He is not.

Three simple words.

Firm and powerful.

It's shocking.

Even the saint never doubted the identity of Donghuang's body.

But the demon master Kunpeng was speechless for a long time, and the golden monkey was also silent.

"His power is very similar, his aura is also very similar, and even his temperament is exactly the same as Donghuang's..."

"But the first thing Donghuang will do when he returns is to contact me...."

Kunpeng seemed to have noticed the golden monkey, and he also said:

"Because, only he knows that I have reserved the last fire for the demon clan"

"It also retains the strongest combat power of the demon clan!!"

Hearing this, the golden monkey was also shocked.

"you mean?"

"Hum hum..."

With an extremely hoarse laugh, Demon Master Kunpeng grinned.

"Everyone in the world scolded me,"460", for being a demon master, letting down the demon clan, and betraying one's trust....But how many people know that everything I do is in compliance with Donghuang’s orders?"

"That guy was good, he left, but he made me stick with him for countless years."

The voice of the demon master Kunpeng was filled with bitterness.

It was more helpless.

But he had no choice.

As a demon master of the demon clan, he had the responsibility.

"It seems that I am about to know something, some incredible news."

The golden monkey sighed, but there was a look of expectation on his face.

He was looking forward to what Demon Master Kunpeng would say next.

"Hum hum..."

With a cold snort, the figure with his back to the golden monkey said nothing.

But a scene couldn't help but appear in his mind.

It was late at night.

The stars and moon are bright and clear.

Donghuang summoned him alone.

They meet on the lunar star.

Standing quietly under the Taiyin tree, overlooking the wild mountains and rivers

"Kunpeng, how many years have we ruled the wilderness?"

"Tens of millions of years."

Kunpeng said honestly at that time.

"Yes, it has been tens of millions of years, but the demon clan has finally faced a calamity, and it is impossible to rule over the ancient land forever...."

"Even we can't escape"

"Can I ask you a favor here?"

Hearing this, Kunpeng was also shocked.

"Tribulation? Can't escape?"

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

Kunpeng was puzzled.

"I can feel it...Sensing some unimaginable crisis...This big crisis is about to come. If we cannot avoid it, our demon clan is afraid that it will..."

Donghuang didn't finish speaking.

And at the next moment, he changed the subject and said:

"I hope you can betray the demon clan at the critical moment...Take the demon clan’s fire and escape from the land of right and wrong"

"Whether you are going to the Far East or the North Sea, you can..."

"As long as you hide far away, that's fine!"

Hearing this, Kunpeng was also confused.

But before he could say anything more, Donghuang had already turned around, leaving Kunpeng with a thought-provoking figure.

It was because of that night that Kunpeng, the demon master of the demon clan, was at the most critical moment. At that moment, he stabbed the demon clan in the back.

Then the whole clan fled.

According to many strong demon clan members, if the demon master Kunpeng had not left at the critical moment, the Wu clan would have been destroyed long ago.

Although, this statement is a bit exaggerated..

But it also shows how much damage the demon master Kunpeng’s behavior at that time caused to the demon clan.

"That's not what I want."

As he murmured softly, the demon master Kunpeng was full of bitterness.

He regretted it.

He was helpless.

He also wanted to fight to the death with the demon gods back then.

But...Does he have a choice?

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded deep in the palace.

"You did nothing wrong, Kunpeng..."

"You have never failed the demon clan, it is the demon clan that has betrayed you."

Hearing this figure, Demon Master Kunpeng was shocked.

"How can it be?"

In unimaginable shock, the demon master Kunpeng slowly turned around.

In his eyes, there was a small copper bell on the shoulder of the golden monkey.

And the voice came from someone of the same age.

This is Donghuang Taiyi's voice was still as majestic and domineering as ever.

Even Kunpeng couldn't help but be shocked when he heard it.

"Is it really you?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The demon master Kunpeng was a little confused.

"I have long been dead...Now, it is just a wisp of the remaining soul that I entrusted to the Chaos Clock."

"But what I want to say is that you did nothing wrong"

"Because of your choice, our demon tribe successfully retained the fire"

"Even the little guy in front of you is the fire you saved in the past."

Recited one after another, the copper bell hanging high on the golden monkey's shoulder also sounded a bell.

This is the projection of the Chaos Bell.

And this sound is the true spirit of the Chaos Bell, pulling the remnant soul of the Eastern Emperor towards the The demon master Kunpeng said it.

Donghuang left a few words to Kunpeng.

The Chaos Bell Zhenling always wanted to convey it.

But there was no chance.

Now, take this opportunity to convey these words together.

And at this time, the starry sky Heaven and earth.

Looking at this scene, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be moved.

He heard something

"When Demon Master Kunpeng left, was there another reason?"

He was a little curious


Nodding slightly, Chaos Bell Zhenling also said frankly:

"The demon master Kunpeng is one of the three giants who support the entire heaven. His status is no less than that of Emperor Jun. How could he betray heaven?"

"That's his hard work..."

"But... Lord Donghuang, aware of the crisis of the demon clan, knew that it was irreversible, so he made a plan with Kunpeng...Preserve the last fire of the demon clan."

Speaking of this, Chaos Bell Zhenling also added:

"Do you know why Kunpeng chose to live in the North Sea?"

"This place is a barren land, and there are no decent treasures. Even an ordinary strong man is not willing to stay for a long time?"

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but become silent.


"It’s because Donghuang said that we should keep the fire in 5.1...The North Sea is the best place to stay because it is cold all year round. I even suspect that what is sealed under the North Sea is the corpses of hundreds of millions of monsters."

Chaos Bell True Spirit sighed.

He looked at Kunpeng with a touch of sympathy.

Kunpeng is not a good person.

Absolutely not.


This is the absolute impression he gives to outsiders.

Moreover, he was originally fighting for position in Zixiao Palace. , he must die for Hongyun, which also makes all the powerful people in the wild have a bad impression of him.

But no one knows that this guy is actually a trustworthy person.

Moreover, he is still the kind of absolutely trustworthy.

As for forcing Hongyun to die in the first place.

More It can be said that he deserved his death.

If he had not taken the initiative to give up the throne, the holy throne would not have been passed to the two Western Saints.

To a certain extent, Hongyun ruined Kunpeng's amazing opportunity.

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