Walking in the eternity of the starry sky, this is the name given to the strong in the starry sky, the strongest.

Just because eternity does not exist in the starry sky...

They are just too scary.

It is beyond the starry sky itself.

Therefore, the true body cannot be accommodated in the starry sky.

Even for eternal existence, it is difficult to exert true eternal level combat power in the starry sky.

And in this way, we can also understand why"Eternity Walking in the Starry Sky" is a title for the strongest.

Able to exert infinitely close to eternal combat power in the starry sky.

Such existences, even if they are truly eternal, will look at them sideways.

And Yu Ziyu now has such potential. but...

Don't worry, he still has a lot of time to grow.

And now...

Slowly raising his eyes, his deep eyes kept flashing, Yu Ziyu also decided to come to this place.

He wants to try the power of Tianmen Ninth Level Heaven

"Just the Dragon of Ends..."

While whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of this apostle of the Dragon Clan.

He is very good.

As a junior, he now has the third level of Tianmen combat power.

Strength cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, he has a firm mind.

Even though he is Yu Ziyu's apostle, he still has his own will.

To some extent, he and Yu Ziyu have more of a cooperative relationship.

But now...eyes fixed...Time and space all flow...Yu Ziyu’s consciousness also extends endlessly......

Until a certain vast star field.

This star field is in deathly silence, and the vitality is even more withered.

And in the deepest part of this star field...A huge dragon as black as ink was quietly entrenched.

He has dragon scales unique to the Dark Dragon.

But all of his dragon scales are covered with complicated patterns.

At first glance, it is mysterious and extraordinary.

And this is the Dragon of Finality, a legendary genius of the Dragon Clan.

He carries the end and believes that everything has an end.

Even among all races, Abyss cannot be excluded.

Therefore, he rarely cares about the abyss invading all races.

"It's just another reincarnation."

With a sneer, this giant dragon also showed disdain.

However, at this moment,


There was a sudden roar and the starry sky shook.

Along with it, an indescribable aura suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

"This is?"

In unimaginable shock, this black dragon also widened his eyes.

For some reason, being as powerful as him made his heart tremble.

However, at this moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and his face became fierce. a change of

"It's you, Lord of the Dragnet..."

In a very solemn voice, the Dragon of Ends also thought of this mysterious existence.

The Lord of the Dragnet, the most mysterious figure in the starry sky.

It is also the most terrifying existence in his cognition.

Until now, he has not figured out the identity of this person.

I don’t even know how strong he is?

And now, he's here...


Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, the starry sky rippled.

Vaguely, an illusory figure can be seen, which continues to solidify.

It was an unimaginable figure.

Although, he is wearing a black robe.

But under that black robe, there was an unimaginable horror.

Just because, just looking at it, the Dragon of Ending was a little out of breath.

However, at this time, what made the Dragon of Ending even more curious was how this person found him?

You know, he likes to be alone.

For a long time, a person has been entrenched somewhere in the starry sky.

Even the Dragon Clan could not find him.

But this one?

And, more importantly,...He also noticed something...

That is this phantom that is constantly solidifying...It seems a little strange.

Yes, strange.

It doesn't look like the real body.

But what could such a terrifying aura be if it wasn't the real body?

Suspicious in his heart, the Dragon of Ending noticed the surrounding world and began to twist

"This is?"

The pupils shrank slightly, and the dragon of the end couldn't help but be horrified. How is this possible?

All laws are receding.

It seems that they are afraid of this figure.



During a period of silence, the face of the Dragon of Ending also changed again and again.

And at this moment, a faint voice also sounded from the sky and the earth

"This is our first meeting, right?"

Speaking like this, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes and stared at the figure not far away.

However, I have to say that it is really incredible.

It is obviously a projection that spans billions of galaxies.

But the body seems to be real. Generally. What

's even more terrifying is that this projection is exactly the same as his real body.

It can even exert one-tenth of his true body's combat power.

You know, this is one-tenth of his true body..

Now his body is ranked as the ninth level of Tianmen, with endless spiritual power and incomprehensible strength.

One-tenth of such an existence is also a great terror for ordinary masters.

Just like now...


There was a sudden roar and ripples, and a huge pressure suddenly came.

As strong as the Dragon of Ending, his expression also changed drastically.

The trembling coming from his soul and the depths of his blood made him look at Yu Ziyu with a touch of incredulity.

"This is?"

The pupils kept shrinking, and his eyes looking at Yu Ziyu became more and more horrified.

"Is this the sixth heaven of Tianmen, or the seventh heaven, or even...."

It is unimaginable, even more unimaginable, that the Lord of the Dragnet would reach such a state.

The fourth level of Tianmen and the fifth level of Tianmen will never be so terrifying.

This kind of aura was beyond his imagination or even cognition.

At this time, what the Dragon of Ending didn't know yet was that this was just Yu Ziyu's projection.

If he had noticed this, he would probably be horrified beyond measure.

Not to mention, the projection only has one-tenth of the combat power of the main body.

Not even a tenth.

Just, such a solid projection is extremely shocking.

Projection is based on laws as a carrier.

Like the projection of an ordinary master, one can spot it at a glance.

But Yu Ziyu’s projection...but it is... this...It's not that scary anymore.

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