
There was a faint sound, and the daughter of thorns did not want to delve into this.

This is Qingfan’s obsession.

It's not easy for her to participate.

Now, the purpose of her coming is just to say goodbye.

Thinking of this, the Daughter of Thorns also said bluntly:

"I'll be leaving soon"

"Where to go? Qing

Fan was also puzzled by the sudden inquiry.

However, facing Qing Fan's question, the daughter of thorns just smiled and said nothing.

Even she herself didn't know where she was going, so how could she answer Qing Fan?

It's just that she didn't know where she was going. , this fell into Qingfan's eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh again.

Reminiscing about the past is short-lived.

Because there are too many acquaintances in Thorns that need to be met.

However, before leaving, the daughter of Thorns also raised her hand.


Along with a roar, a bloody dragon also screamed and shot out from the hand of the Thorn Girl until it was in front of Qing Fan.

"This is a blood dragon that can protect you for half your life."

After saying that, the Girl of Thorns also turned into blood all over the sky, slowly dissipating between heaven and earth....

Qingfan was left alone, silent for a long time.

However, not long after this,


The vast sound echoed between heaven and earth.

Qingfan was also shocked.

Slowly raising his eyes, he saw a shadow of a giant tree covering the sky and the sun, blooming leisurely between the sky and the earth.

Yes, bloom.

Just like a flower, there is an indescribable beauty.

But it shocked Qingfan


With tears in the corners of his eyes, Qingfan's long gray hair turned into black strands one by one.

Together with him, he is rejuvenated...

It's that naive young man again

"From now on, come to me."

After giving instructions, Yu Ziyu was unwilling to say more.

Qing Fan's loyalty to him was evident from heaven and earth.

And for people like him, Yu Ziyu would not treat him badly.

It's just a pity that he fell into obsession.

So much so. He has not walked out for hundreds of years.

And Yu Ziyu just watched quietly.

Quan regarded it as a test.

Until now...The idiot wakes up...Yu Ziyu also chose to take action.

Of course, at this time, Yu Ziyu would never admit that he seemed to have forgotten.

It is understandable that I am obsessed with cultivation and occasionally miss some details.

However, this is not a big problem.

Looking at Qing Fan who was crying with gratitude and his breath began to rise slowly, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied. this time...It seems that Qingfan is about to reach the sixth level....

As the saying goes - a blessing in disguise, that's what it should be said....

However, just after taking action for Qingfan, Yu Ziyu also withdrew the divine will that enveloped the entire solar system.

Everything happens in his mind.

Life is fragile, like a mote of dust.

This is him now, with terrifying strength.

As long as he wants, he can even sit cross-legged in heaven and see Blue Star's every move.

"My gaze leads to Qingming above and to Jiuyou below."

With a chuckle, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth also curled up slightly.

The power of the sixth level of Tianmen is really beyond imagination.

But now, slowly raising his eyes,

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

An illusory river actually flows along the solar system.

The long river of time is the greatest long river.

Now, in one thought of Yu Ziyu, it affected

"Protect me from the demon court for half my life..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also triggered the long river of time to protect the Demon Court.

This is his control of the power of time.

Very scary.

What is worth mentioning here is that Yu Ziyu is no longer willing to hide the power of time.

In the past, only the Dragon Emperor's second sister knew how he controlled time.

Now that he has set foot in the sixth level of Tianmen, he can also reveal some details, making all the races in the starry sky smell a sense of crisis.

Otherwise, it would be ridiculous for these guys to think that they can catch up with him if they set foot on the Lord.

"A law of time is enough to make you breathless."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu continued to lead the long river of time.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, a silvery illusory river spiraled up from the solar system.

The waves are dotted, reflecting the beauty of the world.

It can be vaguely seen that countless scenes flow through the long river of time.

The long river of time records everything, and every drop of wave carries an era.

Terrible, yet appalling...

"This is?"

Suddenly, the Lord of Samsara, who had stepped onto the throne not long ago, suddenly woke up.

His eyes opened in an instant, and there was divine light shooting out.

But now, the Lord of Samsara's whole body was frozen in place.

Staring in the direction of Demon Court

"How can this be?"

A rare gaffe, the Lord of Reincarnation was also confused.

Time is long, are you kidding me?

This extremely mysterious Demon Emperor is actually carrying the law of time?

The Demon Emperor has always been very mysterious.

He is burdened by the law of time. There are even more mixed opinions about the law.

Some people say that he carries the law of life, just because he saw him reborn from destruction when he was going through the tribulation, and the life flows.

Some people say that he carries the law of thunder, just because he saw him He still controls the thunder of heaven and earth alone.

Some even say that he has shouldered the law of immortality and is immortal....

However, there are many different opinions.

But now...

Not only the Lord of Reincarnation, but also the other powerful men were dumbfounded.

The law of time is the most superior law.

Although it is superior, it is not much different from some supreme laws.

It can be said that it is the most terrifying single body law.

And this demon king is actually burdened with the law of time


Amidst the earth-shattering roar, a giant tree that covered the sky and sun rose from the ground in the solar system. Its branches were like a divine chain, radiating the entire solar system.

The roots of the trees are like real dragons, looking up to the sky and roaring...

And right around that giant tree...

An endless river of time spiraled around him, like a silver dragon. There was an indescribable splendor and terror in its roar. ps:------------Ask for customization-------------

It is also time to take the initiative to expose some power, shocking the starry sky, a law of time, coercing all races.

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