The reason why many strong men are scary.

It's because he can figure out everything about you the first time he sees you.

All kinds of things in the past, even past and present lives.

Everything can be calculated.

In this way, how can we be enemies with him?

In front of him, you are like a little sheep with no secrets, ready to be slaughtered.

But this does not exist with Yu Ziyu.

No matter how you deduce Wushuang, it is impossible to deduce any information about Yu Ziyu.

In the eyes of anyone, even in the eyes of a terrifying and powerful person who is half-detached, Yu Ziyu is like a mystery.

Past and present life, nowhere to be found.

This is the horror of the past, present, and future.

Just, more than that.......

After cutting off the years and blocking all his energy, Yu Ziyu also began to truly organize.

Stepping into eternity is just the beginning.

What really matters is the follow-up. only...Slowly raising his eyes, he looked at the starry sky and all the worlds, but Yu Ziyu knew that the starry sky no longer belonged to him.

The current starry sky cannot accommodate him.

Further qualitative changes in the level of life have made him equal to the universe and this starry sky.

In this way, it would be difficult for him to descend into this starry sky.

If it comes forcibly, the entire starry sky, countless star fields, and even all the worlds will collapse.

"The starry sky right now is too fragile for me."

Smiling bitterly in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at some of his acquaintances.

Purple Scythe, Golden Ant, Bull Demon...And his daughter Yu Xue...

Now, they all seemed more excited than themselves.

From time to time, looking outside the chaos is full of surprises. but...Looking carefully, Yu Ziyu discovered something strange about his daughter Yu Xue.

As the saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

When he set foot in eternity, his daughter also seemed to have received an astonishing blessing, and her bloodline had further transformed.

Now, it has fallen into a long retreat.

If nothing unexpected happens, by the time she comes out of seclusion next time, she will be at least in the sixth level of Tianmen.

This is pretty cool.

At least Yu Ziyu doesn't need to worry about his future.

Of course, so does his other daughter.

As he set foot on eternity, his bloodline transformed...

This is the scary thing about bloodline.

The strong man's bloodline is engraved with the imprint of strength, which can be passed on continuously.

If there is a chance, his two daughters will be more likely to awaken the power that belongs to him - time and space.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu already controls the entire law of time and space.

Close your eyes and you will be surrounded by countless forces of time and space.

These powers of time and space will bring people close to him. including his daughter...

However, these are not important.

After taking a deep look at everyone, Yu Ziyu finally faced himself squarely.

"eternal realm..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.


Amidst the sudden roar, a very familiar blue light curtain appeared in Yu Ziyu's eyes.

【Host: Yu Ziyu.

Level: Eighth level - the realm of eternity, indestructible, immortal, immortal and immortal...The ultimate in spiritual practice...Already a Hunyuan...Beyond life and death...

The law of destiny: the law of time and space - the legendary supreme law that governs time and space...It is one of the most mysterious and terrifying laws in the world.

The law of the five elements - the first-class law, metal, wood, water, fire and earth, are all understood and carried.

Law of Void... law of light and dark......

Natal talent: Unlimited spell - a terrifying spell engraved on one's own body that can keep functioning at all times...

Supernatural power: time and space cutting...time gap...Time and space twist...Big five elements palm...

Great magical power: one qi transforms three pure things: the legendary Taoist sect’s first magical power, stealing fortune and seizing yin and yang...

The Nine Realms of Heaven: The great supernatural power bred by the blood-colored eyes at birth, giving birth to the nine realms that carry all things.......

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is his properties panel.

But since he stepped into the seventh level of the extraordinary, which is the realm of domination, he rarely watched it.

It can even be said to be ignored.

Just because, after he stepped into the Dominion, he was worried about this inexplicable golden finger.

Worry about this inexplicable property panel.

Everything has a cause and an effect.

In this case, where does his golden finger come from?

Yu Ziyu has been speculating on this, and is even studying it.

And now...

Stepping into eternity, he finally glimpsed a corner of the mist

"It turns out to be you..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu saw...

He saw a purple spirit surging in the deepest part of his mind.

This purple meaning is extremely profound.

It is even more brilliant than can be described.

But when he saw this wisp of purple meaning, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but become addicted.

It seems that it has fascinating power.

You know, he is eternal.

But now, it actually affects him.

And this is because, surprisingly, the source of this wisp of purple meaning is a fragment.

Although Yu Ziyu felt unfamiliar with this fragment, he noticed its origin for the first time.

"The legendary jade butterfly..."

While muttering softly, Yu Ziyu was also stunned.

Creation of jade butterfly, legendary...The supreme treasure that contains the secrets of the three thousand avenues was damaged by the pressure of the creation of the world. How terrible is it that the jade plate was created for the sake of the one from the prehistoric times ? This is a record of the three thousand heavenly principles of the Great Way. A treasure known as the 'Supreme Treasure'. To put it bluntly, this is an existence comparable to the Chaos Clock. Even to some extent, it is even more terrifying. And this fragment in Yu Ziyu's mind is naturally not the complete jade butterfly of creation. According to legend, the jade butterfly created by creation was damaged due to the opening of the sky. And the piece in the hands of the Primordial Dao Ancestor should not be complete. From this point of view, what he has in mind is the remaining corner of the jade butterfly.

"No wonder...No wonder, my golden finger, my deduction ability is so terrifying, even great supernatural powers can guide deductions..."

"No wonder...No wonder...It can guide me to evolve..."...

After sighing repeatedly, Yu Ziyu finally understood everything.

If this is a corner of the jade butterfly created by nature...

So sorry, it really has endless possibilities.

This is a supreme treasure.

Contains the secrets of three thousand avenues.

Although this corner of Yu Ziyu's creation is not as complete as the jade butterfly, it is not difficult to deduce magical powers with energy.

As for evolution...

Creation Jade Butterfly deduces the most suitable path of evolution, is it too much?

Natural but not too much.

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