"That's the world tree of the gods...."

A sudden murmur sounded in the dark.

Looking around, in the deepest part of the void, a purple dragon entrenched in eternity was actually looking down at the world with its eyes lowered.

His gaze seemed to span space and time.

But he was staring intently at the giant tree that held up the Nine Divine Realms - the World Tree.

This is the most precious treasure of the God Clan, just like the Tree of Life of the Elves. It is a life form born at the seventh level.

When it matures, it will completely transform and become the seventh level....

However, such existence is rare.

Even the entire Protoss has only one World Tree...

There seem to be a few seedlings left, but those seedlings are in the God Clan's treasure house for emergencies.

And now...Yu Zi's eyes were fixed on this giant tree that supported the entire God Realm. it's big...I'm afraid that Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon that reaches the sky will not be less generous.

And specific description.

It is several times larger than the entire solar system. The so-called stars are just the fruits of this giant tree.

And this is also the reason why he supports the nine divine realms.

But, I don’t know if it’s due to ripening....This ancient sacred tree actually has no sanity.

But, yes.

As the support of the divine world, how can it be allowed to have sanity?

If he regained consciousness and shook the branches if he was not happy, he would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Therefore, this ancient tree has no sanity.

Only the body, standing for eternity, supports the divine realm......

"This sacred tree is of great use to me..."

Whispering softly, Yu Ziyu was also unabashedly greedy.

His true body turned into a world with itself, and this was the seventh turn of his physical body.

And the world tree...It's the same thing with different approaches but the same effect. It's just that he is a branch, creating one small world after another.

And Yu Ziyu, if he gets the World Tree and understands it a little bit,...I'm afraid it can go further.

You know, his physical body has not progressed for a long time since his seventh reincarnation....

And now, such a treasure is right in front of him

"Ha ha..."

Amidst the undisguised laughter, Yu Ziyu also understood that his visit was not in vain....

"Just take it by force...

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu did not intend to use any conspiracy.

His strength is the guarantee of everything.

Originally, he just wanted to come to the God Clan to test it out.

But now, after seeing the treasure that made his heart beat, he was no longer tempted....



Amidst the sudden dragon roar, Yu Ziyu's momentum continued to rise.

"Boom, boom, boom...

As if there is no end...

And just then...


There was another loud noise, and the six wings that covered the sky and sun spread out behind him.

Six wings fly across the sky, and the real dragon descends into the world...

Now Yu Ziyu has directly activated the 'Infinite Dragon God's posture'


Amidst the thundering dragon roar, staring into the void, Yu Ziyu suddenly hit


Just listen to a loud noise, and the void is like a mirror shattering...

And Yu Ziyu swung his body, rushing in along the broken void......

But at this moment, the divine realm where the gods are located


Along with an earth-shattering roar, the entire divine realm trembled.

Looking around, under the horrified gazes of countless protoss, the sky above their heads and even the starry sky were shattered like a mirror, revealing endless nothingness.

And in this void, one can suddenly see a deep purple spirit rushing in.

"This is?"

Amid the exclamation, the God King sitting high on the throne suddenly stood up and looked at the broken sky in horror. Vaguely

, he saw an indescribable behemoth, crossing one space after another, coming towards

"Is the Lord of the Void...

Amidst the horrified voice, the face of this God King also changed drastically.

How can it be?

How could the Lord of the Void suddenly come here?

Moreover, is it still coming so menacingly and forcefully?

Are you kidding me?

However, for a moment, looking at the collapsing sky...Looking at the increasingly bright purple meaning...The God King's eyes also condensed

"fight against...fight against..."

He raised the scepter in his hand high, and the raging thunder ripped through the entire divine realm, but it woke up countless powerful gods.

Looking up,

"Swish, swish, swish...

One stream of light after another, breaking through the sky...It turned out to be thousands of streams of light, filling the sky.

Lord of the Nine Gods...Count the higher gods...One after another, the middle gods all appeared in the sky at this time...

However, at this time, when they raised their eyes and looked at the sky, what caught the eyes of countless gods was the top of their heads....On the crown of the World Tree, a vast and infinite purple vortex emerged...

And deep in that whirlpool...

Like a giant beast from ancient times, coming across time and space... an indescribable power also came.


Waves of dragon roars resounded from the depths of the whirlpool, but the waves of sound were rolling, shaking the entire divine realm.

"Poof, poof..."


One after another, the strong men of the God Clan were injured by this terrifying sound wave without even reacting.

What's more, like a meteor, it hits the ground directly.

Under the ruler, everyone is an ant.

Not just talk.

And Yu Ziyu's purple dragon is no ordinary master.

Now, open the posture of 'Infinite Dragon God'...His power has also climbed to the extreme, reaching the level of the second and third heaven ruler....

The pressure alone is not something ordinary people can bear.... but...

I have to admit that the starry sky and the barriers of the world are indeed scary.

Moreover, I don’t know if the momentum of his arrival is too terrifying....Spread to a star field...It’s the way of heaven that attracts the stars

"Click, click...

Like an angry white dragon crashing down, silver-white lightning pierced the sky and tore the stars apart.

And this is clearly the power of Heaven...

The power of Heaven is vast and even more terrifying.

Along with this, Yu Ziyu, who transformed into a purple dragon, felt a suppressed feeling.

"The starry sky is repelling me..."

Suddenly murmuring, Yu Ziyu also shrank her pupils.

He hadn't noticed it before.

But now, he has completely transformed. He originally planned to come to the God Clan in the form of the Heavenly Purple Dragon, but he actually feels the rejection of the stars...._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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