The fire of civilization is a symbol of civilized power.

The fire of civilization is like a dragon of destiny rising from a divine dynasty.

It symbolizes the rise and fall of a civilization.

Civilization flourishes when the flames are strong and sweep across the starry sky.

When civilization declines, it will become darker and darker until it disappears...

The ignition of the fire of civilization also means that a force reaches its extreme.

Toward true prosperity.

Throughout countless epochs.

All forces that ignite the fire of civilization are respected in the stars.

There is no 'enemy' to be found in the sky or on the earth.

This is civilization-level power.

And now, the void is finally going to ignite the fire of civilization...

After ten thousand years, civilization restarts.

The entire starry sky is crawling under the void.

As for igniting the fire of civilization, why can the Lord of the Void attack the ninth level of Tianmen?

This is naturally related to the power of civilization.

As the founder of civilization, the Lord of the Void will be responsible for the rise and fall of civilization.

The moment when the fire of civilization is ignited can be said to be the time when luck is most prosperous.

At this time, the founder of civilization, the Dragon of the Void, will carry the boundless destiny of the void....In this way, the Lord of the Void can also use this boundless luck to steal great fortune and great cause and effect.

Even if he breaks through the ninth level of Tianmen, there is still great hope.

This is the benefit of creating civilization.

Of course, this is just the simplest benefit.

If the fire of civilization is really ignited, the entire Void clan will be protected by civilization.

Strong ones will continue to spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Not only that, there are countless strong people who have made breakthroughs one after another and hit higher levels.

The Yun Dynasty, the Divine Dynasty, can be regarded as a 'low-match civilization'.

But even for a low-level civilization, the Lord of the Divine Dynasty, the Lord of the Luck Dynasty, and even many high-ranking officials and ministers will be protected by the Dragon of Luck, and their practice will become smoother.

So, as the pinnacle of power, the level of civilization...How could it be worse?

It is said that in a distant era in the past, there was a half-step eternity who was still unable to break through.

Therefore, he chose to create a force and develop it to the level of civilization.

Later, he also used this power to ignite the fire of civilization, and with boundless luck, he finally set foot on eternity.

It is precisely because this time, the word 'civilization' has truly entered the eyes of the strong.

Whether it is for individuals or for power, civilization must be the best choice, and now, Void has reached the stage of 'igniting the fire of civilization'.

It's powerful beyond everyone's imagination...

"In the void, there are still ten thousand years before the fire of civilization will be ignited...."

Amidst the soft murmurs, the Lord of the Blood Sea in the deepest part of the Blood Sea also narrowed his eyes slightly.

He did not expect that the void would ignite the fire of civilization so quickly.

However, in this case, he would have to work hard.

You know, the three bodies are one, and the three bodies are one body.

The Lord of the Void's breakthrough is also a great opportunity for the Lord of the Blood Sea and the Azure Dragon of Heaven.

If they can catch it, they can use the opportunity to break through.

However, this requires foundation.

Yes, background is required.

The Lord of the Blood Sea and the Heavenly Dao Azure Dragon can break through together with the Void Purple Dragon only if they have sufficient foundation.

And the background...

Slowly raising his eyes, the Lord of the Blood Sea also looked at the boundless sea of ​​blood in the distance.

Visible to the naked eye, countless corpses of powerful men were thrown into the boundless sea of ​​blood.

In these years, Void has been fighting with all races.

Thousands of strong men fall every moment.

And most of these powerful men fell into the hands of Xue Hai.

The entire sea of ​​blood has transformed into the famous 'Battlefield Logistics Team'.

Countless corpses were packed and taken away.

And all of this is just to complete the cultivation of the Lord of the Blood Sea.

It is said that those who practice the devil’s way are extremely evil.

But who can compare to the Lord of the Blood Sea?

Tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of corpses of powerful men fell into the endless sea of ​​blood, and in an instant, they turned into boundless blood.

His soul became the Lord of the Blood Sea and was the best raw material for practicing the Blood God's method.

This is the current way of cultivation in Blood Sea.

Use the battlefield to practice.

Therefore, over the years, the Lord of the Blood Sea has continued to accumulate his heritage.

Until now, his great power, the Blood God Technique, is almost complete.

In this way, it is conceivable what the endless war has brought to the Lord of the Blood Sea....

As for the void, and even all races know what the endless sea of ​​blood has done.

However, Void and Wanzu are now locked in a bitter battle.

As a well-known taboo force, no one wants to offend the Endless Sea of ​​Blood.

At most, you can only open one eye or close one eye. so...He also acquiesced to everything Endless Sea of ​​Blood did.

And this also further accelerated the development of the endless sea of ​​blood.

"If this continues, it won't take ten thousand years for me to reach the top of the eighth level of Tianmen."

While murmuring softly, the Lord of the Blood Sea also showed expectations.

However, compared to the endless sea of ​​blood, nourished by the flesh and blood of all races, the Dragon of Heaven's Dao would have a hard time.

"Alas," while sighing repeatedly, the Dragon of Heavenly Dao also knew the cultivation status of the Lord of the Blood Sea and the Lord of the Void. For these two, their cultivation can be said to be steadily rising.

And what about him?...

Somewhat uncomfortable.

As a creature of heaven, he most needs to steal the power of heaven.

But this cannot be achieved in a short time. so...

"Let's use thunder to prove the truth. With my help, thunder can also prove the truth."

While speaking softly, Emperor Weapon Tiandao Leichi also gave some good suggestions.、


Shaking his head, Tiandao Qinglong also said bluntly:

"Although Thunder Demonstration is good, it is not suitable for me. Don’t forget, the reason why I am able to overwhelm the Lord of the Blood Sea and the Lord of the Void is all because of the power of heaven."

"If one abandons the way of heaven and majors in thunder instead, he will definitely be inferior to them in the future."

Listening quietly, the Imperial Soldier Tiandao Leichi couldn't help but remain silent.


Although the thunder is terrifying, it is really not enough in front of the Lord of the Blood Sea and the Lord of the Void.

These two are born seventh-level life forms. He has also cultivated the Great Divine Power and Blood God Technique.

One is integrated with the Supreme Infinite Law.

They are both amazing and talented.

And the Dragon of Heavenly Dao must not be weaker than humans.

At least not weaker than them.

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