The golden monkey went to see Kunpeng.

At the same time, a woman shrouded in gray robes also walked towards the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood.

This is the Queen of the Abyss.

The body is a purple spider.

I have been on the ninth level of Tianmen for many years.

According to Yu Ziyu's instructions, he sneaked into Honghuang.

Although, now possessed by a spider spirit, the combat power that can be exerted is extremely limited.

But with her weird methods, she can still be considered the winner.

And now, she is going to the Netherworld Sea of ​​Blood

"Master, it’s getting really scary."

"It can actually help people realize eternity."

With a sigh, the Queen of the Abyss couldn't help but be horrified.

Eternity is difficult to prove.

But the master can also see from this how terrifying he is.

And it is worth mentioning here that the Queen of the Abyss knows Yu Ziyu very well.

She clearly knows that Yu Ziyu is not A person who talks nonsense.

So, since he said that he can help people set foot on eternity, he must be able to help.

But here, the Queen of the Abyss is curious.

Since the master has the means to help people realize eternity, why not help his own people.

Instead, he should help , distrustful outsiders

"Because you don’t have enough background, and you are not from ancient times."

He also thought about helping the Golden Monkey and the Queen of the Abyss to set foot on the Saint.

But after thinking about it, he still gave up.

They are too far away from eternity.

It is definitely not something Yu Ziyu can wait for.

And, more importantly, they are not from the prehistoric world. Creatures.

If a saint is forcibly enlightened with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi, it may alarm the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao.

And who is the Great Desolate Heavenly Dao?

Naturally, there is no need to think too much.

Therefore, based on the principle of caution, Yu Ziyu still plans to support the two ancient Prehistoric Heavenly Dao. The strong ones can become saints.

The ancestor of Styx and the demon master Kunpeng are the best choices.

As for Zhen Yuanzi, Kong Xuan and others...

Hang up on a matter that has nothing to do with you.

One is close to Buddhism and unruly.

By supporting them, isn't it to support the enemy?

The possibility of them becoming enemies with the other saints is extremely slim.

There are only those who are extremely dissatisfied with the saint.

Ancestor Minghe and Demon Master Kunpeng are both such people.

Ancestor Styx has an extremely extraordinary origin.

It is said that after Pangu opened the sky, a ball of dirty blood fell.

And this dirty blood turned into the current sea of ​​​​netherworld blood.

And this sea of ​​​​netherworld blood gave birth to two great powers.

One is the Ancestor of Styx, and the other is Taoist Six-winged Mosquito.

They have nothing to do with Dufumen.

Taoist Six-winged Mosquito bit the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue, causing the Golden Lotus of Merit and Virtue to fall down the grade, and it has been difficult to recover to this day.

This cause and effect is recorded in the Netherworld Blood Sea and Buddhism.

Ancestor Minghe did it because Buddhism wanted to transcend the sea of ​​blood in the underworld and suppress hundreds of millions of dead souls.

These are the lifeblood of Ancestor Styx.

It was he who created the reincarnated soul of Asura.

Without these dead souls, he took the lead in creating the Asura clan.

Therefore, the relationship between Patriarch Styx and Buddhism is not generally bad.

If Buddhism didn't have two saints, he might have already started fighting with Buddhism.

This is why Yu Ziyu said that the first thing Patriarch Minghe had to do to become a saint was Buddhism.

As for Kunpeng.

If he still thinks about being a member of the demon clan.

If he still misses his past feelings with Donghuang Taiyi and Dijun.

Then after becoming a saint, I will definitely seek advice from Buddhism.

Therefore, supporting them is something Yu Ziyu has thought about deeply.

It is really possible for them to become the assistants of Donghuang's body.

But now, Yu Ziyu's only worry is that they are the same as the legend?

Over the long years, they have undergone some changes.

Then everything is hard to say.

Compared with Yu Ziyu's worries, Golden Monkey also set foot in the Beihai area.

As far as the eye can see, there is an endless icy blue color.

Lifeless and lifeless.

It’s hard to imagine that Kunpeng, the demon master who dominated the country at the time, would live in a place like this.

"The disciples of the Great Sage Qitian asked to see Kunpeng, and he wanted to see him."

Golden Monkey handed over his hands, with a rare touch of respect, and shouted to Beihai. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


There was a long silence, and there seemed to be no response.

But the golden monkey still lowered his head.

If it had been anyone else, he would have turned around long ago.

But this one is different.

This is Kunpeng.

He is his benefactor.

In his life, there are two most important noble people.

One is the demon master Kunpeng.

The second one is the master.

The demon master Kunpeng helped him reincarnate and unlocked the unprecedented talent of reincarnation.

As for his master, who has trained him to this day, both of them have been extremely kind to him.

And at this moment,

"Disciples of the Monkey King, hum....I hope you change your identity and come to see me"

"The first general under Donghuang Taiyi, I don’t know if that’s okay."

The golden monkey smiled and said bluntly


As soon as the words fell, the vast North Sea was actually divided into two, until the end of the sea.

And at the end of the sea, a dark palace stood quietly.

It was like a palace made of obsidian, glowing with inexplicable brilliance.

Just Just looking at it is awe-inspiring.

Not to mention, the vague and terrifying aura coming from the depths of the palace.


Taking one step forward, the Golden Monkey did not hesitate.

It turned into a golden light and went straight to the palace. moment...

In the deepest part of this palace, two figures stood facing each other.

A figure seemed to have its back to heaven and earth.

He was wearing a black robe and his face was unknown.

But an indescribable aura filled the air between heaven and earth.

As strong as a golden monkey, his eyes are slightly focused.

The other figure was wearing armor and wearing cloud boots, looking majestic.

This is the golden monkey

"Did you know that this Black Cloud Palace was given by Taiyi?"

With a touch of hoarseness, a voice came from the far back.

"Given by Taiyi..."

Slightly startled, Golden Monkey was also stunned.

In this way, the demon master Kunpeng has preserved this palace for countless epochs. this...

"He is not!"

With a very firm voice, Demon Master Kunpeng also stated a cold fact. ps:**********************Asking for flowers, asking for rewards***********************..,

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