the starry sky.

At the end of every law, there is a god. this...

"This world has given birth to so much eternity?"

In Yu Ziyu's view, the resources of the world are limited and should not be able to breed too many Eternal Lords.

"The resources of one world are indeed limited, but what if there are countless worlds?"

Suddenly speaking, Chaos Zhong Zhenling also had a complicated expression on his face.

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