The Golden Crow King is the deepest master of the Golden Crow clan.

This person once coveted the throne of Demon Court and wanted to take his place and rule over Demon Court.

If the Demon Court itself wasn't powerful, this person would have taken advantage of it.

It was also because of this that he and Demon Ting forged an undying hatred.

The shattered ambition made the Demon Court even more hostile.

With his retaliatory character, how could he not bear grudges? so...The current Demon Court has always been very wary of him.

He even sent out the Immortal Sky Crow to shake his rule over the Golden Crow clan.

And now...

The sun fire in the depths of his eyes continued to burn, as if it had turned into substance, with flames overflowing from the corners of his eyes, and the Immortal Sky Crow slowly took a step forward.

And at this moment,


Amid the heart-stopping roar, there was actually a big white-scaled snake emerging from the retreat of the immortal crow.

Then it turned into a figure with very pale skin.

This is a big snake.

Another king of Demon Court.

However, this one has been dormant in the high-level goblin clan, almost making all clans and even the Demon Court itself forget his existence.

"Are you about to start?"

Suddenly, a very cold voice echoed in the air


Nodding slightly, the Immortal Sky Crow also said bluntly:"Just now, Venerable Qinglong has made it clear that he wants me to take charge of the Golden Crow clan as soon as possible...."


With a chuckle, the big snake also took out a silver-white, metal-like piece of paper from his arms.

"This is the cultural heritage of the high goblin clan - dimensionality reduction strike...It can reduce the dimensionality of an area from a three-dimensional world to a two-dimensional world...."

"However, this dimensionality reduction attack will hardly trap the Overlord. If you give the Overlord a certain amount of time, it may break through the two-dimensional world....."

"Therefore, you must completely suppress it or even kill it within the limited time...."

Listening quietly, the Immortal Crow's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

"Not a big problem..."

Clenching his fists, the Immortal Crow also assessed his own strength.

He has long since cultivated into the Supreme Divine Fire of the Golden Crow Clan, the Sun Divine Fire. The flames are so pure and intense that no one can imagine.

And he has the terrifying talent of the Immortal Crow Clan.

Immortal and immortal, with thousands of incarnations.

If he wanted to, he could even recreate the ancient legend of"Ten Days in the Sky", burning mountains and boiling seas, wiping out the world.

But that kind of power is definitely not comparable to that of the Golden Crow King. so...

Slowly raising his steps, the Immortal Sky Crow also said firmly:

"Let's go...big snake"


As soon as the words fell, the crow and the snake disappeared silently in this world.

And not long after, in the deepest part of the Golden Crow clan,


Amid the sudden roar, the heaven and earth shook.

Under the horrified gazes of countless members of the Golden Crow clan, a space was constantly collapsing....

Yes, collapse.

However this is not terrible.

The really scary thing is,


As if from the roar from ancient times, a red sun suddenly rose from the collapsed world.

"go back to me..."

The sudden shouting came from nowhere.

Along with it, ten days passed across the sky, sealing the sky and locking the earth.

In an instant, the temperature of heaven and earth expanded rapidly, as if it had turned into a furnace of heaven and earth.

"Skycrow, do you dare?"

He shouted violently in an instant, as if he was extremely angry, and the Golden Crow King was also furious.

He never thought that this immortal crow would suddenly attack.

How dare he?

How dare he?

You must know that this is the Golden Crow clan.

Moreover, even more It is the Imperial Soldier Sun God Furnace of the Golden Crow clan who is in charge....

Even the eternal imperial weapon, the Chaos Bell, silently watches over the entire Golden Crow clan....

How dare he?

Incredibly, the Golden Crow King tried his best to break free from the shackles of this world.

However, what was waiting for him was the ever-increasing fiery figure of the Immortal Crow.

Ten days passed across the sky, sealing the sky and locking the earth.

Reproduce the ancient power.

At this time, what the Golden Crow King didn't know was that one after another, the elders of the Golden Crow clan were looking at the shrinking sky and earth, and they were also looking at each other.

"what should we do?"

"What can be done? Of course I watched."

In response, an elder of the Golden Crow clan also said in a condensed voice.

"That is the Golden Crow King, our direct descendant, and Tianya is just a foreigner. Why are you just looking at him like this?"

Amidst the sudden roar, the expression of the second elder of the Golden Crow clan also changed greatly.

The second elder of the Golden Crow clan stood behind the Golden Crow King.

In recent years, it has become very powerful, occupying half of the Golden Crow clan.

But now...These bastards actually said they were watching

"To be honest, I don't want to watch either."

In the sudden response, the great elder of the Golden Crow clan was also a little helpless.

Immediately, he turned his eyes and looked at a corner.

There, some hazy figures appeared at some unknown time.

These figures were powerful and powerful. And terrifying.

There is an indescribable and terrifying aura.

And this is the most mysterious guard of the Demon Court. It once guarded the Demon Emperor.

Now, it has become the most terrifying sword of the Demon Court.

And theirs The appearance also means that Demon Court has taken action.

However, it is more than that.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Above the nine heavens, the calamity clouds have gathered at some point.

The vast and thick dark clouds seemed to crush the whole world.

You can vaguely see a very huge whirlpool emerging in the center of the dark clouds....

That is the imperial weapon, the Thunder Pool of Heaven.

He also came to the legendary imperial soldiers in person.

In this way, one can also imagine the fate of the Golden Crow King.

It’s not that I don’t want to stop it.

But it is difficult to stop.

Didn’t you see that the Imperial Soldier of the Golden Crow Clan, the Sun God Furnace, has become unusually silent?...

"Don't kill him."

The sudden sound echoed between heaven and earth.

Accompanied by it, a very huge golden furnace slowly appeared in the sky.


The sudden response came from Jiutian.

And that was the answer given by Venerable Qinglong who was entrenched deep in the dark clouds.

Not killing, this is the last face Yu Ziyu gives to the Golden Crow clan.

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