Quietly enjoying the new ability of this deduction, Yu Ziyu became more and more satisfied.

Although this ability consumes a lot of time and space power, in terms of weirdness and power, this ability can definitely be said to be a 'big killer weapon'.

You must know that the body of the void elf has been integrated into Yu Ziyu's body, and together with Yu Ziyu's body, he has entered the realm of extraordinary seventh-level domination.

Now, after being separated, although it is somewhat weakened, its strength is still in the realm of extraordinary seventh-level domination.

And this domination-level combat power is in the gap between time and space, a place that is not perceived by ordinary people, and makes sneak attacks....

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

I'm afraid even a master can't resist it.

And here I have to mention that Yu Ziyu's great magical power can transform the three pure things with one breath. It is precisely because of cultivating this great magical power that he can transform the three pure things with one breath. Yu Ziyu can easily integrate the body of the void elf into the main body and then separate it.

This is the most mysterious place where the great supernatural power transforms the three pure beings into three parts with one breath - one body is divided into three parts, and three parts are integrated into one body.

Parts and the whole are all unified

"However, I have only learned the third level of the great supernatural power that transforms the three realms into one thing. There are still a few levels that I have not yet learned...."

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu also felt a little regretful...

After all, it is an unparalleled supernatural power....It is still too difficult to truly learn everything.

Until now, Yu Ziyu has only found three stone tablets. As for the other stone tablets,...Even though Yu Ziyu ordered Yaoting to do his best to search for it, he has still found nothing.

And this, I have to say, is a small regret.

But, it's okay...

The three major magical powers he now cultivates are enough to transform the three pure beings in one breath.

With these three levels, Yu Ziyu can already control the bodies of purple dragon, green dragon and void elf.

At the same time, Yu Ziyu's purple dragon, green dragon and void elf bodies can also leave the body and practice quietly...

And the last four major magical powers can transform the three pure beings in one breath, which is nothing more than... the four in one, combining the blue dragon, purple dragon and the body of the Void Elf, are all integrated into the main body, thus causing the main body to undergo an almost qualitative transformation....

This should be of great use to Yu Ziyu in his attempt to reach the eternal realm.

As for now, there is no need to force it.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth also raised a slight arc.

"Now, I have plenty of time...You can always find the remaining stone tablets..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was not in a hurry...

And at this time,


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu also felt that there was no need to retreat.

Now that the ability Shadow of Time and Space has taken shape, all that remains is to use it and polish it.

If it can really be developed to the extreme, it should be a good killer weapon.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also became a human again, walking out of this independent time and space.


With one step, Yu Zi returned to the main hall once more with ripples.

Standing in the main hall, feeling the vague energy in the distance, the corners of Yu Ziyu's lips curled up slightly.

"shadow of time and space..."

With a murmur, the entire hall became cold.

It seemed like a warning and a reminder, and it was indescribably scary.

And the very next moment,


Visible to the naked eye, a corner of the hall trembled violently, and then the space collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is?"

Amidst the exclamation, a purple stream of light also shot out from the turbulent flow of space.

Looking up, it was clearly Zi Si.

Even if Yu Ziyu was in seclusion, he had always been guarding the surroundings.

But now, looking at Yu Ziyu's face, he looked confused and confused. Zi Lian, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"Purple sickle, I developed a good ability...Come and try..."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu also paused, and then added:

"Don't worry, I will suppress it to the sixth level of strength..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Lian's position shook violently again, as if an invisible figure was attacking.

But what puzzled Zi Lian was that no matter how he sensed it, he couldn't detect the slightest fluctuation.

"No breath, no spiritual power..."

As he became more and more suspicious, Zi Lian began to move around based on instinct.

At this time, if you look carefully, you can surprisingly find that Zi Lian's body gradually becomes transparent until it completely disappears.

Invisibility, Zi Lian's signature method, can quietly hide his own aura and figure, making it difficult for even a sixth-level expert to detect him.

With this method, Zi Lian can even instantly kill someone of the same level.

But now, Zi Lian, a top assassin, while having difficulty detecting the enemy, is also the first to hide himself...Avoid attacks.

It's just a pity...In Yu Ziyu's eyes, this kind of body is just a small thing.

After enduring the baptism of the laws of time and space, Yu Ziyu's perception of time and space has reached an incredible level.

He can see even the slightest movement in space.

In this way, even if a wisp of breeze passes through the space, Yu Ziyu can detect it.

In this way, one can imagine how pale Ziyan's invisibility looks in Yu Ziyu's eyes?

And Yu Ziyu's perception, feedback on the body of the void elf hidden in the gap in time and space, formed a...

"Boom, boom, boom...

Continuous roars suddenly exploded in the main hall.

Looking up, the entire hall was still empty.

But what is unbelievable is that frequent fluctuations in the fights continue to be reported.

Circle after circle of ripples kept rippling, and the invisible Zixiang had his hands wrapped around him, and was forced to constantly defend himself. His expression changed again and again....

"Even if I am invisible, you can detect it..."

"What exactly is this method?...Some invisibility like mine is just scarier than my invisibility. At least my invisibility will reveal itself while launching an attack...."

"But this guy is difficult to detect even when he attacks...."

His heart was murmuring one after another, but Zi Lian's eyes were getting sharper. until next moment....


In the sudden roar, Ziyan's right claw suddenly drew out, bringing out a purple sickle flower....

And it’s just such a purple kamika...It actually hit the fist blasted by the Void Elf impartially....


Just hearing a loud noise, a terrifying shock wave swept through the hall.

And this is because Yu Ziyu calmed down the surrounding space. Otherwise, this shock wave alone would be enough to destroy everything around him.

"He was actually able to rely on instinct to detect the body of the void elf hidden in the gap between time and space...."

With an exclamation, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flashing...

It seems that his shadow of time and space still needs to be perfected!! _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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