"Am I too powerful, or is the starry sky inexplicably hostile to the void?"

A rare guess, Yu Ziyu also frowned.

Although this suppression is not strong,

Yu Ziyu can clearly feel it....This suppression has a tendency to increase.

That is to say...The longer he stays in the air, the more terrifying the suppression may be....

And if it's an accident...His combat power will even be greatly weakened

"Must be resolved quickly...Don't delay too much..."

With a cold snort, Yu Ziyu also had a flash of enlightenment in his heart. then,


A dragon roar swept through the entire void.

And listening to this dragon roar, countless void creatures showed excitement.

Just because the meaning of this dragon roar is very clear... attack. massive attack...

This is the call to attack......

"Hiss hiss...Hiss..."

"Hoo, ho, ho...

Low growls and roars suddenly sounded from every corner of the divine realm.

Go in search of reputation. Every corner of the entire God Clan was filled with purple energy.

Void cracks opened one after another.

Then, thousands of void creatures turned into a tide and poured in.

And this is the invasion from the void.

There is the void master who shakes the divine realm, crossing the endless space, coming from top to bottom, and crossing the boundary.

Below, countless void creatures surged towards them.

However, I have to admit that compared to Yu Ziyu's Heaven-Bearing Purple Dragon... these low-level void creatures do flood into the starry sky, and it is even easier...

Yu Ziyu's current body of Heaven-Breaking Purple Dragon is only halfway across the realm... there are countless Void creatures have poured in along the cracks in the void, sweeping across the entire God's Domain....

And just then

"Prevent the true form of the Lord of the Void from crossing the border......"

"Send divine guards to suppress the void army..."

A series of orders were issued from the temples, and one after another the powerful gods of the gods also shot in all directions.

However, at this time, the temples, that is, the top of the world tree’s crown...The God King... and the masters of the nine major gods all stared at the sky, which was getting bigger and bigger, and there was a purple vortex sweeping across the starry sky.

This is the passage through which the Lord of the Void crosses the border....

If they are not stopped in time, what awaits them will be a terrifying existence from the deepest part of the void descending on the entire God's Domain.

At that time, it was no joke that all living beings were in ruins and all beings were overturned.

Thinking of this, the God King also raised his scepter high and shouted:

"stop him..."


In the chorus of responses, the peak experts from the God Clan also appeared one by one.

"Thunder of Destruction..."

In the midst of the violent shouting, lightning that could penetrate the world continued to gather, and then, with a roar, it rushed towards the vast purple vortex.

This is the thunder of destruction...The king's thunder method is enough to destroy everything. If an ordinary person touches it, it will be enough to destroy both body and soul.

On the other side, the god of light who arrived in his own body also had his hands crossed....

"Magnificent Holy Light..."

With a peaceful face, a holy light so magnificent that it penetrated the starry sky was shot out.

But, this is just the beginning.

Looking up, I saw the masters of the gods one after another....There are some terrifying beings who are no less than half-step masters, but they all used tricks to become famous.

"Boom, boom, boom...

Colorful lights meet in the sky.

Then, it turned into a torrent of energy that destroyed everything and surged towards the purple vortex.

However, before this torrent of energy pours in,


Amid the dragon's roar, a purple beam of light emerged from the depths of the purple vortex.


Along with a terrifying roar, the purple beam of light collided with the energy torrent.

However, what is disheartening is that even though the torrent of energy is as powerful as the gods, they are all defeated and retreated steadily....


There was another extremely terrifying roar, and the purple beam of light came against the vast torrent of energy as if with divine help.

The power of domination is no joke.

Not to mention, this is the dragon breath breathed out by Yu Ziyu...

And this has the power to destroy the world.

Now Yu Ziyu is worried that this dragon's breath will blow through the entire God Realm.

However, for a moment...Yu Yu knew that she was overthinking


Amidst the sudden roar, a breath that made people feel extremely palpitated suddenly rose up....

Looking up, there was a blood-colored spear appearing above the divine realm.

Shining with eternal red light, illuminating the entire divine realm...

And this is the spear of Longinus, the divine emperor's weapon with the 'guidance of destiny' that can 'penetrate everything'.

Lance of Longinus...The supreme heritage of the clan.

But now, under Yu Ziyu's terrifying power, he finally woke up...


The tip of the gun shines with eternal red light, and countless ripples continue to spread.

That's the ripple of fate...

The fate of constant interference...There were ripples in circles.

However, for a moment...Like I found something

"Swish..." sudden emptiness...This blood-red spear actually turned into a meteor across the sky, illuminating for eternity, and headed straight for the purple light pillar deep in the purple vortex.


Just a roar was heard, and the terrifying shock wave continued to spread, shaking the entire cross-border passage.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As he shook again and again, Yu Ziyu's expression also changed slightly.

However, at the next moment, as if he had discovered something, Yu Ziyu's pupils shrank sharply.

Just because, right now


An eternal red light penetrated his dragon's breath and shot towards him

"This is the gun of destiny..."

In a rare moment of solemnity, Yu Ziyu's expression suddenly changed.

And the reason why...Because a picture actually appeared in front of his eyes - a flash of red light penetrated the body, penetrating a real dragon with six wings on its back....

And this is the inspiration of destiny.

Looking for the path of destiny...He is destined to be penetrated by the spear of Longinus, the supreme heritage of the gods....

And this is the terrifying thing about the Spear of Destiny.

Before the spear arrives, fate has arrived

"This guy..."

Amidst the low murmur, Yu Ziyu was not afraid.

Just because...With the terror of his body, what if he was penetrated?...It's just some minor injuries....

Moreover, he also wanted to see...How the spear of Longinus followed the path of fate and penetrated him.

Thinking of this, as spiritual power surged, layers of purple barriers spread out in front of his true body, protecting his entire true body. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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