
Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, the entire Buddhist world trembled.

Visible to the naked eye, two vast shock waves have spread in the eastern part of the Buddha Realm.

While the sky is filled with purple, the Buddha's light shines everywhere.

Demon and Buddha?

At this moment, the real big collision begins

"I am Buddha Tathagata..."

With a soft call, he saw the solemn old man sitting cross-legged, and then, an illusory golden body actually rose from his body.

It is constantly expanding


In a blink of an eye...A 'Tathagata' whose size is slightly different from Yu Ziyu is already sitting upright in the clouds

"Demon, suffer death."

While he was shouting, he saw that this 'Tathagata' tens of thousands of feet tall had raised his palm and slapped it towards Yu Ziyu.

"This is not his strength..."

Suspicious in his heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at the broken branch held in the old man's hand.

The imperial weapon - the Seven Treasures Tree, even if it only has a broken branch, it still has extraordinary power.

The most terrifying thing about this imperial weapon is not its colorful brilliance which is said to be 'nothing is left untouched'.

What's more...It is an all-round auxiliary imperial weapon...

And with its blessing, this old man's cultivation level has been rising steadily....He was actually competing against Yu Ziyu...

Of course, this is also the reason why Yu Ziyu did not take action with all his strength.

Because of his status, it is inconvenient for Yu Ziyu to rely on the Tenth Realm and the Nine Realms that reach the sky.

And the supreme law of time and space, if you can hide it, hide it...

Therefore, for a while, Yu Ziyu didn't have a good way to win over this great Buddhist master.

However, after thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also gave up.

No more hope...

Not to mention whether we can win it or not, just winning it won’t do much good.... he is alive...More valuable than death...

And Yu Ziyu still needs to use him to contain the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan....Waiting for one powerful clan after another.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also had some concerns in his mind.

"It's almost time to leave..."

Never leave again...Once the Buddha has completely adapted to the Void Clan's offensive, it will be difficult to leave.

Just like now, the Buddhist world's world-protecting formation, the Eight-part Pagoda Formation, is on the trend of recovery....

However, at this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded in the sky:

"boss...help me..."

It's full of sadness, and even more of an indescribable feeling of frustration.


His face was slightly startled. Yu Yu also turned around and looked.

And at the next moment, what caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was...There were actually four sixth-level Buddhist masters chasing and killing the third king who was burdened with 'jealousy'.

And now...The third king is also very embarrassed...Hit together.

Leopard body, wings...Fresh and dripping.

There is also a wing that is broken...

The third king...Always proud...If we weren't in a desperate situation...how could we make such a cry for help?...

"this...It really is..."

Rubbed his eyebrows...Yu Yu was also speechless...

Fortunately, strong people in the Buddhist world cannot understand the language of the void...Otherwise, the face of the Void Clan will be completely disgraced.

However, it’s no wonder that the third king...

So many strong men of the same level besieged him...It’s good to be able to hold on until now.

Although the Void Clan is weird, they are not invincible...It is normal for two fists to be difficult to beat with four hands.

Moreover, the inheritance of Buddhism cannot be underestimated.......

"This time, good luck to you..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu didn't even look at the Tathagata Palm that greeted him from afar.

The cultivation level has been achieved, but the realm has not been reached.

Such a move, which is powerful and unintentional, is very difficult to hit Yu Ziyu.

Just like now, a diamond-shaped crystal flashed away deep in the eyes, but Yu Ziyu's figure gradually became blurred....

The infinitely extending space is constantly widening the distance between this giant palm that covers the sky and Yu Ziyu...


With an exclamation, the expression of the old man who had transformed into 'Tathagata' also changed greatly.

How is this possible?

He is clearly so close, but why can't his divine palm fall on this person?

In a daze...

As if he noticed something, the old man also shrank his pupils.

"This is...space?

In the extremely horrified voice, the old man saw...This figure holding up the boundary gate with one hand keeps blurring...Until far away...

"next time...You don't have such good luck."

Left a specious word, but Yu Ziyu was left with afterimages....Rushing towards the direction where the third king asked for help.

With a big hand, he fished it out and turned it into a giant palm that covered the sky, and fished the third king into the gate of the void.... then...Yu Ziyu was also looked at in shock by the powerful Buddhist men one after another....Keep teleporting...Leading the strong men of the void one after another...

And when many powerful Buddhists reacted,...However, Yu Ziyu waved his hand and opened a gap in the Buddhist world....Choose the world and leave...

After all, it is the headquarters of Buddhism, and it would be unwise to stay there for a long time.

But like now, after wreaking havoc, I choose to leave...The most uncomfortable thing is Buddhism....full of rage...No place to vent...Just think about it......

At this time, if you look towards the Buddha Realm, you will be able to see one-fifth of the world, which is full of devastation....

The dripping blood dyed the ground red. Corpses were piled up on the ground....

There are also some members of the Void Clan that Yu Ziyu did not take away....wreaking havoc on mountains and rivers...

However...This is not a bundle...

Just because, the battle between Yu Ziyu and the"Buddha Kingdom in the Palm" of the Buddhist world was so terrifying that it actually alerted the demon clan hidden deep in the cracks of space.

And now...Looking at Buddhism, which has been hit hard recently...One after another, the demons are showing their greed....

The inner demon will cause trouble and bring disaster to the entire Buddhist world.

And this time, Yu Ziyu's overwhelming power may be enough to become the inner demon of many Buddhist powerful men.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu, who had already left the Buddhist world, turned back and took a deep look behind him....

There, there are several sixth-level demons...Standing quietly.

I even watched him leave....

"He noticed us..."

"This is for sure. You must know that this is the master from the void, one dimension higher than the space we are in...."

"Tsk tsk...But why did those bald donkeys offend him?..."

"have no idea...But this is our chance..."

"Opportunity indeed...

During this rare conversation, these sixth-level demons looked at the Buddhist world with unabashed greed....

I thought that in this era, the demon clan should hide out again.

But now it seems...Still talking...

The heavy damage to Buddhism...For their Heavenly Demon Clan, this is a huge opportunity. and...

More importantly...In the deepest part of the Realm Emperor's Thunder Sound Temple, the treasure of their Heavenly Demon Clan is sealed....

If it can be taken back...There is hope for the recovery of our demon clan..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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