Flame Small World...

Standing quietly in the largest crater, a petite, somewhat funny-looking duck slowly stood up.


A scream resounded throughout the world.

In an instant, the entire small world of flames was shaken.

Just because at this moment, the dry and cracked earth of the small world of flames was actually surging.

And the very next moment,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With roars one after another, countless volcanoes erupted violently, spewing out pillars of lava and fire 10,000 meters high.

Thousands of magma and fire pillars rose into the sky. like fireworks...

With unparalleled impact, it actually dispersed the storm that swept everything from heaven to earth.

And this is the Red Lotus Hell...

The Red Lotus Platypus, the eternal giant of the sixth level of extraordinary, is the most proud move.

Stomping on the ground, the sky collapsed, the volcano erupted, and magma poured in......

At the same time, in the small world of light, the emperor butterfly carrying light, who is known as the incarnation of light, also flapped her wings.


In the roar, the dream turned into reality, and the bright light shrouded the small world of light.

Even the storm that surged from the sky and swept everything has subsided....

Emperor Die, the commander of the Light Legion, was also the one who ate Yu Ziyu's Light Fruit.

Is the embodiment of light...It is the bearer of dreams.

Just because her talent is to turn dreams into reality, and reality into illusions. When reality and illusions are intertwined, she is the only one who can stand alone....

It really is like a dream......

One after another, strong men took action, calming down the storm coming from the depths of the tree world.

As for, the deepest part of the tree world...Not bad.

After all, with the support of the Nine Great Second Generation Jianmu, who can suppress the world...

No matter how your storm roars, I will remain motionless.

Although the tree world is now in a mess, as miserable as the end of the world... but many of the tree people family are safe.

However, this is not the time to care about these things... above the sky...The two vast oceans are getting closer, and the increasingly terrifying storm is still rolling back.

It was as if the two continents were about to collide.

Before they collided, the terrible impact had already set off an endless storm.

And just as these two seas of law are getting closer,

"Click, click...

One after another lightning flashed out of the ground.

Each lightning bolt is up to ten thousand meters thick, covering the sky and the earth.

This is not an ordinary lightning, but a collision and intertwined electric light.

The thicker the lightning, the more terrifying it is, and the more it proves how difficult and difficult this fusion is.

The unimaginable rejection made Yu Ziyu's expression change again and again.

Even Yu Ziyu himself didn’t think of it...Integration will be so difficult

"It's harder than I thought..."

With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power surged, constantly promoting the fusion of the sea of ​​laws.

At the same time, his divine eyes kept flickering.

Faintly, there are mysterious and mysterious fluctuations spreading


The power of the Eye of Time keeps pouring out, stranding time.

And the other side.

The power of Eye of the Sky also continued to spread, causing endless ripples.

Time and space, driven by Yu Ziyu's terrifying strength, were forcibly merged?

And this is the path Yu Ziyu is taking now - forced integration.

Ten years of enlightenment...Finally he understood that fusion can only be achieved through force...

After all, time and space are the most powerful superior laws....This is like the most peerless existence in their respective fields. It is unrealistic for them to merge willingly. so...Yu Ziyu only took another path and forced integration.....

Although forced integration is difficult.

But it is indeed a path that can be taken.

And all this is just because...have...

"Wing, sorry to trouble you..."

With a murmur, behind Yu Ziyu's body, a golden wing covering the sky and the sun slowly unfolded.


Along with an earth-shattering roar, eighteen golden wings pierced the sky.

The bright holy light illuminates the tree world.

And this is the Imperial Armament’s Sacred Sixteen Wings.

However, at this time, behind Yu Ziyu, the imperial soldiers' sacred sixteen wings also violently spread out.


The wings rolled back and set off a terrible storm, but it gave Yu Ziyu unimaginable power.

This is the first time that the Imperial Soldier's sacred sixteen wings have been deployed on Yu Ziyu's body.

Before that, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings were only willing to revive in Yu Ziyu's other form, the Seraph form.

But now, the long-term relationship and mutual understanding have finally made the Imperial Soldiers’ Sacred Sixteen Wings recognize Yu Ziyu’s own existence.

"That's all I can do..."

With a sigh in his heart, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings chose to immerse themselves in their true body and began a full recovery.

Wing is the weapon spirit of the imperial weapon's sacred sixteen wings.

And when his mind was completely immersed in his true form, he lost the ability to control the imperial weapons.

Now it is just a weapon, a weapon that needs to be controlled by people.

And the person who controls this is Yu Ziyu.

As for what he, the immersed body of the weapon spirit, does?

Naturally, it is to release the deepest power of the imperial weapon's sacred wings.

That originates from the force of the storm.

That speed is known as 'transcending time'...

And that...One form after another requires the weapon spirit to be completely immersed in the original body in order to be unsealed.

To put it simply, if a true imperial weapon is to fully unleash its power, both the weapon spirit and the weapon master are indispensable.

The military leader is the master and controls the imperial soldiers.

And the weapon spirit is the supplement to unlock the deep-seated power of the imperial weapon.......


A sudden roar sounded in the sky.

Light and shadow are intertwined in the sky, and the bright holy light is even more confusing....

Vaguely, one can hear countless angels singing and even praying, echoing in the nine realms.

At this time, looking deep into the tree world, one could suddenly see that in the sky, eighteen golden wings cut through the sky and divided the earth.

There is a storm wrapped around the ends of the wings.

Countless divine words poured out from the wings, turning into ribbons of light, wrapping around the entire wings.

At a glance, the entire wings are so sacred and extraordinary.

"Second form - Storm Wings...Unblock..."

A sudden murmur sounded in Yu Ziyu's heart, but he saw that the entire sacred sixteen wings were changed by it. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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