"Growing too fast?..."

While murmuring in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also thoughtful.

He did grow up too fast.

It was so fast that no one could react.

It's frighteningly fast.

But, isn't this a good thing?...

Now he has enough time to plan and prepare......

In the faint years, the void continues to grow.

One master after another keeps popping up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Today's void can be described as 'strong as a cloud'.

Among them, the 108 sequence is even more famous.

Just because, half of the one hundred and eight sequences have set foot on the domination.

And the sequence ranked sixty-two has already become half-step master of the Megatron Starry Sky.

"That is the Void Rank 62 sequence....Furious..."

Amidst the somewhat horrified sounds, countless creatures looked towards the figure above the starry sky, whose whole body was burning like a flame.

He is the half-step master of the void.

Code name 'Rage'.

It is said that the more he fought, the stronger he became, and the more he fought, the braver he became.

Although it is only half a step to dominate, it is already invincible.

If you can't dominate, who can compete with you?

But now, he is fighting with many strong men in the starry sky.

The more they fought, the more terrifying his aura became.

Even several half-step masters were defeated. successive defeats

"quack quack...."

Amidst the very cold laughter, the fury became more and more wanton

"Is this the starry sky warrior? It really is..."

A very sarcastic voice, and the flames around Fury became more and more bright.

One punch blasted out the room.

The red light beam that penetrated the starry sky suddenly erupted.

That beam of light was huge.

In one punch, countless meteorites were blown to pieces.

That look of disdain.

That arrogant posture made countless powerful people in the starry sky feel horrified.

"This seems to be just the Void Sixty-Four Sequence. My God, the Sixty-Four are so strong? What about everyone else?"

Amidst some frightened voices, a sixth-level giant was also confused.

The void is a bit unfamiliar to this remote star field.

It is a terrorist force active in the center of the starry sky.

But now, there is only a rank sixty-four The sequence of coming here is actually looking at the world.


You know, sequence sixty-four does not mean that he is Void, a powerful man ranked sixty-fourth.

Above the sequence, there is also the King of the Void.

On top of the King of the Void, there are the legendary Void Protectors, the Lord of the Void, etc.

And this is emptiness.

The level is eerie and terrifying.

A civilization-level force that stands at the top of all living beings.

But now, the void sequence of a half-step master is actually so powerful.

A total of seventeen sixth-level giants, including three half-step masters, surrounded him alone, but it was difficult to suppress them.

In this way, we can also imagine how terrifying the existence above him is.

"It is said that in the void sequence, there is one echelon for every ten levels....Although sixty-four is terrifying, the fifty-four sequence is probably many times stronger than him, let alone those single-digit sequences."

Suddenly he spoke, but it was an old man with good knowledge who pointed out the truth.

"Forehead...Are you serious? ?"

In a daze, countless people lost their voices.

The fifty-fourth sequence is several times more powerful than the sixty-fourth sequence?


It’s unimaginable and even more unbelievable.

However, looking at the figure standing tall and arrogant in the starry sky, they became more and more suffocated.

How terrifying is this void.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, a strong man also said hesitantly:

"The void single-digit sequence is probably only matched by the top ten divine beasts of Demon Court, and moreover, they are still the top ten divine beasts of the first generation."

Hearing this voice, many strong men couldn't help but express their feelings.

The Demon Court is another force that engulfs the world.

It is said that every three thousand years, ten divine beasts will appear in the Demon Court.

So far, it has been There are more than five generations.

However, the most impressive thing is the ten great beasts of the first generation. All of them look down upon the world.

Some people even say that 'all the ten great beasts of the first generation set foot on the Lord'.

Although this is just a rumor.

But you can also see It turns out that the top ten mythical beasts of the first generation of Demon Court are really not that scary.

However, think about it.

If it is true as rumored, then it is really possible that the top ten beasts of the first generation of Demon Court can be compared to the top ten single-digit sequences of the Void.

"In fact, it’s not just the top ten mythical beasts of Demon Court...."

Suddenly interrupted, a figure also walked out and continued to add:

"Three Heroes of the Golden Crow, Five Saints of Kunpeng...And the Nine Sons of the Dragon Clan...These are probably no worse than empty single-digit sequences."

Listening quietly, everyone couldn't help but be startled.

The Three Golden Crows?

The Five Saints of Kunpeng?

What is this?

The Nine Sons of the Dragon Clan, they have heard of it.

It seems that the Dragon Clan is the most terrifying Nine Meridians.

Each of them has There is a Dragon King sitting in charge.

As the saying goes, 'A dragon gives birth to nine sons, all of them are different.'

And the nine sons of the Dragon Clan represent the nine major branches of the Dragon Clan.

"Hum hum..."

With a sneer, a figure retorted:

"Don't be ridiculous, the top ten mythical beasts of the first generation of Demon Court and the top ten single-digit sequences of Void are completely in another echelon."

"To put it bluntly, their existence is already superior to many masters."

"Especially the top five existences in the top ten single-digit sequences in the void, as well as the first generation of the Demon Court's Sky-Shaking God Ant and the Nine-tailed Demon Fox....It’s even more powerful level"...

As he spoke one after another, a flash of memory flashed deep in the eyes of this figure.

More helpless.

He watched the rise of the top ten sequences in the void.

He even watched the ten sacred beasts of Demon Court walking towards the void.

It's a shame that he was still side by side with these guys back then.

But now


With a sigh, the old man carrying the sword box also raised his steps.


There was a sudden roar and a shocking sword light that tore apart the starry sky and the world.

Faintly, there was a chorus of thousands of swords, shaking the galaxy

"This place is where I live in seclusion. Please give me some face."

When he suddenly spoke, the old man also bowed to the starry sky.

"It turns out to be the long-lost human master - the Red Dust Sword Immortal."

There was a sound of astonishment, and a look of solemnity appeared on the face of the Sixty-Four Fury of the Void Sequence in the distance.

The Red Dust Sword Immortal was the earliest master.

Although he had lived in seclusion for many years, his strength was still there.

And above the Void, he had already given an explanation - —Don’t mess with the master.


"Then I will give you a face."

With a wave of his big hand, this Void Sequence leader had already retreated like a tide with his vast army.

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