"It's hard to refuse such kindness, so I'll accept it now."

After putting all the hundreds of Bodhi leaves in his bag, Yu Ziyu was polite.

As for the pained expression on the face of the Lord of the Buddhist world, Yu Ziyu selectively ignored it.

The Bodhi leaves , but a good thing.

Even if he doesn't use it, he can still use it for his subordinates.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu also plans to prepare some sacred Bodhi leaves as his own 'tea', and occasionally indulge in a luxury.

As, now Xingkong is the top His existence, no matter how extravagant he is, is no exaggeration.

Of course, this is also the slight change that Yu Ziyu began to undergo after reading thousands of Buddhist scriptures.

There is no need to be busy and calculating. There is no need to rush to plan.

Occasionally relaxing is necessary. Yes.

Only peace of mind...His behavior will rise little by little.

It seems that Yu Ziyu wants luxury, but in reality, is it not the transformation of Yu Ziyu who has washed away all the dust?

"This trip to Buddhism is no less than a blessing for me."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also chose to say goodbye.

If he didn't leave, many people would be worried.


Just hearing a roar, it was like time and space were reversed, but Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared in the sea of ​​suffering in an instant, leaving the Lord of the Buddha Realm alone with his eyes blank and thoughtful.

"This demon king’s strength is truly terrifying..."

With a sigh, the Lord of the Buddha Realm also chose to leave.......

And not long after this, a grand treasure exchange conference was held in Tongtianxing.

On a scale the size of a city, countless powerful people gathered here.

Among them, there are countless strong men from the Demon Court guarding all directions.

Looking up, he saw countless treasures rising into the sky.

There were even some shocking treasures. Even if they had aura, Nine Tails, Golden Ant and others could not help but shrink their pupils.

"That's the sixth level meteor orchid, priceless...."

"This is the sixth-level phaseless dragon bamboo. It can transform the blood of dragons. It is a treasure that can make countless dragons go crazy...."

"What, purple and yellow magic iron?..."...

One after another they screamed in surprise, and countless strong men could not hide the horror on their faces.

This is because this treasure is truly terrifying.

It was so terrifying that even the giants of the sixth level of transcendence could not help but feel the urge to snatch it away.

However, countless people suppressed their thoughts when looking at the powerful men sitting on the high platform one after another.

This is not only organized by a force in Demon Court.

There are also many major forces participating, such as Buddhism, Dragon Clan, and Phoenix Clan.

As a result, the first treasure exchange conference was held.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that one force also took out some treasures from the bottom of the box. For example, a single drop of

Demon Court's life spirit liquid, a real seventh-level spirit liquid, is enough to kill a person with flesh and bones. Countless strong men couldn't help but swallow their saliva again and again. The sixth-grade sandalwood from Buddhism and the dragon blood grass from the dragon clan

...Wait, they are all treasures.

But now, in this huge treasure exchange conference, everyone actually showed up.

And, it's more than that.

Many forces have seen something deeper.

For example, the Demon Court, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Buddhist Clan and even the God Clan all show signs of forming an alliance.

And if these forces form an alliance, who in the starry sky can stop them?

No one knows, and no one wants to know.

One thing is for sure, though, the alliance is unstoppable.

Because, not long ago, countless forces such as the Celestial Race, the Zombie Race, and even the Demon Race, all suffered from the void invasion.

"The Void has become a general trend, and now it has two major master-level combat powers. If we don't join forces, I'm afraid we will be defeated one by one...."

The voice that sounded from nowhere made countless powerful people agree with it.

The void is powerful, and an alliance is imminent.

And this treasure exchange meeting is more like a grand ceremony before forming an alliance....

And Yu Ziyu was also satisfied with this.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. Yu Ziyu, who was already sitting in a palace on the Babel Star, was also looking at several priceless treasures in his hands.

"Heart of the world, space crystal..."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

This is his most precious treasure for refining the supreme body.

But now, through the treasure exchange conference, he actually found it.

This heart of the world, free from karma, was accidentally found in the starry sky by a sixth-level giant.

According to his guess, this should be a planet that was conceived with life millions of years ago. After its destruction, it gave birth to a heart of the world that is free from karma.

This is the natural decline of the planet...It is not stained by karma.

But now, looking up, the spotless heart of the world is as bright as a diamond.

And deep in the heart of this world, Yu Ziyu even saw countless scenes.

That is the memory of the planet.

It is a picture of a race from birth to decline.

Just like the Blue Star, it gave birth to some human races, and then these human races killed each other, so that the planet was destroyed...The process will be remembered by the heart of the world

"This is actually a clan of elves..."

Quite an unexpected sound. Yu Ziyu also noticed this planet. It seemed that it was accidentally destroyed after encountering a meteor swarm....

"Tsk tsk..."

Grinning, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh.

In that era when the extraordinary had not yet revived, a meteor swarm was enough to wipe out a planet with life.

What is worth mentioning here is that...The Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and even the Elf Clan were not bred after the Extraordinary Era.

Just like the human race of Blue Star, they all existed before the spiritual energy was revived.

However, the spiritual energy has not been revived, and their power and even bloodline will not be awakened.

Its existence is like all kinds of strange animals in Blue Star, staging the most cruel survival of the fittest....

Until one day, the spiritual energy revives and the bloodline awakens...

A great era has truly arrived.

Moreover, one thing is worth mentioning, that is, if Blue Star’s former overlord, the dinosaurs, had not declined due to an accident, Blue Star would have even disappeared....

So now, Blue Star is no longer a human planet.

Rather, it is a planet dominated by dragons.

Dinosaurs also have the blood of dragons, and they are also the blood of ancient dragons, keeping pace with the giant dragons of the west and the true dragons of the east.

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