"Time and space are both dimensions..."

With a murmur, the space and time where Yu Ziyu was located shook slightly.

The unspeakable mystery spread at this time.

Together with it, wisps of space-time power are intersecting.

At this time, if you pay attention to Yu Ziyu's eyes, you will definitely find that the clock and rhombus crystal deep in his eyes have begun to rotate.

However, this is only the beginning...

As Yu Ziyu deduced more and more, a blurry shadow actually appeared behind him.

And that phantom was still a humanoid phantom. look carefully...Unexpectedly, Yu Ziyu has merged into the third body of his main body - the body of the void elf.

The slender ears trembled slightly.

A handsome yet elegant face with sharp angles...

"Void Elf Body..."

Whispering softly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

Just because, at this time, he had already thought of a very good method.

If it is what he thinks, then he will create an extremely terrifying ability

What is worth mentioning here is that at Yu Ziyu's level, most methods will be abandoned.

Only a few tyrannical and strange methods will be left.

As for the reason, it is also simple.

Just because a master like Yu Ziyu could destroy a planet with just one slap.

Why bother and use some thankless moves?

In contrast, auxiliary abilities such as life essence and large and small Ruyi magical powers are quite good....

There are also some Yu Ziyu’s fog beasts and the ability to summon a legion like the resurrection of the dead, which are also worth developing....

As for other abilities, like blizzard...And abilities like the River of Earth can only be said to be a pity to abandon and useless to use.

So... at this time, an ability that can bring out Yu Ziyu's strength is particularly valuable. especially now...Yu Yu has just shouldered the supreme law of time and space...It is the lack of ability to use time and space......

"in this way...This acting ability must carry the 'time and space' together."

A flash of understanding arose in his heart, and the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly....

Only by carrying 'time and space' can the growth of this ability be greatly increased and have real development value....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's mind sank into that mysterious and mysterious feeling again, and he chose to deduce it again....

Time passes slowly, and I don’t know how long it has been....until a certain moment...A murmur suddenly sounded in the air

"shadow of time and space..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a shock around Yu Ziyu.

Along with it, the outline of a human figure appeared.

And if you look carefully at the human silhouette, you will be surprised to find that this silhouette is 70% to 80% similar to Yu Ziyu's third void elf body.

No, this is Yu Ziyu's void elf body.

However, now he is as invisible, with ripples and outlines blurring until he disappears completely.

However, at this moment


Yu Ziyu's branches suddenly turned into long whips and whipped in one direction.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, visible to the naked eye, Yu Ziyu's branch paused in mid-air as if it was blocked by something. then,


There was another loud noise, and all the branches of Yu Ziyu suddenly stretched straight....As if being held tightly by something...

There is obviously nothing...

But in a daze, it seemed like there was a figure fighting Yu Ziyu...

And this is an ability that Yu Ziyu has just figured out - the shadow of time and space.

Place the body of the Void Elf in another time and space, invisible and inaudible, but able to fight with others....

At this time, if you look for Yu Ziyu, you will definitely be able to see Yu Ziyu's void elf body, quietly holding the branch that Yu Ziyu pulled out with one hand....

However, because he is in another time and space.

Neither time nor space is a dimension.

Therefore, no one can discover it.

Looking from a distance, Yu Ziyu's branches look like they are fighting with the air.

But the problem is...


With a loud noise, Yu Ziyu's body of the void elf had already taken action. He clenched his right fist and blasted out violently, causing a whole space to collapse...

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking his mouth, Yu Ziyu was also a little surprised by this ability.

But, this is a prototype.

The specific improvements will depend on the future....

Moreover, in Yu Ziyu's imagination, the ability of Shadow of Time and Space should be even weirder.

For example, not only the 'Void Elf Body' disappeared in another time and space, but also the Azure Dragon and Purple Dragon disappeared in another time and space....

Then, with the help of the great supernatural power to transform the three pure beings into one qi, their three bodies all launched attacks in a dimension that the enemy could not see... thus demonstrating Yu Ziyu's ultimate combat power of transforming one into four.

Moreover, compared to other people's great magical power that can transform three pure beings with one breath, Yu Ziyu's great supernatural power can transform three pure states with one breath, which is even more weird and terrifying.

Just because, his three bodies all escaped into another time and space, and shot violently in the gap between time and space.

Inaudible and invisible.

But the real power is hard to ignore.

With one punch, the space collapsed...

A whip leg, like thunder falling from the sky...

And if such an attack were to land on the enemy silently, he would probably die in confusion....

"The really scary thing about my ability is that the enemy will only notice it when I take action and the attack falls on the enemy...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu felt more and more terrifying about his ability.

If these abilities are developed in depth,...I'm afraid it will become a real killer...

It's just a pity that...This ability consumes a lot of time and space power.

Only then could he maintain his body as a void elf. After a few minutes in the space and time, Yu Ziyu felt a little strenuous....

However, the time and space that Yu Ziyu created now is different from ordinary time and space.

To be more precise, it is a space-time gap.

Only in the gap between time and space, the action of the body of the Void Elf will not be sensed or even noticed by others for the first time....And then maintain the horror of 'Shadow of Time and Space'.

As for the space-time gap...It is an extremely secret and mysterious dimension of time and space....

And this is also Yu Ziyu’s biggest gain during the deduction.... ps:-----------Ask for customization----------

Shadow of Time and Space, prompt...Wheel Tomb·Border Prison..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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