Eternity is also divided into three, six, and nine levels.

Although ordinary people don't know why.

But the top forces, or those with some background, understand it deeply.

Among the Eternal Venerables, there is a kind of eternity, and enlightenment is the most difficult.

But being difficult also meant that it was especially terrifying after he attained enlightenment.

And this kind of eternity...It is the law that Yu Ziyu carries on his back, which is everywhere and omnipresent.

Exists between heaven and earth.

Intertwined with the principles of destiny.

Therefore, after they attain enlightenment, their power spreads throughout the world.

Of course, at this time, these forces did not understand that Yu Ziyu was even more terrifying than this.

Moreover, it is several times, even dozens of times more terrifying.

Just because, if Yu Ziyu really counts, he should be regarded as the eternity of 'proving the Tao with force'.

Countless 'points in time' of himself, constantly gathered together, finally created him who seems to have no end to his strength today.

Now, his strength is constantly rising.

Perception also continues to spread along with the law.

In a flash, he appeared in the minds of all living beings

Colorful eyes, indifferent and ruthless.

It's like the legendary Eye of Heaven.

At this moment, all living beings couldn't help but freeze.

This bloody eye that shouldn't exist in their hearts deprived them of all their thoughts.

Even though they are the masters, their bodies are stiff.

His face was full of disbelief,

"Has eternity really come out?"

"Oh my gosh, this is the beginning of the era, right?"

"Who is it that is so amazing and talented?"

"Wait, it may not be the eternity of our starry sky, it may be coming from outside the territory."

After repeated discussions, countless powerful people were shocked and shocked.

But more powerful people were in disbelief.

Yes, unbelievable. How long has it been?

This is the beginning of the era.

It is said that the earliest eternity seems to be the same. In the middle of the Era, after civilization reached its peak, it came out.

But this one...

However, the speech of one of the strong men was recognized by many people.

Eternity outside the territory does not come from this world.

Coming from outside.

As for why they understand that this is eternal enlightenment...

Just now, they raise their eyes and look outside the chaos...You can see... a figure as huge as the universe, standing quietly.

It exudes the most brilliant light.

Like a star, it is dazzling and eye-catching.

Even across endless distances, one can still vaguely feel the enormity and terror of this great life form.

And the strength becomes stronger.

The more terrifying a strong person's perception is, the more they can detect how suffocating this life form is.

Just feeling it, it seems a lot more difficult to breathe...

"Six hundred and seventy-two masters...All races in the starry sky have hidden a lot over the years...."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu understood everything at a glance.

To him, the existence of the master level is like a candle in the darkness, clearly visible.

There is light and darkness, strong and weak.

However, the most eye-catching ones are those few.

Lord of Reincarnation, Golden Ant, Purple Scythe, Lady of Destiny, etc.

Although there are many hidden ones, most of them are average. only one...It's a little bit interesting.

Just a little bit.

The moment he stepped into eternity, everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

Even the so-called master is just a bigger ant.

It can be destroyed by turning your hand. so...

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, creating a subtle arc, and Yu Ziyu also withdrew his gaze.

Now, he is more immersed in the eternal power.

The so-called appearance of all living beings is just a glance back at him. his true power...far more than that

"my strength...from time, space..."

"Turn back the years...The sea turns into mulberry fields...One thought creates a world..."

"Can also cut off...long river of time..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes were already looking at the vast and boundless river in the chaos.

That's a long time.

Even this era is just a wave in the long river of time.

But now...

A surge of great power surges,


Just hearing a loud shout shook the whole chaos.

Visible to the naked eye, a transparent knife capable of splitting half of the chaos slowly emerged between heaven and earth.

This is the blade of time.

Enough to cut through everything.

Now, it has arrived.

With unstoppable power, slash towards the long river of time


There was only one loud noise, and the whole river was shaken.

However, you can vaguely see a section of the river slowly separating from the vast river of time.

Like a tributary

"This should be fine."

As he said this, Yu Ziyu also looked at the golden figure not far away.

The true spirit of the Chaos Bell


Nodding, Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but praise:

"Sure enough, you can do it."

In response to this, Chaos Bell Zhenling's beautiful eyes couldn't help but have a hint of surprise.

Cut off the long river of time and cut off the long river of time that belongs to this era alone.

In this way, you can hide yourself to the greatest extent.

Even the prehistoric one is difficult to find.

And when he reacts, Yu Ziyu should be able to truly grow up.

You know, although Yu Ziyu is powerful now, he is still entering eternity for the first time.

He still needs to settle.

Until he reaches the top of eternity..

What's more, only by being half-detached can he challenge the one.

So keep a low profile, keep a low profile.

And cutting off the long river of time is also a way to conceal everything to the greatest extent.

However, what Chaos Bell Zhenling didn't expect was , he is really able to do this

"This is proving the truth through force..."

"It is also the eternity of the fourth person who has proven the Tao with force in countless eras...."

While murmuring in his heart, Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Demonstrate with force...

It is the most terrifying and difficult way to attain enlightenment.

According to legend, the first person to prove the Tao through force was the great being who opened up the vast world. then...The ancestor of the Asura clan also used his strength to prove the Tao...

Different from ordinary enlightenment, the power of proving the truth through force is beyond imagination.

The current Yu Ziyu alone, even if faced with a digital eternity of the same level, would probably not fall behind.

This is the horror of him.

The path he took made even the Chaos Bell Zhenling couldn't help but admire him.

I thought that he had achieved enlightenment by relying on the Throne of Thousands of Laws.

But he didn't expect that he would actually carve out such a path that was unique to him. past, future...Now...

"Not only dominating the past, future, and present..."

"He also strangled his biggest weakness. Now he is extremely difficult to deal with. Even if someone traces his origins and goes back to the past, he cannot be found."

"Moreover, no matter how terrible the deduction is, it is difficult to calculate it."

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