
With a soft drink, Yu Ziyu also dispersed the time and space barrier where he was....

And as the time and space barrier dissipated, what struck Yu Ziyu's eyes was the boundless void....

As far as the eye can see, there is no end.

Only the purple power of the void floats like clouds.

However, at this moment, the perception spread, and Yu Ziyu also noticed that there were several astonishing qi surging in the distance.

And these few qi machines...Tzuyu is no stranger to it.

It was the powerful men from all races who came to Void before breaking through the tribulation.

It's just a pity that the void is too mysterious and there are many strong people...So much so that before they even got close to Yu Ziyu, they were already blocked....

And now...

Fighting for more than ten days...Instead, he was caught in a dilemma.

Looking up, one strong man after another fell into the long army of void.

Endless void monsters surrounded them layer by layer.

If it were not for the strength of these powerful men from all races who entered the void alone, only the Emperor of the Void could fight with them, I am afraid they would have been torn apart by thousands of void monsters....

However, even so, it is not easy for them.

The monsters from the depths of the void are really terrifying.

Unless the imperial soldiers are sacrificed, it will be difficult for them to do anything based on their strength alone.

And the imperial soldiers...Can we just say sacrifice?

Of course it's not difficult. Even Yu Ziyu, the person who can overcome the calamity, has not been found yet. If the emperor's soldiers are sacrificed... wouldn't he even lose the last backup?...

"Ha ha..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also noticed the dilemma of these powerful men.

However, it is worth mentioning that ten days of continuous fighting is not long for these sixth-level experts.

After all, the strength of a sixth-level warrior is so long that even fighting for hundreds of days is not a long time.

Like in the legend, there was a fierce battle between a pair of extremely powerful men, fighting from day to night, and from night to day....The war lasted for hundreds of years, and the aftermath alone destroyed dozens of small worlds.

It can be imagined from this...We fought for ten days, how common is it?...

And this is also true.

Sixth-level, seventh-level, and even eighth-level Eternal Lord in the future...

Unless you are absolutely crushed in terms of strength, it is really not easy to kill. Long battles are common.......

"This sixth level strong man from the troll tribe is quite good...."

Pursing her lips and smiling softly, Yu Ziyu also noticed in the far corner a strong man holding a mace, with a green face and fangs, and even his skin was dark.

This is the troll family...Yu Ziyu met him once when he was attacking Tongtian Jianmu.

However, this clan has no imperial soldiers.

The reason why this troll king is so terrifying.

It's just because the troll family has a strong bloodline and also has the family's secret method.

This was the reason for him to come to the depths of the void.

It is worth mentioning that the mace he holds in his hand is a good artifact.

In the dim light flickering, a shock spread down, and even the void trembled.


There was a roar, and the Void Emperor who had been fighting with him for several days not far away retreated violently.

Compared to power, this one is really scary...

It's just a pity...

Since we came to prevent him from overcoming the catastrophe, then it would be wise to die....

Thinking like this, Yu Ziyu also slowly raised his hand, with a hint of charm flowing deep in his eyes.

And the very next moment,


Time seems to be frozen, and everything ends at this moment.

Only one of Yu Ziyu's right hands seemed to reach across the infinite space, grabbing at this troll king.

Space is infinite extension.

But now, just by constantly folding space, Yu Ziyu's hands can explore the endless distance.

And time...It's the moment of closure...I guess this troll king didn't even have a chance to react.......

So...at the next moment, in the astonished eyes of countless void creatures


There was a roar, and the void shook violently.

Vaguely, a great power rose up

"What's wrong?"

"This is?"

As they screamed, the expressions of countless void creatures and even the Troll King changed drastically.

Just because, at this moment, heavy pressure surged into their hearts, making them breathless.

But they didn't wait for anything.


There was another roar, and the purple void power like ocean waves rolled up from the depths of the void.

Looking up, he saw a jade-like right hand reaching out from among the ten thousand-foot-high purple waves.

Like a jade hand, it is ingenious.

However, just such a hand grabbed straight towards the Troll King

"This is?"

While exclaiming, the Troll King felt his body stiffen suddenly.

The unimaginable power froze him instantly.

At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into an ant, and he didn't even have a chance to react. He could only watch helplessly. This hand comes


There was a crisp sound, and under the horrified gazes of countless void creatures, this troll king was simply caught....

It’s not that there’s no reaction, it’s that there’s no opportunity to react.

It’s not that there is no struggle, it’s that there is no courage to struggle.

Only when this hand grasped the palm of his hand did the Troll King feel the real terror.

The blood is frozen and the body is solidified.

Even the spiritual power has stopped functioning....

"It's like time has stopped..."

With the remnants of consciousness, the Troll King felt an indescribable despair....

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu did not pay attention to such 'ants'.

Turning his hand, he was sealed in a piece of time and space. Yu Ziyu was already looking at a figure not far away....

Disappearing in the void, his body shape is ever-changing, but he appears with various weapons.

This is the Void Emperor carrying a 'weapon' on his back...The ranking is not high, but the strength is good...He was actually able to fight against the troll king holding an artifact so far.

And now...as a prize...Yu Ziyu spoke slowly:

"Little guy, are you interested in following me?..."

A sudden murmur sounded in the heart of this Void Emperor.

Don't wait for what he says


Accompanied by a loud noise, an earth-shattering breath burst out.

What really shocked this Void Emperor was that this breath was actually mixed with the supreme Void Air breath.

"This is the strong man of our Void Clan..."

His heart was horrified, and the Void Emperor's"weapon" also changed color.

At this time, this inexplicable sound echoed in the void again.

"Come on little one...Follow me and become the original sin of the void, above all other emperors of the void..."

"Let us carry the highest void...Hunting all races..."

One sound after another, full of bewitching flavor, made this Void Emperor Weapon's face change again and again....

And not long after, there was no hesitation, and no hesitation. The Void Emperor 'Weapon' lowered his noble head and responded:

"Meet your lord..."

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