Original Sin of the Void...Will be the supreme leader of the Kong clan...

One after another, the Void Emperors chosen by Yu Ziyu will incarnate into Original Sin and then follow Yu Ziyu...

Now Yu Ziyu has made plans to start a war with all races as the most ancient emperor of the void....

Although, the current Void Clan cannot defeat the Starry Sky Clan.

But, it doesn't matter.

With Yu Ziyu as a 'big boss'’...It should not be difficult to maintain the balance between the Void Clan and the Ten Thousand Clan....

Moreover, in this way, Yu Ziyu can legitimately take a peek at the 'inheritance of all races'.

Whichever ethnic group you like, just take action directly.

In this way, there are a lot less worries.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also looked at his shoulder, which looked like a frozen colorful spiritual flower. He raised his right hand slightly and touched the petals. Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"hold on...I will soon find the treasure for you and make up for your loss of vitality...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu raised her eyes and looked into the void again.... further away...

There are still two guys lingering in the void.

However, Yu Ziyu's explosive momentum seemed to have alarmed them, so that one after another they showed signs of running away.

After all, it is the breath of the seventh level...Weapons like the Troll King and the Void Emperor were still invisible, but this Buddhist saint who came with the imperial weapons realized something immediately....

"Run, run quickly, this is a seventh-level void creature..."

With a touch of disbelief, the voice of the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple's weapon spirit suddenly sounded in the heart of the Buddhist saint.


There was a sound of shock, and the face of this Buddhist saint also changed drastically.

Then, as the spiritual power surged, the originally simple Great Leiyin Temple suddenly erupted with Buddhist light. There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and there were even 'swastika'-like sounds. The golden mark rises.

This is the unique mark of Buddhism.

And its rise also means that the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple has begun its real recovery.

It's just that...at this time

"where do you want to go?"

The faint voice suddenly echoed in the void space.

In an instant, the entire void was solidified....

Yes, solidified...

As a circle of ripples spreads, visible to the naked eye, everything is solidified, as if frozen.

Only at the end of the void, a graceful figure came leisurely.

It was an indescribable figure.

A purple coat shrouded it.

A head of silver-gray long hair, pouring down...

Every step, ripples ripple...But it's like time has been stranded, everything is frozen.

Still, it's not terrible.

What is really scary is that just as this figure approaches, Tongtian Purple Dragon, who has been fighting fiercely with the Buddhist Saint Son not far away for more than ten days, seems to have noticed something, and actually slowly raised his head....


One kick landed and hit the head of Tongtian Purple Dragon.

At the same time, a breath that belongs to the void suddenly rises


The momentum seemed to materialize, turning into the most terrifying void storm....

When countless void powers surged, it was like an inverted purple tornado, falling from the sky and landing on the head of Yu Ziyu's human figure.


Every word, this Buddhist holy son with delicate features also had serious eyes.

But then, as if he thought of something, he also sighed, and then his eyes slowly returned to calmness.

That's it....There is no point in being frightened.

It is better to calm down and face this unprecedented enemy. only...

How can this be?

Even their starry sky no longer has true dominance.

But the first seventh-level creature appeared in the void.

This is too incredible.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that...This void seems to be frozen...He was the only one standing opposite this figure

"This is...time..."

Amid some unbelievable sounds, the Imperial Soldier Daleiyin Temple fell silent at this moment.

Time is the most terrifying superior law. and space, and is called the king.

And now, a void master actually masters such laws and sets foot on the throne?

No wonder...It is possible that the purple dragons who carry the Supreme Law will be reduced to mounts....


Breathing out a deep breath, the weapon spirit of the Imperial Army's Great Thunder Sound Temple also took the initiative to transmit the message:

"Run, remember, run at all costs...Then convey the news that someone in the Void Clan has mastered the law of time and set foot on the throne...."

"I know."

He responded in his heart, but the Buddhist saint's face remained as usual.

However, at the next moment,


The terrifying aura shot straight into the sky.

There were bursts of Sanskrit sounds, and the golden Buddha light filled the void. The Da Leiyin Temple, a simple temple, actually swelled in the wind and turned into the most magnificent palace.

At the same time, this Buddhist saint also sat cross-legged, sitting quietly on the top of the ancient temple

"I am Buddha Tathagata..."

Whispering softly, an illusory figure appeared behind the Buddhist saint.

This is the Tathagata Ancient Buddha, the oldest ancient Buddha in Buddhism, possessing unpredictable power.

But now, what the Buddhist Holy Son is pulling is his projection and even power....

But, even so, so what?

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's figure slowly disappeared....

Yes, disappear...

Disappeared without a trace


With a loud shout, a golden light bloomed between the eyebrows of this Buddhist saint.

Heavenly Eyes, one of the six magical powers of Buddhism, can see all objects, far, near, gross and subtle, and no object can hinder it.

Once you have reached great success in cultivation, you will be able to see through the past, present and future of the world in all directions.

Of course, for this...Few people know whether it is true or false.

At least, Yu Ziyu didn't believe that Buddhist clairvoyance had such abilities.

However, this does not affect.

Now, he opened his heavenly eyes and scanned the void. This Buddhist saint was only looking for Yu Ziyu's figure.

It's just a pity that no matter how he searched, he found nothing.

"Where has this guy gone?"

Suspicious in his heart, the face of the Buddhist saint also changed slightly.

But at this time, what the Buddhist saint did not notice was that there was a figure crossing another time and space, walking slowly towards him... walking in another time and space , like walking on the edge of time and space...Hard to spot.

Even the emperor's soldiers, the Great Thunder Sound Temple, could hardly detect it.

This is not a difference in power, but that time and space are too weird.

It’s hard for anyone to imagine...There is someone who can carry the supreme law of time and space and set foot on it to dominate. so...Among ordinary people, Yu Ziyu is so mysterious and unpredictable...

Until the time of death, I still don’t know why? like now...

Arriving in front of this Buddhist saint, Yu Ziyu’s fingertips were already pointing towards the forehead of the Buddhist saint...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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