Both are sacred trees, and Yu Ziyu is no stranger to the aura of the sacred trees.

And, more importantly, this sacred tree seemed to be different from other sacred trees. It actually made Yu Ziyu feel a faint sense of oppression.

"Buddhist holy tree - Bodhi tree..."

Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of this Buddhist holy tree.

This sacred tree can be said to have a great reputation.

It is said that if you sit cross-legged under this sacred tree, your wisdom will increase and you will be able to see everything in the world.

There are even rumors that the reason why a Buddhist monk entered that unspeakable realm was because of the help of the power of Bodhi from the Bodhi tree. He then attained nirvana, transformed into a true Buddha, and existed with the world forever...

In this way, it is possible. Imagine how terrifying this Buddhist sacred tree is.

And now, this Buddhist master has actually been brought to the place where the Bodhi tree took root?

A little surprised, but more of a lack of unspeakable surprises..

"This Buddhism really treats me well."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Zi and the Lord of Buddhism also came to an island in the sea of ​​suffering.

And on this island, there is a huge lake.

And in the center of the lake...

Slowly raising his eyes, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was a sacred tree that covered the sky and the sun.

It is holy, not divine.

Just because its breath fills the air, the world returns to peace.

Golden leaves, golden tree body...

Even if it stands quietly, it makes people feel calm.

And at this moment, as if I noticed something, the branches of the distant holy tree suddenly swayed.


There was actually a Buddha's light rising up, rushing towards Yu Ziyu and even the half-Buddha.

And the next moment, the wind calmed down and the clouds became still.

Both heaven and earth became quiet.

Only Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing, and there was a bright light rising in a pair of divine eyes.

That is the light of wisdom.

Just because, at this moment, Yu Ziyu's mind became clearer.

Many things that were invisible in the past can be seen through in an instant.

In the past, some unfamiliar abilities were instantly mastered.

Terrible, yet appalling.

Slowly raising his eyes, staring at the sacred tree in the distance that was as naughty as a child, with branches constantly surging, Yu Ziyu also had a rare flash of shock.

"This is the power of Bodhi, which can make people clear their minds and make them wise, and it can also help people practice...."

It was a rare explanation, and the master of Buddhism was also shocked.

Simply because this is the first time that the Bodhi Tree takes the initiative to baptize someone.

Like other people, even if he comes, the Bodhi Tree will not take care of it at all.

"This demon king is really destined to be my Buddha."

Sighing repeatedly in his heart, the master of Buddhism also opened his mouth and said:

"This time, I brought the Demon King here because there were some problems with my Buddha's Holy Tree during the cultivation, and some of it was stunted...."

"If possible, please ask the Demon Emperor to help me..."

"in exchange..."...

Narrating one after another, the master of Buddhism also waved his hand, and then, when Yu Ziyu's pupils shrank, ten golden leaves appeared in front of him.

The Bodhi Sacred Leaf, and not just any ordinary Bodhi Sacred Leaf.

It looks like it should be the sacred Bodhi tree, with a few precious leaves.

Every sacred leaf is enough to enlighten one.

Although this is useful for Yu Ziyu.

It can be given to subordinates, especially Jiuwei, Ling'er and others, I'm afraid it will...

While thinking in his mind, Yu Ziyu looked at the sacred Bodhi leaf with a little more fiery eyes.

"As expected of Buddhism, this is truly a generous act."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu also understood Buddhism's overtures.

However, this does not affect it.

He likes it.

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"it's not difficult..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also surged with spiritual power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, Yu Ziyu's body was shaken violently.

Then the eyes of this Buddhist master shrank,


The vitality that almost turned into substance suddenly spurted out and turned into a green beam of light, rushing towards the distant Bodhi tree.

Vitality, unimaginable vitality. like substance


Amidst the low roar, it turned into a phantom of a blue dragon....

Transforming into a dragon with vitality, you can imagine how terrifying this vitality is.

But now, this kind of vitality is pouring into the Bodhi Tree without any end.

"Sure enough, it was a wise choice for me to bring the Demon Emperor here."

With a sigh, even this Buddhist master couldn't hold back the joy on his face...

However, what the Buddhist master didn't know was that this was really easy for the current Yu Ziyu.

After all, he is now very powerful. It's too terrifying, and the vitality it contains is endless.

So...Sprinkling a little bit of motivation will not affect him.

However, with such a little vitality, the Bodhi Tree, which is now only at the sixth level,...but it is...

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

It can be seen with the naked eye that the entire Bodhi tree's branches and even leaves are constantly beginning to relax. a little, a little...diastole...

Moreover, its body grows larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like growing up.

Of course, this is not important yet.

The important thing is that as this sacred Bodhi tree continues to grow, a mysterious and mysterious aura also fills the heaven and earth....

"The Bodhi Tree is truly the sacred tree of heaven and earth...."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but be shocked.

This kind of ability that can make people understand their minds and make them realize the truth is truly terrifying.

Fortunately, he has an evolutionary point and is able to realize the Tao on his own.

But, others are different.

Even if he has a stunning appearance, it is good to be able to realize it once.

And what does it mean to have enlightenment once?

After a long period of accumulation, a thousand efforts will be made, and the results will be scattered in one day....

If you are lucky, you can even break the shackles and enter a new realm.

And this is enlightenment.

And now, Buddhism is sitting on these sacred trees...Just imagine how terrifying the future will be.

It’s no wonder that in Buddhism, strong men emerge in endlessly from one era to another.......

And now...The branches and leaves are moving and extending, and a bright Bodhi Holy Light is also rising continuously.

Just, not long after


As the corner of the Buddhist master's eyes twitched, this sacred Bodhi tree actually swayed a golden torrent, rolling towards Yu Ziyu.

And that, the golden torrent, is surprisingly countless sacred leaves of Bodhi....

At a glance, there are at least a hundred films...


There was a moment of silence, and the Buddhist master couldn't help but show a look of pain on his face.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would be tempted to scold his mother.

Prodigal, really prodigal.

It is because of such a prodigal holy object that his Buddhist knowledge is insufficient....

At this time, watching quietly, Yu Ziyu also had a look of hesitation on his face.


Before Yu Ziyu could finish speaking, the master of Buddhism had already clasped his hands and said Amitabha, and then he said:

"This is a gift from Bodhi. Please don’t refuse it, Lord Demon Emperor..."

However, the moment the Lord of Buddhism finished speaking, his face suddenly twitched.

Just because the Demon King had already accepted more than a hundred sacred Bodhi leaves at some point, and even accepted the more than ten sacred leaves he took out. polite? what is that?

Can you eat it? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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