"This is?"

Ancestor Styx was stunned.

What kind of power is this?

Everything is solidified.

Even himself is solidified.

Some are just active thoughts.

You know, this is his base camp, the Netherworld Blood Sea.

But in his base camp, the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood, someone actually froze everything.

He had no power to resist.

"A saint is not an ordinary saint."

My heart was extremely horrified, but Ancestor Minghe heard a faint voice.

"Ancestor Styx, have you ever heard of two similar flowers in the world?"

"Similar flowers?"

Ancestor Styx was attracted by this voice and slowly opened his mouth.

Looking around, everything was solidified.

As if frozen.

Only he could stand up slowly.

With his eyes wide open, he looked at this stranger The ultimate world.

This is a still world.

It is a world beyond what the world knows.

"Are there two completely similar flowers in the world?"

The voice asked again


Ancestor Styx brought a touch ofCertainly.

It is impossible to have exactly the same flowers.

Even though the texture is the same, the essence of 717 is different


The voice seemed to agree.

But the next moment, the voice sounded again:

"Then do you think there will be people similar to you in this chaos?"

"What's the meaning?"

Ancestor Styx stood up, a little confused.

But right here, ripples appeared, and a picture appeared in front of him. In the picture, there was an ocean.

It was a blood-colored ocean.

It was very similar to the Nether Sea of ​​Blood.

But This is not the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood, Patriarch Styx is extremely sure.

I don’t know how many years have passed, but this sea of ​​blood actually gave birth to a life.

It seemed to be a Taoist.

Looking at this figure, Patriarch Styx was a little lost..

Just because this figure seems to be 70% similar to him.

But the difference is that this figure is more sharp and dazzling.

Then, it is this figure that grows all the way.

He walked out of the sea of ​​​​blood.

Until a certain moment...

Ancestor Styx discovered that this guy (ajad) seemed to be not much different from him.

They are all equally powerful.

They're all equally terrible

"Who is this?"

Ancestor Minghe was puzzled.

But before he could ask, the voice spoke again:

"Take a good look, this is just the beginning."

As the words fell, the scene changed again.

I saw boundless thunder catastrophe falling from the sky and the earth.

The thunder catastrophe covered the sky and the sun, covering the boundless starry sky.

Looking at this thunder catastrophe, even Old Styx Ancestor was terrified.

This was the thunder calamity that could destroy him.

But the figure similar to him slowly stepped forward and faced the thunder calamity.



Amid the sudden roar, an earth-shattering aura rose into the sky.

But that's not a saint.

If you step into eternity, you will be immortal in heaven and earth.

Immortal in this world.

However, it's not terrible.

What's really scary is that above this figure, Ancestor Styx saw his own shadow.

As if this is another him.

No, not him. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He does not have such strength.

And next, this one stepped into eternal existence and created a mysterious race

"You will be called the Asura clan from now on."

He said calmly, but it shocked the ancestor of Styx.

Asura clan, isn't this the race he created?


But before he could get more curious, this figure began to create another one that he extremely Familiar magical powers.

Billions of blood drops emerge from chaos.

All of them are destined to die.

This is...

"This is the great method of the Blood God. Much more perfect than your blood drops."

The voice suddenly sounded, like an introduction.

Time passed slowly.

I don't know how long it took, but the ancestor of Styx witnessed his growth with his own eyes.

It was the rise of a race.

It was the rise of a civilization.

That was the era that Patriarch Styx dreamed of.

And that was...The era of the Asura clan.

But at this moment, the figure in the picture suddenly appeared in chaos.

It was vast, chaotic, and deserted.

There is just this Taoist standing quietly

"It should be said that it was the first time we met."

The sudden opening made Ancestor Minghe a little confused.

Are you talking to him?

Ancestor Minghe was confused.

But then, the figure similar to him in the picture spoke again.

"I have been in eternity for many years, and I can vaguely feel that I have a subtle connection with you, as if I was born because of you."

"Then, I kept deducing and finally discovered some truth..."

"I, no, I should say that the entire starry sky is a projection of your ancient world. You can also understand it as a parallel world....."

"And I am you...It’s you, Ancestor Styx"

"It's just a pity that you can't step into eternity, stand on the top of chaos with me, and look at the boundless scenery."

Listening quietly, Patriarch Styx was silent.

At this moment, he was doubting his life. He suspected that inner demons had entered his body.

But he was a quasi-sage at the peak.

How could there be inner demons invading his body?

"You're talking nonsense, but you and I are one, so the devil can't confuse me."

Ancestor Minghe waved his sleeves and said disdainfully.

"You probably won’t believe it, but then again, who would believe it?"

"However, you remember these, remember..."

"Blood God's Dharma emphasizes endless life and death, and incorporates many laws such as life and death, reincarnation, etc...."

"Also, although the blood droplets can be reborn, they are afraid of cause and effect, fate, and need to..."

Listening quietly, Ancestor Styx was confused.

This is actually teaching.

Yes teaching.

Teaching him the practice of blood drops.

Ancestor Styx has been practicing Blood Drops for countless years, so naturally he immediately heard that everything he said was the truth.

That is to say, these few sentences are all true.

She even knows herself better than he does.

How can this be?.

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