Time, and space, are everywhere.

And Yu Ziyu's projection is also everywhere.

Just give him a coordinate and he can easily project the location he wants to project.

And now, he has traveled hundreds of millions of light years and arrived at the location of the Dragon of the End


The terrifying divine power surged, oppressing everything in the Dragon of Finality, and the smile on the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth became stronger and stronger.

He likes this feeling.

Follow your heart.

Follow your heart.

However, at this time,

"Why did you come here suddenly?"

Suddenly speaking, the Dragon of Ending also stared at Yu Ziyu's body.


After a while of silence, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"Can I say that I am here to test my new power?"

"New power?"

Amidst some shock, the Dragon of Ending heard an inexplicable sound;

"call me by my real name...No matter when and where you are, you can come to your side."

The faint voice echoed in his heart.

The inexplicable power surged even more violently.

At this moment, the Dragon of Ending only felt that his mind was shocked, like thunder exploding in his mind, and countless lights and shadows were constantly intertwined between the heaven and the earth..

Vaguely, he saw... saw an unimaginable figure emerging from the sky and the earth.

This figure seemed to hold up the sky. It was so huge that it was unimaginable.

Even the starry sky could not accommodate him.

"This is...How can it be?"

In the unimaginable shock, the always cold Dragon of the End also completely lost its composure.

What on earth is this?

Why does it have such a terrifying momentum.

No, this is no longer as simple as momentum.

Feeling the indescribable oppression , for the first time, the Dragon of Ends felt a fear from the depths of his soul.

You know, he is a strong man in the third level of Tianmen.

But now, he is actually afraid?

Real fear... this...

And, more importantly, an incredible guess also appeared in his mind

"Is this a projection? Law projection?"

While his thoughts were racing, he was also confused.

Law projection?

How is it possible?

This is a method that only the ninth level of Tianmen can possess. Such existences have become one with the law.

They themselves have become the law. Part of it.

It can also be said that the law is an extension of their bodies.

Therefore, the power and terror of Tianmen Ninth Level Heaven are beyond everyone’s imagination.

But now, someone told him that at this time, a powerful figure of Tianmen Ninth Level Heaven appeared. What?

Are you kidding me?

In the midst of shock, the Dragon of Ending couldn’t believe it.

But at this time, if one pays attention to the Dragon of Ending’s spiritual thoughts, one would definitely find that his divine thoughts are already the shadows that haunt Yu Ziyu. Go.

Compared to all kinds of speculation, he hopes to confirm his thoughts.

So...Seeing is believing, that is a must.

However, what shocked him was that no matter how much his spiritual thoughts surged, it was difficult to glimpse this figure.

It seemed that there was an invisible barrier lying in front of the two of them, blocking all prying eyes.

"Hum hum..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu didn't care about the Dragon of Ending's peek.

Just a simple hello, right here.

After all, he is not familiar with his own power yet.

With this thought, Yu Ziyu's body gradually dissipated.

In a trance, it turned into stars all over the sky...

"Remember, if anything happens, call me by my real name..."

Once again reminded, Yu Ziyu left quietly.

As for the real name...He is already engraved in the heart of the Dragon of Finality.

If he calls, no matter when and where, Yu Ziyu can sense it and can even project it....

This is the power that belongs exclusively to the ninth level of Tianmen.

However, after an era, very few people know how terrifying the ninth level of Tianmen is.

Even the current Dragon of Ending didn't recognize it when he saw it with his own eyes.

However, Yu Ziyu believed that given time, he would be able to find some records of the 'Tianmen Ninth Level' from the inherited memories.

And at that time, it will be the beginning of his heart trembling...

After briefly greeting the Dragon of Ending, Yu Ziyu also deliberately came to the side of the other apostles.

For example, his other apostle is the genius of the Misttail tribe - Enchantress.

This is a very nice guy.

All along, he has been managing the dragnet for Yu Ziyu.

Now she is dormant on a certain vast planet.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that...

Over the long years, she had almost forgotten her truest appearance.

Even now, she still walks in the world with the appearance of a human dancer.

This is the enchantress.

He is the third and most terrifying apostle under Yu Ziyu.

And now...


Amid the sudden roar, the city where the Enchantress was located rippled violently.

Everything is like falling into a swamp.

Keep slowing down. until a certain moment...Everything is stopped.

Only, countless stars continue to gather

"I pay my respects to you."

With a very respectful voice, the girl dancing in a palace slowly stood up and looked at the phantom emerging above the city.

"I don’t know, sir, how did you find me?"

With some astonishment in her voice, the Thousand-Change Enchantress was also surprised.

Her transformation technique is strange and unpredictable.

She is confident that no one in the world can find her.

But now, she is not only able to find her easily, but also Coming.



During a period of silence, Qianzhan Enchantress became more and more frightened by the unpredictability of this adult.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not respond to the question of Qianzhan Enchantress, but also raised her eyes to look at the city.

"Is this the Luo tribe?"

"Yes, my lord."

Nodding slightly, the Qianzhan Enchantress also said bluntly.;

"There have been some strange movements in the Luo clan in recent years. I suspect that they have some secrets, so I came here to find out more."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

This enchantress is really diligent.

With this in mind, Yu Ziyu also pointed at the center of the enchantress's eyebrows and whispered:

"If you are in crisis, call me by my real name..."

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