The sacred tree rises across the sky, and time turns into a silver dragon, entwining itself around.

How terrifying this is.

Nobody knows.

However, countless powerful people have noticed that throughout the solar system, light and shadow are constantly intertwining, and time actually appears to be flowing....

"Time, really time."

The corners of his eyes couldn't stop twitching, and some elders of the Phoenix Clan were also a little numb.

Is this Demon Emperor kidding?

He actually carries time on his back.

How terrible time is.

Everyone knows that space is the king. Time is revered.

Destiny does not come out, cause and effect is the emperor.

This eight-character mantra can be said to express the ultimate law.

And now, the Demon Emperor...


Taking a deep breath, all the strong men fell silent.

"Big brother...Are you finally getting serious?..."

Amid the soft murmurs, the Dragon Emperor Meng Meng who was entrenched in the territory of the Dragon Clan also had a smile in his eyes.

She has always known that her big brother carries time.

However, at the beginning, she was a little unable to accept it.

Her eldest brother is already scary.

And now, he is carrying time on his back, and the horror is even more indescribable.

"I guess all the powerful people from all races will be dumbfounded."

With a smile in her heart, Dragon King Huanmeng was also a little proud.

The stronger her big brother was, the happier she was.

Who said this was her big brother?...

And at this moment, the deepest part of the starry sky...

"Ahem...I feel like I need to take back my previous plan..."

"Um...It feels like simple targeting is not enough to threaten the Demon King...."

"Needless to say?...The law of time has come out, how to fight this?"

"well...This Demon King is really not an ordinary troublemaker."...

As they spoke one after another, the three Taoist masters couldn't help but look at each other.

Originally, they thought they were high enough to look up to the Demon Emperor.

But now it seems that they still underestimated it, really underestimated it.

"If we really want to deal with the Demon King, we need to invite the supreme beings of your lineage."

Suddenly speaking, it was the Taoist Jingxu Palace Headmaster, looking not far away

"The supreme thing of our lineage..."

There was a murmur, and a figure disappeared in the mist, carrying a sword on his back, and hesitating on his face.

The supreme things of their lineage cannot be easily touched.

That's taboo.

Real taboo.

According to ancient legend, its name moves the starry sky.

If it were to be born, it would definitely be earth-shaking, and all of this is just because that supreme thing is the legendary imperial weapon....

At one time, it suppressed the ancients.

If it were in its heyday, searching all over the ages, I'm afraid there wouldn't be a few imperial weapons that could compete with it.

However, it is a pity that this supreme thing is too terrifying.

It's so terrifying that even Heaven is afraid of it.

And what is this supreme thing?

A flash of memory flashed deep in his eyes. This figure with a long sword on his back did not dare to call out its name.

"One of the legendary Four Swords of Zhuxian is enough to compare with the top imperial weapons....The four swords came out together, possessing supreme power, comparable to the innate emperor's weapons..."

"However, the most terrifying thing is that these four swords of Zhuxian are also matched with the"Zhuxian Formation" of the first killing array of Heavenly Dao."...The legendary taboo formation, ranked first among the top ten taboo formations...Even the Monster Clan’s Zhou Tianxing Dou Formation and the Wu Clan’s Twelve Capitals Heavenly God Sha Formation are both difficult to compete with...."...

I recall in my heart the supreme power of this supreme thing, and this figure with a long sword on its back, and I am also proud.

It's just a pity...

What a pity...

After countless epochs, this supreme thing has finally become incomplete. The formation diagram of the Heavenly Dao’s first killing formation, the Immortal-Zhuxing Formation, has long since disappeared....

Even two of the four swords of Zhu Xian were lost.

The two swords of Fallen Immortal and Ultimate Immortal remain alone...

But even so, this supreme thing still has supreme power..

So what if he is as powerful as the Demon Emperor?

The leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect firmly believes that even if the Demon Emperor is burdened with the law of time, he will fall under the power of this supreme thing.

This is confidence.

Indescribable confidence...

From ancient times to the present, this poem has been circulated...

It is neither copper, nor iron, nor steel. It was once hidden under Mount Sumeru.

If you don't need to reverse the yin and yang to refine, how can there be no water and fire to temper the edge?

Killing the Immortal is powerful, killing the Immortal is dead, and trapping the Immortal glows red everywhere.

The transformation of the immortal is infinitely wonderful, and the clothes of the great Luo immortal are stained with blood...

This sentence is enough to express the terror of the supreme beings of their lineage.

So what if it’s incomplete?

Just a handful of trapped immortals is enough to make the Demon Emperor despair.

As for Juexian, his changes are endless, enough to drive the Demon King into the abyss.

So, do we really need to use this supreme thing?

There was a trace of thought in the depths of his eyes, and the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect was also a little hesitant.

The ancestors once said...The supreme thing cannot be opened lightly.

If he were born, blood would flow into a river, yin and yang would be reversed, and the world would be shattered....

But now...

Facing the current era, the most terrifying enemy of Taoism is...

"Let me think about it again."

Waving his hand, the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect did not dare to make up his mind.

He needed to return to his ancestral land to inquire about the will of his ancestors.

This matter is too important....

At this time, looking at the headmaster of Ten Thousand Immortals Sect who turned to leave, Zhuang Xuan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It seems that he still has difficulty making up his mind"

"Of course..."

The corners of his mouth curled up, and the owner of Jingxu Palace also showed an indescribable look of amusement on his face.

At this time, noticing the amusement on the face of the master of Jingxu Palace, Zhuang Xuan helplessly shook his head.

The three channels of Taoism.

Not as peaceful as he imagined.

He is the most orthodox lineage of Taoism. Although he does not advocate inaction, he advocates letting nature take its course.

Therefore, it is inevitable to adapt to the current situation.

As for the Jingxu Palace... especially the owner of the Jingxu Palace, he has a mysterious mind and is good at calculations.

Even his own junior brother will not let him go.

Now...He has already set his sights on his junior brother's supreme heritage.

If a Taoist sect wants to regain its prestige, it must have a supreme foundation.

But they, Jingxu Palace, and Zhuang Xuan were unwilling.

Therefore, we can only sacrifice this little junior brother of their Taoist sect....

But, yes.

Except for the supreme beings of the younger junior brother's lineage, their second lineage's supreme heritage is not 100% sure to suppress the Demon Emperor.

Therefore, Zhuang Xuan could only follow the trend and help the second junior brother of Jingxu Palace to scheme against their junior brother.

What is worth mentioning here is that the supreme thing cannot be opened lightly.

That's the foundation.

Only when you hide it can you have the ultimate edge.

If it were uncovered, it would not be beautiful.

It will even exhaust most of their heritage.

This is a last resort at the expense of potential.

However, if the Taoist sect can be revitalized by sacrificing the foundation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect, then Zhuang Xuan is also willing.

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