Lord, the starry sky is second only to the eternal existence.

Anyone who can set foot on the throne is considered a strong person.

As a master, he naturally knows that there is already a true supreme power in the starry sky.

That is an eternity.

Above all living beings.

Looking down at the world.

His existence is like a mountain, weighing on the hearts of countless people.

Trembling, shocking.

Every Lord will be speechless for a long time when looking up at the stars.


And that's the case with the Red Dust Sword Immortal.

And, compared to other people, he knows a lot.

Just because, back then, he met the Demon Emperor.

He even said to his master:"I will definitely surpass him." '

Yes, beyond.

But now, the Demon King has actually set foot in eternity, and he is only at the third level of Tianmen.

How can we talk about transcendence?

Even one of the Demon Emperor’s subordinates and disciples can slap him to death.


With a sigh, the Hongchen Sword Immortal was also disheartened.

Even more dejected

"Who could have thought that this eternity did not come from other heavens and earth, but came out of this world?"

While sighing in his heart, the Red Dust Sword Immortal picked up the wine bottle on his waist.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

Sip after sip, he became more and more decadent as he drank.

A generation of sword immortals actually lost their sword heart.

No wonder, his realm will fall.

However, it's not his fault.

Who would have thought that the Eternal Venerable who now stands at the top of the world is actually his acquaintance?

No, no, acquaintance.

Rather, it has always been regarded as an 'object' to be pursued and even surpassed.

Thinking back to the beginning, when he knew that the Demon Emperor was dead and his soul was destroyed, he felt quite regretful.

But now...

After a sad laugh, the old man also sighed.

Only at this time,


The sword roared, and countless sword lights rose from the sword box behind him, surrounding him.

And among these thousands of sword lights, a hazy figure also emerged.

"Are you still sinking?"

"Perish, maybe."

With a very bitter smile, Hongchen Sword Immortal also said to the imperial weapon Hongchen Sword Box:

"Go ahead and find a suitable owner"

"I'm no longer suitable for you..."

"You deserve a better master."

As he said this, the Red Dust Sword Immortal also waved his hand.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Accompanied by the continuous piercing of the sky, thousands of sword lights flew towards the starry sky.


Amidst the faint sigh, a voice also appeared in his ears:

"Are you sure?"


Nodding, the Red Dust Sword Immortal bowed his head to heaven and earth and said:

"Great Lord of Time and Space, I am here in the world of mortals, offering you my most sincere respect."


As he sighed, the light and shadow kept changing, and a figure emerged slowly.

This is Yu Ziyu.

Coming from the distant chaos, breaking through the sky.

But this time, the purpose of his arrival... naturally for...

Slowly raising his hand, a sword box fell into his hand.

This sword box is carved with complicated patterns.

Like a graceful woman holding a sword.

And this is the legendary Imperial Weapon Red Dust Sword Box.

It is said that this is the supreme sword box created by a supreme master of the sword sect in the past.

Within it, there are thousands of divine swords.

Every divine sword is enough to shock the world.

Moreover, what is even more frightening is that the higher the quality of the divine sword in this sword box, the more powerful this sword box is.

If there are four swords of killing immortals hidden inside, they may be as powerful as the innate emperor's soldiers.

Of course, this is impossible.

Not to mention its power, it can directly catch up with the innate emperor's soldiers.

Whether this sword box alone can withstand the sharp edges of the Four Zhuxian Swords is debatable.

But this does not affect the power of the Red Dust Sword Box

"If cultivated well, the power should be able to reach the limit of acquired imperial soldiers...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu also caressed the red dust sword box.

And this time, he came.

Just for this imperial weapon.

In other words, he is doing it for all the imperial soldiers.

Imperial Soldier...The vessel of eternity.

For other strong men, if they want to build it, they may have to devote their entire lives to it.

It requires continuous practice.

It is said that even the most inferior imperial soldiers need a strong man from the seventh level of Tianmen, who must be constantly polished day and night.

And this also makes it understandable why the imperial soldiers are so terrifying.

It is also understandable why the Imperial Armament can become the inheritance weapon of all major forces and its true heritage.

And now...Yu Ziyu wants to conquer the ancient world.

It is necessary to integrate all the resources in the starry sky.

Among them are the so-called imperial soldiers.

He needs to gather all the imperial soldiers.

Then, with his heaven-defying methods, he continued to perform sacrifices, and then repaired countless imperial soldiers....until complete.

And this is Yu Ziyu's 'Emperor Arms Completion Plan'.

However, in exchange,

Yu Ziyu needs to choose the next generation of masters of the imperial soldiers.

It takes him to choose a suitable master

"Only when these imperial weapons fall into the hands of the right people can they unleash their greatest power."

Said softly, Yu Ziyu also has some selfish motives.

That is, he hopes that some of his acquaintances and friends can be in charge of the imperial army.

However, this requires fate.

For example, Yu Ziyu feels that the Red Dust Sword Box is suitable for Nine Tails.

But the Red Dust Sword Box If they are not satisfied, then Yu Ziyu will naturally not force it.

Forced melons are not sweet.

Therefore, it is better to say that it is Yu Ziyu’s choice. It is better to say that Yu Ziyu just wants to find a more suitable master for them....

"You are severely disabled. You have lost all your power. If you want to recover, it will probably take more than a million years."

"And this requires countless treasures of heaven and earth to be cultivated."

Recounting one after another, Yu Ziyu also looked at the 'old man' not far away.

I think back then, he was still a young man.

Fenlang was peerless.

But now, he is so down and out.

"In the future, if you have an epiphany and find the lost sword heart, you can come to me and retrieve this sword box."

While speaking softly, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

He saw...

I saw a timeline of this old man's future.

In that 'future', this old man had an epiphany, found the sword's heart, and made breakthroughs one after another....

It is rising again at the end of time.

Very good, really good.

Even if that's just a possibility in the future.

It is enough to prove that this guy is not bad.

At least, it’s worth Yu Ziyu’s expectations.

"I hope you can become a sharp sword in my hand in the future."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu slowly turned around and chose to leave.

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