Time passes slowly, and everything develops in an orderly manner.

The starry sky remains the same.

However, when everything comes to an end, the void will finally be honored in the starry sky and all realms.

Unify the world.

Among all the worlds, 30% of the worlds fell into the hands of the void.

Enough, really enough.

Although, the world has not been unified yet.

But the world is so vast and vast.

If you really want to unify all realms, the time and effort required are probably beyond imagination.

It’s not that the current void cannot unify all realms.

But I don’t have the time or the mental energy.

But now, 30% of the territory of Wanjie is enough for the void to digest for tens of thousands of years.

"Next, repair for thousands of years..."

Amidst the soft instructions, Void Talent also looked at many Void high-level officials.

"Yes, Lady Tianfei."

In the chorus of responses, countless people looked at the bright-eyed woman in the distance. Concubine of the Void.

One of the two supreme beings in the void, second only to the Lord of the Void.

As for the other supreme, He should be the Purple Scythe of the Void.

As a hunter of the Void, the Purple Scythe has gained a great reputation in these years.

No less than ten masters have fallen in his hands.

You know, these are ten.

The entire Void He was only a few masters.

But he killed more than ten people by himself. He also conquered ten powerful worlds.

Among them, the famous elves were almost destroyed in his hands.

And the Elf Queen was even more defeated by him. Captured alive.

This is the Purple Scythe of the Void.

The Void is the most terrifying existence.

It is said that he has set foot on the fifth level of Tianmen in recent years.

And no one knows about this.

Even the Concubine of the Void doesn't know. Just, a little What is certain is that the Purple Scythe of the Void has become more and more unfathomable in recent years. If he does not take action, once he does, it will definitely be earth- shattering. However, not only the Purple Scythe of the Void has greatly increased in strength over the years.

Like the King of Knights, As well as the World Tree, its strength has also been steadily increasing.

However, it is a pity that the Light of the Void, this very mysterious master, has fallen.

He fell in the famous 'Dragonfall Battle', and at that time, there were hundreds of millions of people in the void. The army swept across a vast world.

But I didn't expect that in this world, there would be an ambush from the Dragon Clan.

Hundreds of millions of strong Dragon Clan warriors all rushed out.

Even the top ten Dragon Lords from the Dragon Clan took action.

That battle , lasted for three years.

The fight caused the heaven and earth to crack, and the world collapsed.

Countless strong men fell. Countless giants, and even masters were severely damaged.

But this is not the end.

The void, and the world are still flowing. The investment of troops.

The scale, at the most terrifying time, reached tens of billions...

As for the master alone, there are more than 20 people who are very quick...

In just a few decades, hundreds of millions of people were killed or injured.

In such a terrifying war, not to mention other forces, even the Void and the Dragon Clan were suffocated.

They knew they were hit on the head.

However, at this time, it was difficult to stop.

The war has already begun.

No one dared to take a step back.

Finally, the Heavenly Concubine of the Void and the Purple Scythe of the Void descended together....

With great power, he suppressed the entire battlefield.

Of course, during this period, the Golden Ants of Demon Court also took action.

He single-handedly entangled the Void Hunter.

However, this cannot change the situation of the battle.

The most brutal war between the entire void and all races - the Battle of Dragonfall, started at this time.

It lasted for decades.

This is also one of the few wars that has risen to the level of civilization.

Yes, a civilized war.

If it moves, there will be tens of billions, and the strong ones will be as strong as clouds.

It's terrifying beyond imagination.

Even the Overlord is at high risk of falling in such a war.

And the light of the void fell into the hands of a dragon king from the dragon clan....

But, war...

Death and injury are normal. not just them...Even on the Demon Court side, there was a master who almost fell.

And that one was clearly a bull demon.

It was once deeply besieged by the three masters of the void.

If Void Purple Scythe hadn't noticed it immediately, the Bull Demon would have perished.

Not all the Lords of the Void know that Demon Court is a minion of the Void.

Only individual cores are really known.

And this accident also made Void Purple Scythe furious.

He actually backhanded the three void masters and severely injured them all.

However, his statement also makes sense.

The Demon Court is unfathomable.

Very much one can imagine.

The ten great beasts of Demon Court are all like brothers and sisters.

If something unexpected happened to the Bull Demon, then the Demon Court, which was originally wavering, would probably kill into the void immediately.

In this way, Void, who was originally afraid of the Demon Court, would face a formidable enemy.

Therefore, with the tacit approval of many high-level officials, Zi Lian took action without hesitation....

This is the first time that Zi Lian has become truly angry in front of other rulers of the void.

It’s also truly chilling.

The three masters of the void were like children in front of Zi Lian, with no power to resist.

Not even able to escape.

However, the void is an empire.

Discipline is extremely strict.

As the Supreme Being, if Zi Lian becomes truly angry, all others can do is bear it.

It was also because this time, Void rarely touched Demon Ting's brow.

It’s not just the Demon Court.

Even the endless sea of ​​blood, the underworld and many other forces were not provoked by Void.

According to them, eat the weak first.

A powerful force, no matter how slowly it is dealt with, it is never too late...

And now, the supreme meeting of the void has begun again

"In ten thousand years, I will ignite the fire of civilization and advance to the level of civilization...."

As she spoke softly, Concubine Void Sky's momentum surged.


Like a storm, the entire empty sky is filled with vast whirlpools.

"It is necessary to ignite the fire of civilization."

In response, Zi Lian's eyes were also particularly cold.

Accompanied by this, a breath of soaring sky rose.

"Boom, boom..."

Amidst the increasingly terrifying roar, the entire void was crawling at the feet of these two people.

However, at this time, few people noticed that he had a pair of dragon eyes, quietly staring at the entire meeting.

"The fire of civilization...Advance to civilization level?..."

In the soft murmur, the Void Purple Dragon was also looking forward to it.

He knew that when the fire of civilization was ignited in the void, it would be the day when he would hit the ninth level of Tianmen.

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