However, at this moment, as if something came to mind, a very gentle voice suddenly echoed in the cracks in the space:

"Do you think it is possible for us to cooperate with the Void Clan?"

After the words fell, the whole place was silent. One after another, the eyes of the sixth-level demons flickered, as if they were thinking about something?

But the next moment, after shaking their heads, a demon stood up and said bluntly:

"The Void Clan is too dangerous...I'm afraid that too much exposure will come back to bite me..."


In response, everyone was silent.

The more you practice, the more you will understand how terrifying the Void Clan is.

If we say that they, the demon clan, are only nourished by the spiritual power of all races.

Then the Void Clan, including their bodies, everything serves as nutrients for their growth....

Even, do not rule out...These guys are peeking at the possibility of their demon clan..

"What a heart-rending race..."

With a soft sigh, the owner of this soft voice also glanced faintly in the direction where Yu Ziyu left.

Such horror exists?

Are there any inner demons?

If there is...Can I be his only inner demon?

With many thoughts on his mind, this demon who had just stepped onto the sixth level also turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated between heaven and earth......

The Buddhist world encountered a massive invasion by the Void Clan.

Almost one-fifth of the Buddhist world was destroyed...Countless strong men were killed in battle or even seriously injured....

This news shook the entire starry sky.

Not to mention, those small forces, even if they are as powerful as the Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, or even the God Clan...Also fell into a long silence...

"Can't you even stand up to Buddhism?"

In the faint voice, the dreamy dragon of the dragon clan...This elegant and divinely beautiful red dragon is also staring at the starry sky...

Even Buddhism suffered heavy losses. You can imagine how terrifying this is.

And, more importantly,...The Void Clan successfully left...Only the devastation of Buddhism is left...

"It seems...Void One, we must take precautions in advance...."

With a murmur, Dream Dragon also began to summon the elders of the Dragon Clan.......

At the same time, the Phoenix Clan and the God Clan, who received the news from the Buddhist clan, also became vigilant.

It actually caused serious damage to the Buddhist world...This is not good news...

Although, most of them are gloating about their misfortune...But more importantly, an unspeakable fear arose.

And at this time...Demon Court...

"Buddhism...suffered badly..." out loud...Many bodies are silent.

And individual...There was a twinkle in his eyes.

They vaguely know some news...Wouldn't be surprised.

However, at this moment, as if thinking something, Kyuubi also smiled and said:

"If the guess is good, Buddhism will come to ask the master to take action again"

"Maybe. Only the master can suppress the Lord of the Void...."

In response, Di Ji Ling'er also smiled.......

At this time, discussions about many forces...Yu Ziyu doesn’t know...

However, with his temperament, even if he knew, he wouldn't care... everything was expected.

And now...The most important thing is to deal with the matters in front of you

"Wait, how was the harvest?"

Deep in the void...Sitting on the throne...Yu Ziyu also looked at each figure. original sin six...The commander-in-chief of each regiment.

It's just that compared to before...Most of them are injured now.

And among them, the most tragic thing is the third king who is burdened with 'pride'... with broken arms and broken wings....

Even his energy and spirit were greatly weakened.

But, not bad.

As a sixth-level void emperor, as long as his life is safe,...It's just an injury, recovery is just a matter of time...

So...Yu Ziyu won’t be too worried

"Report back to the boss..." a chuckle...Avril Lavigne has stepped out of the fall and said bluntly:

"The harvest this time is very gratifying..."

After saying that, the fallen angel Avril also sighed:

"Sure enough, among great dangers, there are great opportunities"


With a light sigh, Yu Ziyu also looked at the fallen angel Avril expectantly.

And the next moment...

Seeing Yu Ziyu's expectant eyes, Avril also made a move with her right hand


Accompanied by a roar, bright golden light exploded

"This is?"

As he became more and more surprised, Yu Ziyu's eyes also focused.

For a moment, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes were actually three golden lotus flowers.... yes lotus...

Exuding an extraordinary aura, blooming in the void. bloom, wither..rotate...

Suddenly, they became the only ones in the world.

And the most shocking thing is the aura emitted by these three golden lotuses....There is actually a sense of Buddhism that makes people worship him....

"Golden lotus of merit...Treasures bred in the Buddha’s Merit Pool...Although it is not the legendary twelve-grade golden lotus...But these seven-grade Golden Lotus, today,...It is also enough to be called a treasure..." speaking softly...The corners of Fallen Angel Avril's mouth are also slightly raised...

Such Buddhist treasures are difficult to find.

Even she spent a lot of effort to sneak into the Buddhist merit pool and steal these three seventh-grade golden lotuses while the powerful Buddhists were focusing on the boss....

"Golden Lotus of Seven Grades of Merits..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes also condensed.

And at the next moment, a series of information also poured into Yu Ziyu's mind.

【The seventh-grade golden lotus with merit and virtue—the real treasure is transformed from the legendary twelfth-grade golden lotus seed with astonishing defense. Although it is only a seventh-grade golden lotus, it has extremely terrifying potential....If you absorb a lot of merit and advance to the ninth level,.....In terms of defense alone, it is probably enough to compare with ordinary Ji Dao Emperor soldiers.] ps:-----------Ask for customization----------

Crimson has caught a cold in the past two days and is feeling a little unwell....The update has been delayed again, which is embarrassing. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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