Tianmen dominates the third heaven, which is terrifying.

It's really scary.

No, any creature that breaks through the Heavenly Gate can directly reach the Heavenly Gate and dominate the third heaven.

Just like Yu Ziyu's current purple dragon body.

It was a baptism of emptiness time and time again.

It also incorporates the supreme infinite law.

The body is constantly growing.

Bloodline is constantly sublimating...

At the moment when the Heavenly Gate was opened, he stepped onto the Heavenly Gate to dominate the third heaven.

The same is true for Yu Ziyu's body in the sea of ​​blood.

He has cultivated the Great Divine Power of Blood God.

He was born with seven reincarnations of the body...

Only then did he manage to break open the Tianmen and reach the top of the Tianmen to dominate the third heaven. so...At the moment when the heavenly gate is broken open, how many heavens you set foot on means how terrifying your background is before you set foot on the domination.

And this one...At the moment when the Heavenly Gate is broken open, stepping onto the third level of the Heavenly Gate shows how extraordinary it is.

As for Yu Ziyu's true identity, there's no need to talk about it.

That's the monster among monsters.

It is estimated that few people can achieve that kind of accumulation and search through ancient and modern eras.

He has cultivated three great supernatural powers, and has two bodies. His physical body has transformed seven times, and he is also burdened with two supreme and infinite laws....

This kind of background is earth-shattering.

It’s no wonder that the supreme innate emperor’s soldier, Donghuang Zhong, now looks at Yu Ziyu in a different light....

And now...

Looking calmly at the figure in the distance, Yu Ziyu's eyes were also condensed.

And the very next moment,

【Race: Dragon Clan - Void Yinglong. (Originally it is an innate Yinglong. Even if the void erodes, it will not change the dragon bloodline. Even the power of the void will become a major branch of the dragon clan, thus turning into the Void Yinglong of the Yinglong lineage.)

Natal talent: Creation Power——???


Five-Colored Divine Wings - The wings have the universe, can cover the sky and the sun, and blind the heavens.

Boundless figure - the figure is so big that it can occupy the galaxy; the figure is so small that it can be hidden within.

The power of the void—controlling the void, possessing supreme power...

Small magical power: five-color divine breath - open your mouth and spit it out, the divine breath will destroy the world.

Block out the sky and the sun——.......

Great supernatural power: confuse yin and yang (first glimpse of the door) - can cause the heaven and earth to lose their order, the sun and the moon to lose their normal order, just like confusing right and wrong, confusing black and white. The so-called Divine Prison and Heavenly Tribulation is the reverse journey of all things, turning the world upside down.

(Note:"Yin and yang are the opposites of things, not the power of yin and yang. This is the supreme magical power.")

Call the wind and rain (Xiao Cheng) - you can summon strong winds, heavy rain, and even clouds disperse and rain fall. It can also cause heavy snow or frost to cause clouds to spread rain.

It seems ordinary, but in fact it is a terrifying magical power that has been passed down from generation to generation by the Dragon Clan and goes straight to the root.

Just because the wind it calls is not an ordinary wind, and the rain it rains is also extraordinary rain....

The world, wind and rain, all in one thought

Watching quietly, Yu Ziyu was also a little dumbfounded.

Do these two great powers also have the power to create the world?

If it were anyone else, Yu Ziyu might be surprised.

However, this is Yinglong.

A legendary thing of perfection.

Thinking about it, it makes sense.

After all, Yu Ziyu has mastered three great powers.

Moreover, her great magical power of reversing yin and yang should have been achieved after she set foot in the Dominion.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to be just the ruler of the third heaven of Tianmen now.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu looked at this Yinglong with increasingly fiery eyes.

A powerful enemy.

A truly powerful enemy!!

For him, who has the body of a purple dragon that reaches the sky, this Yinglong is really good.

At this time, she seemed to notice the heat in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes, and the Concubine of the Sky in the distance was also slightly startled.

"Is this him?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Concubine Void was shocked.

Just at this moment, a figure tore through the space. It was like a sharp sword rising from the sky, and it penetrated straight towards her.

"I have been looking forward to an opponent like you for too long, too long..."

The faint murmur sounded in the ears of Concubine Void Sky, but it made Concubine Void Sky's face change slightly.


In an instant, he spread his wings, and the color of the sky and earth changed throughout the void.

And at the next moment, under Yu Ziyu's somewhat surprised gaze, unimaginable strong winds and heavy rain came violently.

That wind is the wind of void that tears everything apart.

That rain is a sharp sword that cuts through everything.

The wind and rain came together, and the color of the sky and the earth changed, but it revealed the true terror of the Dragon Clan.

They are the rulers of the wind and rain in the world and have supreme authority.

Now, when I see this Yinglong, I realize how terrifying it really is. only...

With a grin on her face, Yu Ziyu also clenched her fists

"Break it for me..."

With a loud roar, unimaginable power gathered in his fist.

The supreme and boundless law, with its constant blessing, caused Yu Ziyu's power to break through its limits again and again.

The punch hasn't been punched yet,

"Click, click..."

Large areas, large areas of space, have collapsed,


With a loud noise, the space centered on the human form of Yu Ziyu's purple dragon body completely collapsed....

At this moment, Yu Ziyu’s fist also punched out fiercely.


I saw a purple light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and the purple light reached the sky, which was even more majestic and unimaginable.

The expressions of countless powerful men inside the void changed drastically.

"this...What kind of monster is it?"

"How can it be?"...

Amidst the continuous exclamations, the terrifying wind and waves have rolled up and swept through the entire void.


A purple shock wave suddenly erupted.

It’s as if the entire void can’t bear it

"Click, click..."

Purple lightning struck one after another.

Heading straight towards Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon reaching the sky, and the Heavenly Concubine of the Void.

This is a warning.

A warning from the void.

Today's void has not grown up for too long.

It is far from being able to withstand the power of Yu Ziyu and Concubine Void Sky.

If it continues, I am afraid that the entire void will collapse.

And this is not what Yu Ziyu and Concubine Void Sky want to see. so...


With a spread of her wings, the Heavenly Concubine of the Void also broke through the space and went deep into the cracks in the space.

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