"I peed, what about you?"

"Me too..."

In a corner of the void, two clown-like figures expressed themselves with extremely exaggerated body movements and language.

This is the void clown, just like a real clown...But he is an extremely terrifying assassin.

While being funny, they are also able to get up close without anyone noticing and kill the enemy silently.

They are half-step masters...

They look like two people, but they are actually one person.

It's just that one is true and the other is false, it's hard to tell the truth from the truth.

It is said that this clown is burdened with the 'Law of Truth and Falsehood', where truth and falsehood are uncertain.

Very weird.

But now...Their conversation was extremely real.

Because, if you look closely, it looks like they really peed.

Scared to the point of peeing.

You know, that is the seventh-level ferocious beast and ferocious venerable who has reached the realm of domination.

But now...


Swallowing their saliva, countless people were frightened.

However, it is the master after all.

Even if the heart is taken out, it will not be seriously injured.

It's more of a shame. so...

Holding back the excruciating pain, the ferocious beast Qiongqi also retreated violently.

This retreat is thousands of miles away.

Seems to be avoided...

Even the look he looked at Yu Ziyu was filled with indescribable horror.

Others can't feel it yet.

But at that moment, he smelled the smell of 'death'.

That is real death.


"What on earth is this guy?"

In the midst of shock, neither the sky nor the earth is afraid. Even Concubine Void Heaven is a ferocious beast who dares to fight. Qiongqi is completely terrified....

At this time, Yu Ziyu glanced at Qiongqi, who was already far away, and the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Killing a chicken is a treat.

But what about this trophy?...

Taking a deep look at the purple heart at hand, Yu Ziyu threw it like trash to the six-winged dragon warriors who were the first to rush out not far away.

"Take it and eat it"

"Yes, the great Lord of the Void."

After taking the heart, the soldiers of the Six-Winged Dragon Regiment put the heart into their mouths expressionlessly. The soldiers of the Six-Winged Dragon Regiment were deprived of all their emotions and desires.

It is difficult to understand that this heart So precious.

But when this scene fell into the eyes of other powerful people in the void, their pupils shrank to the point of a needle.

Even the creatures in the void couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

This is the heart of a domination level.

If they eat it...Would not it be...

But don’t wait for them to think too much


Along with the terrifying roar, the momentum of the figure that devoured the ferocious beast Qiongqi's heart actually surged in the wind.

In just a short moment, he climbed from the middle of the sixth level to the peak of the sixth level....

Even, he is still rushing towards the half-step master

"you..." a roar...Looking at this scene from a distance, the ferocious beast Qiongqi's eyes were all red.

However, he couldn't do anything.

An unimaginable coldness filled my heart.

This made him, the endlessly crazy being in the void, become mute. and the other side...

The Concubine of the Void who was watching this scene quietly, this sacred figure with wings like a real dragon, called 'Ying Long' by the Dragon Clan, was also silent.

"very scary..."

In a very solemn voice, Bai Ze, the innate beast who followed Concubine Void Sky, was the first to sigh.

"It was indeed terrible, beyond imagination."

Disappeared in the clouds and mist...The figure reaches ten thousand feet...With her wings spread out, the concubine covering the sky and the sun also gave the most pertinent evaluation.

However, at this moment, as if she noticed something, Concubine Void's pupils shrank slightly.

Looking for her eyes, I was surprised to find that a pair of eyes looked at her calmly.

"This is the owner of the inner circle..."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also felt his blood boiling.

As a Void Dragon, he could clearly feel the nobility of this guy's bloodline.

But, yes.

She is Yinglong.

The legendary ancestor of the dragon clan is also known as the 'dragon of time and the dragon of virtue'. '

It is the true creation dragon god.

In terms of the nobility of bloodline alone, no one in the entire Dragon Clan can surpass it.

Even Yu Ziyu's own purple dragon body is now difficult to compare with him.

"According to legend, Yinglong has five-colored wings and can control the six qi and take advantage of all changes...."

"When I saw it today, it certainly lived up to its reputation."...

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also sighed at the power of this Yinglong.

This is truly a perfect creature.

They are great creatures that are indelible in many eras. it...In addition to possessing the power of creation and salvation, he also possesses the ability to destroy the world. Its power far exceeds the power of day and night that Zhulong cultivated with the help of fire essence.

According to historical records of the Dragon Clan, when Ying Long flies into the sky with anger, he can directly make the scorching sun in the sky disappear, and at the same time bring all things in the world to an end.

And that is the legendary"Heaven and Earth are dim and everything is dark".

In this way, it is also conceivable how terrifying Yinglong is.

However, this is not the scariest thing.

His mind fell into memories, and Yu Ziyu also remembered the records when he was in the Dragon Clan and looking through the classics.

‘When Ying Long stretches her body, she can fill the entire universe, but when she shrinks her body, she can enter the infinite space. '

This is the figure of Yinglong recorded in the historical records of the Dragon Clan....

Just like Yu Ziyu's sky-reaching purple dragon body, when fully extended, he can truly entrench himself in the galaxy and regard everything as ants.

And when Ying Long flew into the sky, all the clouds and stars followed him. At the same time, a big thunder sounded, shaking the four poles of the heaven and earth, filling Jiugai, and the sea water from the four directions rose into the sky like a tornado....’

This is Yinglong's momentum.

But, that's not all

‘Yinglong can mobilize the vitality of heaven to give birth to all things in heaven and earth, and its Yinglong wings also have their own magic, containing the power of Qiang Gang, which can cover the sky.’...

Recalling it carefully, Yu Ziyu looked at this unimaginable creature not far away with surprise.

No wonder, Void Will regards her as the 'pearl in his palm'.

Not only was it given a treasured land like the Inner Void, but it was also sent with countless ancient relics to protect it.

If this person really grew up and showed such great power as recorded in historical records, he might really be invincible in the world.

It's just a pity.

This person is only the ruler of the third heaven of Tianmen... ps:-------------Ask for customization---------------

Regarding Ying Long's description, Crimson checked various legends and records.

Not a word changed...It's simply exaggerated to the extreme.

However, this is worthy of his status as the ancestor of the dragon clan. Hahaha, Yinglong flies across the sky, and thousands of dragons bow their heads.

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