The winding storm at the end of its wings surged violently...It actually climbed up little by little from the end of the wings until the entire wings were covered.

At the same time, countless roars came from the main body of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

That's the roar of the wind.

It is the most terrifying roar of the storm.

And now, with the awakening of Wings, the long-sleeping second form of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings has finally awakened - the Wings of Storm.

The absolute incarnation of the storm...It is the wind itself, and can also turn the soldier into the wind.

Just like now, Yu Ziyu's body was transformed into a violent wind bit by bit under the power of the imperial weapon's sacred sixteen wings....

Yes, strong wind....

A willow leaf is like a strong wind.

Countless willow leaves turned into thousands of storms


Like a roar, a stormy figure carrying sixteen wings stood between heaven and earth.

There is no body, only the posture of the storm.

At this time, Yu Ziyu had completely transformed into the wind...Has all the abilities of the wind.

With a slight wave, he turned into a storm branch and threw it out, tearing a gap in the world.

This is the cutting of the wind..., omnipotent, able to cut through all things


With a sudden change of consciousness, Yu Ziyu's figure had disappeared.

When I saw it again, it was actually countless strong winds that merged together to create a blurry outline.

That's the gathering of wind...Gathering can be divided.

When gathered together, they become a storm that destroys everything; when divided, they become thousands of sharp knives that strangle everything.......

Carrying the 'Second Form of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings', Yu Ziyu is the wind...Can easily roar between heaven and earth...

And now...

Giving up, concentrating, looking at the sea of ​​laws that is getting closer and closer to the sky, but it is becoming more and more difficult. Yu Ziyu also slowly raised his arms’...

It was an arm transformed from a storm, like a tornado, but it was hundreds of thousands of meters long.


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu stared at his two arms, with a serious look on his face.

Then, don’t wait for others to wonder.

He was slowly clasping his hands together.

Yes, namaste.

Like two palms touching slowly.

But what is unbelievable is that when these two palms slowly approached, the space was distorted.

There was even a bright light gushing out.

And all this is because Yu Ziyu regarded his two palms as the sea of ​​laws hanging above his head.

The approach of the palm also means the approach of the Sea of ​​Laws

"give me fusion..."

With a loud shout, Yu Ziyu exerted force and clasped his two palms together.


Amid the increasingly terrifying roar, the entire sky fell silent.

At this moment, the sky was quiet.

The wind stopped.

All that was left was that Yu Ziyu's two palms kept getting closer.

At this time, if someone can see the sea of ​​laws, they will definitely be able to see the two seas of laws hanging above Yu Ziyu's head, both of which are approaching....

"it works..."

There was a sudden murmur, but Yu Ziyu felt happy.

However, this is not the time to relax...

Just because now is the key...


Spiritual power continued to pour out, and the imperial soldier's sacred sixteen wings continued to spread behind Yu Ziyu, as if blessing Yu Ziyu with endless power.

And just like that, Yu Ziyu was pushing his palm closer little by little.......

It's just that at a certain moment, it seems to have reached a critical point


A crisp sound suddenly resounded between heaven and earth.

Looking up, the space between Yu Ziyu's palms was completely shattered, turning into chaos, revealing nothingness.

Moreover, what is even more unbelievable is that the two forces actually gathered in Yu Ziyu's palm.

One thing is naturally time.

The other is space.

They have no form, no gesture.

But Yu Ziyu could easily feel it...His left palm was filled with the power of time.

And in his right palm, the power of space spreads. now...It's really just as imagined...

The left hand carries time and the right hand carries space.

The proximity of the left and right hands represents the fusion of time and space.....

Power was gathering, and an increasingly terrifying repulsion gathered in Yu Ziyu's palm.

Visible to the naked eye, visions like lightning appeared at the intersection of Yu Ziyu's palms....

That's exclusion.

Visible rejection...

Time and space cannot coexist.

Just because their coexistence will create the most terrifying power in the world - the power of time and space...

The power of time and space, interweaving time and space, is an eternal and powerful force.

Extraordinary life can touch!!

Even if Yu Ziyu, the genius of the era, wants to touch it, it is extremely difficult.

However, it is difficult to return...

But Yu Ziyu is bound to win.

Just because...He is ambitious...To take the heaven-defying road that no Eternal Venerable has ever walked.’

"The body turns seven times, and then carries the supreme law..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's heart became more determined.

Together with the surge of his spiritual power, it became more and more intense.


During the roar, the storm giant standing between heaven and earth clasped his hands together again.

More and more terrifying visions are spreading between heaven and earth...

Thunder and lightning...

The sky collapses, the earth breaks apart...

The world is focused at this moment...

And the direction they were looking at was the palm of the storm giant transformed by Yu Ziyu.

Over there...There is already a mass, which looks like chaos but is extremely bright light, gathering...

"this little guy...The road is somewhat good..."

The soft praise echoed in the depths of chaos.

Chaos Clock, this eternal and ancient existence, has vaguely discovered something....

Although, it seems extremely difficult, even impossible, for this little guy to merge time and space.

But, who gave him such luck?

The curve of the corner of his mouth raised a little, and this eternal existence also looked at the beautiful figure not far away from Yu Ziyu.

Dressed in colorful...Like flowers in the clouds...

Instant flower...A mysterious and famous divine flower.

And this kind of divine flower is the darling of 'time', an existence favored by 'time'..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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