Every cause must have an effect.

There must be a cause if there is an effect.

His return to the past is the cause, and the last ray of light is the effect.

And now, in the cycle of cause and effect, someone must have touched something....

While thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also looked at the stars....

Previously, as Lord Azure Dragon, he sent Nine Tails and White Tiger to the Angel Clan.

If I guessed correctly, it should be something happened to the angel clan.

Just, forget it.

Don't think about this anymore.

Now, the most important thing is to practice.

As for the last ray of glory of this angel clan.

After a moment of silence, Yu Ziyu also flicked his finger and sent this ray of light into his angelic body.

This ray of light is not from this world.

Never touch easily

"Maybe I can truly own it after I step into eternity."

Sighing in his heart, Yu Ziyu also understood what this ray of light is.

This is inheritance.

The inheritance of a civilization.

Just like the boat on the other side of the Shura civilization.

However, it has taken too long for the boat on the other side to return from chaos. , its inheritance of Shura civilization has almost disappeared.

However, this 'ray of light' is different.

It was retrieved by Yu Ziyu from the past era.

It has the most complete inheritance.

If Yu Ziyu opens it, I'm afraid it can push the angel clan to the extreme.

But it's a pity.

The backlash of cause and effect is not something Yu Ziyu can bear.

So....Seal is the best choice

"Eternity will be my new starting point."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's mind also sank into his body....

However, while Yu Ziyu was practicing, the Demon Court finally started...

Yes, start.

Adhere to Yu Ziyu's will and spread the war

"In the name of exterminating demons and protecting the Tao, he is devouring all forces wantonly...."

It's a very simple sentence, but it sums up everything about Demon Court.

However, Kun Pengzi did not regret this.

Just because the current Demon Court is too small.

The only way to truly fight against the great calamity is to ignite the fire of civilization and push the Demon Court to the level of civilization.

And this is impossible to do in a short period of time.

So, there is only one other way to choose.

That is to constantly strengthen yourself. so...After solving the Titan clan and recruiting the Titan clan's army, Kunpengzi also returned to the Kunpeng clan without stopping.

"I, Kunpengzi, respectfully invite all elders to..."

During the sudden burst of laughter, a golden figure bowed to Chaos.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

As if roaring from ancient times, the sea of ​​fog was churning, and there were countless unimaginable big fish jumping out of the chaotic sea of ​​fog.

And in the next moment, these big fish turned into pengs and spread their wings above the chaotic sea of ​​mist.

And this is the extremely terrifying Kunpeng clan.

Born according to Yin and Yang, it possesses the power of Sun and Taiyin.

Or it sinks into chaos, shaped like a big fish, completely black, with its back boundless and boundless for tens of thousands of miles.

Or it turns into a roc, with a golden body and slightly black stripes, running across the galaxy, huge and boundless.

This is Kunpeng, the ultimate ferocious beast.

Even if they are from the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan is inferior to them.

It's just a pity that the number of Kunpeng clan members is too few.

Today, the entire Kunpeng clan totals less than a hundred people.

There are more than a dozen of them, in the Demon Court...

"Peng'er, why are you here?"

During the sudden inquiry, a huge roc bird also looked down at this ethereal figure.

"A great catastrophe is coming. The power of the Demon Court is not enough to fight against the catastrophe. Please invite all the elders to come out...."

While speaking softly, Kun Pengzi also clasped his hands together and bowed once again.

Their Kunpeng clan are chaotic creatures.

It shouldn't be about secular matters.

Now, he has violated the clan rules by inviting the elders to come out.

However, he has no other choice


Already sighing, this most gigantic Pengniao also shook his head.

Immediately, he turned around, looked at the other roc and said:

"Xiaoying, please lead some tribesmen to help your brother...."


In response, a roc spread its wings in the chaos.

The sea of ​​fog surged and chaos shook.

This roc also gradually transformed into a human body.

What's surprising is that this is a very heroic girl.

He has black hair and holds a majestic black halberd.

There is indescribable arrogance between his eyebrows.

And this is Kun Pengzi's sister - Luo Ying.

He is also the third master of the Kunpeng clan.

As for the first two, they are naturally the great elder of the Kunpeng clan and Kunpengzi.

It's just that the Great Elder is the Dinghai Shenzhen of the Kunpeng clan, and he needs to protect his clan members in the chaos.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to leave

"Peng'er thanked the elder here."

With a cry of gratitude, Kunpengzi was also overjoyed.

He also didn't expect that the great elder would actually send his sister out.

You know, their Kunpeng clan was born according to the sun and taiyin.

And he and his sister are even more special.

He is the sun, It is extremely domineering.

And his sister is Taiyin, so it softens all things.

If his sister cooperates with him, they can even create the complete Yin-Yang Avenue.

And that is the real terror.

But, unfortunately, This step has been delayed for a long time.

It seemed like there was something blocking it.

However, even so, when he and his sister used the combined attack technique, their combat power increased by several percent.

It is also conceivable that his sister's What does it mean to join?

Now, after taking a deep look at his sister, and the many clan members behind her, Kun Pengzi also said:

"Elder, I will never bring shame to the Kunpeng clan, let alone let you down."

As he said that, Kun Pengzi also turned into a thunderbolt and shot towards the starry sky....

And just when many masters of the Demon Court were taking action, the Golden Crow clan...Deep in this very mysterious clan, a young man whose whole body was burning with the fire of the sun also received a message.

"It seems that I can't delay any longer."

While murmuring softly, this young man, the Immortal Sky Crow, looked into the depths of the Golden Crow, with a flash of cruelty in his eyes.

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