
In response, the old star nodded.

He is the most mysterious star king in heaven. He is good at making recommendations and observing the stars.

Of course, there is also some research on luck.

Therefore, for such matters, it is most reliable to ask him.

And now...

"Black Emperor, please allow me to go back to the Star Picking Tower to deduce."

With that said, the Star Lord also raised his steps and walked towards a pavilion not far away that reached into the sky.

And not long after that,


Along with a roar, countless stars gathered, covering the entire sky with a veil of starlight.

Then, as countless powerful men in heaven held their breath and concentrated, the starlight in the sky was constantly changing.

Faintly, a blurry picture emerged.

However, before this picture is completely clear,


A sudden playful sound echoed in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the expressions of many powerful men in heaven changed drastically.

Just because, at this moment, the starlight in the sky was suddenly distorted, and a tree was pulled out.

Yes, the tree where the stars converge.

Thousands of wicker branches are swinging like divine chains.

Under the stars and the moon, it was still hazy.

It seems that it is not visible to the world.

However, just such a tree has made countless powerful people lose their voices.

"Quick, quick, stop"

"not good...This is a demon..."

There were exclamations one after another, and even the Red Emperor and the Black Emperor couldn't sit still, and they all took action to prevent this projection from coming.

If the Demon Emperor's projection is really allowed to descend, then the location of the Heavenly Court will be discovered.

However, what they don't know is that everything is too late......

The deepest part of the Nine Realms...Feeling the secret peek, Yu Ziyu's eyes also smiled.

"Heaven, you finally took action."

As if he had expected it, there was a look of amusement on Yu Ziyu's face.

Stealing luck is not a trivial matter.

With Tianting's temperament, he will definitely investigate.

And this is Yu Ziyu's opportunity.

Following Follow the qi in the dark and cast your thoughts...

Then...The corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also said quietly:

"finally...turn up...You guys..."

The voice is faint...Even more so, it seems to contain great power from heaven.

And just such a voice slowly sounded in the sky above the heaven, and even spread to the endless distance.

It was cold, my limbs were all cold.

What makes people even more heartbroken is the words"Youyou"’——Finally, I found you...

It seemed that it had been expected for a long time, but it made the entire heaven silent.

And all this is just because this is the Demon Emperor.

Recognized as 'the first person under the stars'.

The hundred years of peace made them all forget about this terrifying existence.

However, now, looking at the shadows of trees meeting the endless starry sky, the powerful people in heaven suddenly realized that it was not they who had forgotten.

But they dare not admit it...the existence of this person

"This guy has already come to this point...."

In the midst of the horrified voice, Hei Di was stunned as he looked at the gradually dispersing tree shadows in the sky.

Just looking for a wisp of energy, he actually cast his thoughts across countless star fields and lowered his projections.

Such a method is almost like a ghost.

Not to mention that ordinary sixth-level people can't do it, even some seventh-level experts can't do it.

And now, this Demon King has not only done it...The voice was even heard.

With a sudden thought, the Black Emperor saw that the faces of countless powerful men in heaven were pale.

Obviously, even after a hundred years, the Demon King's remaining power is still there.....

But at this moment, Demon Court...The most ancient and terrifying force in the Western Star Territory


With a roar, a ray of starlight actually crossed the starry sky and shot straight towards the heaven of Demon Court.

And at the next moment, an extremely cold voice reverberated throughout the entire heaven.

"The Demon Emperor’s decree has been found in Heaven..."

As soon as he finished speaking, countless powerful men in the Demon Court were startled.

But for a moment, as if he realized something, the entire Demon Court was in an uproar.

"What, the Demon King’s decree? Has the Demon King appeared again?"

"It’s been a hundred years, it’s been a hundred years, and the Demon King finally found out.."

"Moreover, this time the decree actually found the location of heaven....Hahaha, is this going to start another war?"

"I can't wait..."

The crowd was excited, and countless strong men were excited about it.

Even the figures sitting high up in the side hall of the Demon Palace were slightly startled, and the corners of their mouths were slightly raised.

"Master, you finally have news..."

With a murmur, the handsome and picturesque man with blood-haired hair, who seemed to have walked out of a scroll, slowly stood up.

His face was frosty, but he rarely showed a hint of joy.

I just don’t know if it’s been too long since he hasn’t smiled, and his expression is obviously a little stiff.

However, it’s not his fault.

In the past hundred years, nothing has suffered more than Yu Ziyu's second disciple, Bo Xun.

One person is in charge of the Demon Court and fights for years.

His mental strength has long been exhausted.

If it weren't for his senior sister Sarah, who broke through the barrier in time, he wouldn't have been able to hold on....

However, thankfully, he held on, and even held up the entire Demon Court.

Today's Demon Court is still the number one force in the Western Star Region.

Moreover, three sixth-level experts appeared one after another....

It can be said that the Demon Court is still as prosperous as ever.

And now...Master's message gave him a shot in the arm, allowing him to truly understand...His wait was worth it.

And all this is because the master not only sent him a decree, but also a word to him

"Thank you for your hard work, Bo Xun..."

A murmur seemed to comfort and encourage, but it caused Bo Xun's state of mind that had been calm for many years to fluctuate, and even his way of six desires was affected....

"Now that the location of heaven has been found,...Then let's start a war.."

There is no hesitation, and there is no need to hesitate.

Heavenly Court and Demon Court have irresolvable grievances.

Moreover, only the top leaders of Demon Court understand that Heavenly Court and Demon Court not only have grudges, but also have a dispute over orthodoxy. so...Declaration of war is a must.

As long as the Heavenly Court exists for one day, the Demon Court's name will not be correct, its words will not be correct... and it will be difficult to inherit the fate of the ancient Heavenly Court....

In this way, it is conceivable that the Demon Court has been trying so hard to find the Heavenly Court for hundreds of years. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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